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Wikidata search UI: Items sometimes repeat in the Search and Item dropdowns
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Apr 8 2021, 10:07 AM
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Nov 5 2023, 8:41 PM
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Aug 17 2022, 6:02 PM
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Jul 14 2022, 5:17 PM
F34290301: image.png
Apr 8 2021, 12:04 PM
F34290320: image.png
Apr 8 2021, 12:04 PM
F34288738: image.png
Apr 8 2021, 10:07 AM
F34288726: image.png
Apr 8 2021, 10:07 AM
"Doubloon" token, awarded by valerio.bozzolan.


The listing of items sometimes repeats in the dropdowns.

I haven't been able to reliably reproduce or understand when/why it is happening. The issue comes and goes but seems to happen at times when the UI feels "sluggish" or slow.

EDIT: Judging from my own screenshots it looks like the repeating starts after 7 items ?

Might look like this in search:

image.png (567×413 px, 157 KB)

Might look like this in the Item selector:

image.png (558×412 px, 201 KB)

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@Gehel @dcausse Could you have a look at this and see if you can reproduce? Thanks!

Moebeus updated the task description. (Show Details)

@Moebeus thanks for the report, do you know if the duplicates appear after clicking more to display the remaining results or directly?
If they appear directly could you check by scrolling down if all the first 7 results are duplicated?
By default only 7 items are searched and shown, more can be displayed only if you hit the more button.

@Moebeus thanks for the report, do you know if the duplicates appear after clicking more to display the remaining results or directly?
If they appear directly could you check by scrolling down if all the first 7 results are duplicated?
By default only 7 items are searched and shown, more can be displayed only if you hit the more button.

Ah, the plot thickens :) No, this did not happen after clicking "more". BUT! In trying to reproduce just now I noticed something strange. For a split second 7 items render followed by "more" (as one would expect), before 7 duplicates are then inserted, pushing the "more" down accordingly:

image.png (595×803 px, 45 KB)
image.png (571×775 px, 45 KB)

Another weird behavior is that you can expand the 7 results without asking for more:

Steps to reproduce:

  • copy "te" into your paste buffer
  • enter the search widget
  • paste and wait for the 7 results to be suggested
  • delete the search box (e.g. hitting Ctrl-Backspace)
  • do not wait for the search box to refresh and rapidly paste again "te"
  • it should expand more results instead of displaying the same 7 results
  • repeat this operation 8 times it will cycle again and reset to the 7 initial results

I could not reproduce the duplicates but it seems to me that the UI behaves differently depending on the timing of the actions you take.

note: same outcome can be obtained if you rapidly add and delete a letter to you search string.

Can you replicate on different skins?
cc: @ovasileva in case it's relevant to desktop refresh

@ovasileva , my team is pretty sure this is a UI issue and not a search backend issue. Is there anyone on your team that can confirm?

Jdlrobson subscribed.

The listing of items sometimes repeats in the dropdowns.

Which dropdown is this? Can I confirm this relates to the search inputs at the top of the page on ?

@ovasileva , my team is pretty sure this is a UI issue and not a search backend issue. Is there anyone on your team that can confirm?

I was unable to replicate this using ?safemode=1 or without. I do know however that the Wikidata overrides the default behaviour (T275251#6852260)

cc: @ovasileva in case it's relevant to desktop refresh

This code does not relate to desktop refresh and in fact will stop working with the roll out of the new Vector. The fix is likely in one of the Wikidata extensions (or maybe even a gadget - there are lots of gadgets interacting with this!)

My recommendation here (Assuming the bug is not a gadget) is to do nothing, and instead focusing on T281318to help us get Wikidata onto the new search interface and API. cc @ovasileva

Jdlrobson renamed this task from Items sometimes repeat in the Search and Item dropdowns to Wikidata search UI: Items sometimes repeat in the Search and Item dropdowns.Apr 27 2021, 9:40 PM
ovasileva added a subscriber: sdkim.

The listing of items sometimes repeats in the dropdowns.

Which dropdown is this? Can I confirm this relates to the search inputs at the top of the page on ?

@ovasileva , my team is pretty sure this is a UI issue and not a search backend issue. Is there anyone on your team that can confirm?

I was unable to replicate this using ?safemode=1 or without. I do know however that the Wikidata overrides the default behaviour (T275251#6852260)

cc: @ovasileva in case it's relevant to desktop refresh

This code does not relate to desktop refresh and in fact will stop working with the roll out of the new Vector. The fix is likely in one of the Wikidata extensions (or maybe even a gadget - there are lots of gadgets interacting with this!)

My recommendation here (Assuming the bug is not a gadget) is to do nothing, and instead focusing on T281318to help us get Wikidata onto the new search interface and API. cc @ovasileva

@Jdlrobson - thank you for looking into this! @MPhamWMF - since this seems wikidata specific, I will go ahead and close this. The issue should be fixed with the changes in T281318: [EPIC] Enable new Codex Typeahead search on cc: @sdkim

image.png (452×692 px, 33 KB)

Just a reminder that this is still happening.

That autocomplete is not the default one for Vector, so this might be another issue inside the WIkidata extension that's worth looking into separately.

Still happens in the search as well:

image.png (498×333 px, 27 KB)

I'm still having trouble to reproduce this. Do you still notice this happening occasionally? Also, have you seen it happening with the new search in Vector-2022?

I think we did something related to this a while ago, but I fail to remember any details :/.

Still happening, from time to time. This from last night.

image.png (553×433 px, 212 KB)