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Decide whether to keep the ExternalGuidance data stream
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The Analytics Engineering team is working to figure out whether the remaining data streams using the old EventLogging system need to be migrated to the new Event Platform. The ExternalGuidance data stream) is on that list.

We need to decide whether we want to keep it. We've already decided to decommission other things that give us detailed visibility into the full ExternalGuidance funnel (the Google Translate pageviews Oozie job, the dashboard), keeping the ExternalGuidance edit tag for basic visibility.

Event Timeline

@Pginer-WMF this is your decision. We'll discuss it in our meeting tomorrow.

@Pginer-WMF is fine with removing this; I'll provide basic visibility into the number of ExternalGuidance-sourced translations with T283885.