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Android Legacy to MEP Data QA - MobileWikiAppDailyStats
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For data QA will be comparing directional trend between MEP and Legacy data using sample daily retention rates, distribution of user`appInstallAgeDays` over time and distribution of is_anon true/false over time.

@SNowick_WMF This is unblocked and in beta for analyzing >=2.7.50378-beta-2021-10-13 version.

LGoto lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Nov 17 2021, 9:11 PM

The following is comparison of retention data for Legacy vs MEP datasets, isolated by app version, and, because app release dates are usually less than 7 days, the last comparison is for combined versions to obtain a 7 Day Retention figure. Thanks to @mpopov for refining and validating retention query process.

Version 2.7.50382-r-2021-10-25

DatasetAvg 1 Day RetentionAvg 3 Day Retention
Difference (Legacy - MEP)-1.91-2.22
Percent Change-1.91%-1.94%

Version 2.7.50383-r-2021-11-02

DatasetAvg 1 Day RetentionAvg 3 Day Retention
Difference (Legacy - MEP)-1.89-2.08
Percent Change-2.02%-2.14%

Combined versions ( 2.7.50382-r-2021-10-25, 2.7.50383-r-2021-11-02, 2.7.50384-r-2021-11-08 & 2.7.50385-r-2021-11-15)

DatasetAvg 1 Day RetentionAvg 3 Day RetentionAvg 7 Day Retention
Difference (Legacy - MEP)-2.06-2.761.81
Percent Change-2.02%-2.16%1.57%