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LDAP Access Request for WMDE Employee - Elena Aleynikova
Closed, ResolvedPublic



I'd like to sign the NDA for access to the superset (see the superset access request from Raja here:

Employee Name: Elena Aleynikova
Role: Program Manager Wikidata and Wikibase - WMDE

  • The username of your existing account on Elena Aleynikova (WMDE)
  • Do you currently have shell access (Yes/No)?
  • Purpose (Specify which service you need to get access to, e.g. Icinga, Grafana, Superset etc): Superset
  • The specific LDAP group that you want to be added to (optional): wmde

@Lea_WMDE - Please approve.

With kind regards,

Event Timeline

Peachey88 renamed this task from NDA for Superset Request from WMDE Employee - Elena Aleynikova to LDAP Access Request for WMDE Employee - Elena Aleynikova.Jul 16 2021, 11:40 AM
Peachey88 updated the task description. (Show Details)

As Elena's manager, I approve.

Do you currently have shell access (Yes/No) No

(Hi, for future reference, please follow when creating such requests - thanks a lot! :)

RLazarus added subscribers: KFrancis, RLazarus.

Hi @KFrancis -- could you please set Elena up with an NDA, then assign back to me? Thank you!

@RLazarus Sure, no problem. Would you please send me Elena's email address?

RLazarus triaged this task as Medium priority.Jul 23 2021, 4:32 PM
RLazarus moved this task from Backlog to NDA Pending on the LDAP-Access-Requests board.

@RLazarus The agreement was just sent for signatures. I'll confirm when complete. Thanks for your patience!

@RLazarus I am confirming the NDA has been signed. Please proceed with the access request. Thanks!

Thanks Katie! Assigning this over to this week's clinic duty SRE.

@RLazarus I am confirming the NDA has been signed. Please proceed with the access request. Thanks!

Thanks @KFrancis . Can you please also update the the tracking sheet?

@elal : I've added you to the cn=nda and cn=wmde LDAP groups. You should now be able to access Superset. If you run into any issues, please reopen the task.

Change 709941 had a related patch set uploaded (by Muehlenhoff; author: Muehlenhoff):

[operations/puppet@production] Add elal to LDAP users

Change 709941 merged by Muehlenhoff:

[operations/puppet@production] Add elal to LDAP users