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QA Modern Event Platform editing schema migrations
Closed, DeclinedPublic


This task is about verifying the schemaw the Editing-team depends on to maintain and improve Mediawiki's editing interface are logging events as expected after being migrated to the Modern Event Platform.

This migration work will happen in T259163 and T267353.


The Editing-team depends on two schemas, EditAttemptStep [i] and VisualEditorFeatureUse [ii] that are being migrated to the new Modern Event Platform. [iii]

This task involves the work with ensuring these schemas are logging events in expected ways after these migrations are complete.


TBD. Depends on when T259163 and T267353 are complete.


  • List all schemas meet these two conditions: A) the Editing Team depends on this schema and B) this schema is being migrated to the Modern Event Platform.
  • Conduct data QA of all schemas that meet these two conditions: A) the Editing Team depends on this schema and B) this schema is being migrated to the Modern Event Platform.
  • Document whether these schemas are logging events as expected. If they are not logging events as expected, document the unexpected behavior observed during data QA.


Event Timeline

@MNeisler I assume you would take this on; we moved this to needs investigation until there's a priority set. (Medium?)

MNeisler triaged this task as Medium priority.Jan 13 2021, 2:25 PM
MNeisler moved this task from Needs Investigation to Current Quarter on the Product-Analytics board.

@kzimmerman Yes that's correct. I think medium priority given the expected timeline for the schema migrations. I've updated the priority and moved to the current quarter.

@MNeisler and @ppelberg : I have created a checklist with step by step details of the QA that needs to be done for schemas that are being migrated to EP : Schema Migration QA
Please refer to it for this task. Thanks in advance! :)

Just saw this task. FYI these schemas were migrated on March 8 2021.

Based on discussions at the Product Analytics team's backlog grooming meeting today, I'm recommending we decline this task for now. These schemas were migrated back in March 2021 and have been queried and monitored since then without any noticeable bugs or issues identified. I will continue to QA the schemas as part of future analysis work but don't believe this needs to be a standalone task.

In addition, will continue discussions with the metrics platform team on the QA process to be used for all schemas migrated to the Modern Event Platform.

@ppelberg: Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions and we can reopen if needed.