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Migrate existing Striker created Diffusion repos to GitLab
Closed, ResolvedPublic


There are >450 Diffusion repos that have been created by Toolforge maintainers via Striker. These repos should be moved to our local GitLab install as part of T191182: Migrate active repositories in Phabricator Differential to GitLab. This process can start as soon as Striker has stopped allowing creation of new Diffusion repos.

Users should be notified prior to the migration as well, especially if we are going to use the technique from T313366: Figure out workflow for programatically adding GitLab users of pre-creating GitLab accounts as that process emails the user via GitLab with a canned "confirm your email" message that we cannot modify through the account creation API.

For each repo, the migration should look something like:

  • Make the Diffusion repo functionally read-only by setting the push policy to acl*repository-admins only
  • Create a new GitLab project under the toolforge-repos group with a name matching the Diffusion repo after removing any 'tool-' prefix.
    • Set import_url to the Diffusion repo's HTTPS URL to initialize the repo as a copy of the Diffusion origin.
    • Add all of the Toolforge maintainers for the owning tool as members of the project, creating new GitLab accounts based on Developer account information as needed
  • Wait for GitLab to populate the repo...
  • Make the Diffusion repo a mirror of the GitLab repo
    • Add an "Observe" URI pointed at the GitLab repo
    • Set the repo's description to 'Mirror of <GitLab project URL>'
    • Set editable by policy to acl*repository-admins only

Related Objects

Event Timeline

bd808 changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Sep 1 2022, 12:02 AM
bd808 claimed this task.
bd808 triaged this task as High priority.

Change 828660 had a related patch set uploaded (by BryanDavis; author: Bryan Davis):

[labs/striker@master] feat: migrate Diffusion repos to GitLab projects

Change 828660 merged by jenkins-bot:

[labs/striker@master] feat: migrate Diffusion repos to GitLab projects

Change 830252 had a related patch set uploaded (by BryanDavis; author: Bryan Davis):

[operations/puppet@production] striker: Bump deployed version to 2022-09-04-055313-production

Change 830252 merged by Andrew Bogott:

[operations/puppet@production] striker: Bump deployed version to 2022-09-04-055313-production

Problems seen attempting to migrate first repo in prod (

  • If an http:// url is picked as the Diffusion origin, GitLab will reject it as an invalid git repo. I think this is actually caused by a 301 redirect to the same url with https://.
  • The logic to trim the "tool-" prefix from the name trimmed one more character than desired resulting in "eplag" as the new repo name.
  • AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'sync_maintainers_with_gitlab' from line 313 of striker/tools/
    • This is an obvious PEBKAC in the code where I attempt to call a method from GitlabRepo on a dict returned from the gitlab API client.

Change 830269 had a related patch set uploaded (by BryanDavis; author: Bryan Davis):

[labs/striker@master] fix: correct errors in gitlab migration code

Change 830269 merged by jenkins-bot:

[labs/striker@master] fix: correct errors in gitlab migration code

Change 830275 had a related patch set uploaded (by BryanDavis; author: Bryan Davis):

[operations/puppet@production] striker: bump container version to 2022-09-06-213820-production

Change 830275 merged by Andrew Bogott:

[operations/puppet@production] striker: bump container version to 2022-09-06-213820-production

Change 830283 had a related patch set uploaded (by BryanDavis; author: Bryan Davis):

[labs/striker@master] fix: call GitlabRepo._tool() as a function

@Matthewrbowker asked a great question on the mailing list about repos like which were created via Striker but have been manually converted into mirrors of git repos hosted elsewhere (github in this particular case). The migration process should check to see if there are any URIs with "Observe" I/O before attempting a migration. Pretty much all we can do is skip migrating these repos and drop Striker's tracking of them. There is currently no active mirroring solution in GitLab to allow us to insert another repo in the chain.

Change 830283 merged by jenkins-bot:

[labs/striker@master] fix: call GitlabRepo._tool() as a function

Change 830321 had a related patch set uploaded (by BryanDavis; author: Bryan Davis):

[labs/striker@master] fix: Improve GitlabRepo error handling

Change 830322 had a related patch set uploaded (by BryanDavis; author: Bryan Davis):

[labs/striker@master] feat: phabricator.repository_is_mirror()

Change 830321 merged by jenkins-bot:

[labs/striker@master] fix: Improve GitlabRepo error handling

Change 830322 merged by jenkins-bot:

[labs/striker@master] feat: phabricator.repository_is_mirror()

Change 830688 had a related patch set uploaded (by BryanDavis; author: Bryan Davis):

[operations/puppet@production] striker: bump container version to 2022-09-07-191738-production

Change 830688 merged by Andrew Bogott:

[operations/puppet@production] striker: bump container version to 2022-09-07-191738-production

Change 830698 had a related patch set uploaded (by BryanDavis; author: Bryan Davis):

[labs/striker@master] fix: revert to checking 'default' Diffusion io field for readwrite

Change 830698 merged by jenkins-bot:

[labs/striker@master] fix: revert to checking 'default' Diffusion io field for readwrite

Change 830699 had a related patch set uploaded (by BryanDavis; author: Bryan Davis):

[operations/puppet@production] striker: bump container version to 2022-09-07-203936-production

Change 830699 merged by Andrew Bogott:

[operations/puppet@production] striker: bump container version to 2022-09-07-203936-production

@Matthewrbowker asked a great question on the mailing list about repos like which were created via Striker but have been manually converted into mirrors of git repos hosted elsewhere (github in this particular case). The migration process should check to see if there are any URIs with "Observe" I/O before attempting a migration. Pretty much all we can do is skip migrating these repos and drop Striker's tracking of them. There is currently no active mirroring solution in GitLab to allow us to insert another repo in the chain.

This turned out to be a more widely configured option than I had initially imagined. I thought that there would be maybe 5-10 instances, but it turns out that there were 75 repos with an existing 'observe' URI configured.

1>>> DiffusionRepo.objects.filter(is_mirror=True).count()
3>>> for r in DiffusionRepo.objects.filter(is_mirror=True):
4... print(, r.tool,, r.phid)
63 contentcontributor tool-contentcontributor PHID-REPO-ol4ueeyqb6grp5lf4qqc
74 tfaprotbot tool-tfaprotbot PHID-REPO-vvvq7x6hkhdw7ge4mdlm
87 simple tool-simple PHID-REPO-ygcc5lpxmrgl6o2vfbqy
98 linkstranslator tool-linkstranslator PHID-REPO-vye64dimvjdfvtd6tdt4
1012 bash tool-bash PHID-REPO-jn4oy3jaqlxjbh6qrsjb
1113 wikishootme tool-wikishootme PHID-REPO-qsbujphsamohrn2suveq
1215 stashbot tool-stashbot PHID-REPO-5q6xygxsvy2yqpcomycp
1316 hatjitsu tool-hatjitsu PHID-REPO-i46nwulmdylwnjltyudl
1417 sal tool-sal PHID-REPO-2tvfofgkopwy6r23t62m
1518 ws-google-ocr tool-ws-google-ocr PHID-REPO-nidkpinuftk2bawgwi5g
1620 wm-metrics tool-wm-metrics PHID-REPO-ld3zr3dg7mhv4lgddf74
1721 giftbot labs-tool-giftbot PHID-REPO-llsavegs7zzejwamycxb
1823 wikibugs labs-tools-wikibugs2 PHID-REPO-7gfle35moyddw2pzartr
1924 forrestbot labs-tools-forrestbot PHID-REPO-wubrgn7nwrdxpgz47sfz
2026 ci integration-dashboard PHID-REPO-rmvlohh5afe5ipvayxxd
2127 jouncebot wikimedia-bots-jouncebot PHID-REPO-pgey5j4zzcbfa3kfgo6t
2228 wikiloves tool-wikiloves PHID-REPO-g44qq37hxyki3ilj77y7
2330 heritage labs-tool-heritage PHID-REPO-krvtugomgbkqmbskperg
2433 xtools tool-xtools PHID-REPO-lb4bw7nrqajx737gamxf
2534 xtools tool-xtools-rebirth PHID-REPO-3egv3cg4a4bo7nzl6odw
2635 lolrrit-wm tool-lolrrit-wm PHID-REPO-3wtbrdyoc52w6miy2buj
2740 zppixbot labs-tools-ZppixBot PHID-REPO-2v3vwh5fhc6jvoiexno3
2841 video2commons tool-video2commons PHID-REPO-ahxf7vruxudq4cmlc4cx
2943 wikisource-penguin-classics tool-wikisource-penguin-classics PHID-REPO-6gekeegc7rxb3253jalk
3044 xtools tool-xtools-rebirth-matthew PHID-REPO-exyqsnzawfoz4eu2tnfs
3145 quarrybot-enwiki tool-quarrybot-enwiki PHID-REPO-pqi4urnha3edvxa2kb7n
3246 dump-torrents tool-dump-torrents PHID-REPO-hp6yoc24qgxok23up23o
3348 wikitext-deprecation tool-wikitext-deprecation PHID-REPO-7rydss44hnqcf7c4og5n
3449 ldap tool-ldap PHID-REPO-4juxyntesy4brxmcjpmf
3552 newusers tool-newusers PHID-REPO-qbtyhwkjwuwqc5bvuvrm
3653 ninthcircuit tool-ninthcircuit PHID-REPO-j2i5fhcvzmtm7o7qxo4r
3755 quentinv57-tools labs-tools-quentinv57-tools PHID-REPO-ut3vkegl43sfxvpwfqpl
3856 stewardbots tool-stewardbots PHID-REPO-lmtmzjtffjuxcy3dvulo
3957 checker tool-checker PHID-REPO-aua6twf5ecde3z5hlcmk
4058 dbreps tool-dbreps PHID-REPO-rd46wjaq2o6wcdmivgst
4159 gerrit-patch-uploader tool-gerrit-patch-uploader PHID-REPO-ahvm2uti3kt2esklghmv
4260 globalprefs tool-globalprefs PHID-REPO-63a2fwidjqmytcsgf34h
4361 editathonstat tool-editathonstat PHID-REPO-2zoy3e2dgsiy2lkz7qz2
4474 ci tool-ci PHID-REPO-clrkcp6dwdsqnguxttod
4577 xtools tool-xtools-legacy PHID-REPO-nplwtxqnnitxxidlxhfl
4679 fontcdn tool-fontcdn PHID-REPO-jvrwipdnakmwihbdkwit
4781 editcount-fr tool-editcount-fr PHID-REPO-6xlmx3du3eu77sifuyae
4882 toolforge tool-toolforge-static PHID-REPO-zez2wwdxrd23edicq4nx
4983 wmcsbot tool-wmcsbot PHID-REPO-3asmhbpmnaauckkrfwtk
5087 mwpackages tool-mwpackages PHID-REPO-hyaufx5kxcgh4d2kcqfh
5188 prism tool-prism PHID-REPO-ew3gzh45pbk4psuui7p3
52133 massmailer tool-massmailer PHID-REPO-tb36ymk7eevjyreyb3bc
53134 ytcleaner tool-ytcleaner PHID-REPO-oat5joth2ikil43e5yiu
54135 weapon-of-mass-description tool-weapon-of-mass-description PHID-REPO-sx7wipvcr45mioet6hnn
55137 commons-mass-description tool-commons-mass-description PHID-REPO-qcjjhndgufw7tloikgkm
56143 wikinity tool-wikinity PHID-REPO-aymrlrp2ww3b2hfmq6wg
57146 mostlinkedmissing tool-mostlinkedmissing PHID-REPO-2bp4qvkgdo5kz3byssuu
58151 apt-browser tool-apt-browser PHID-REPO-l6eoll53cahy74qloy2i
59153 serobot tool-serobot PHID-REPO-g4zkdpdxaequcawyyxm3
60154 ipwatcher tool-ipwatcher PHID-REPO-fuqqx437mmutmolpdnfh
61156 flaky-ci tool-flaky-ci PHID-REPO-ua6rygyfhinovx7axntv
62163 phpcs tool-phpcs PHID-REPO-5ll3b4xt3plub74wczuu
63164 coverme tool-coverme PHID-REPO-pxadoufacybplnlg3x2k
64184 mabot tool-mabot PHID-REPO-3cahp76wv7wtaeyhevzg
65186 map-of-monuments tool-map-of-monuments PHID-REPO-j6ywrctvrw2lvrqrteql
66200 scotus-recordings tool-scotus-recordings PHID-REPO-og4rbrb6ynkawv33qjft
67213 ipchanges tool-ipchanges PHID-REPO-4kiqd7l4v5c2uyekrjvc
68225 sonarqubebot tool-sonarqubebot PHID-REPO-cffqrymbqitfzz2ifvb2
69235 integraality tool-integraality PHID-REPO-if4uendqp6xrf3giql27
70240 video-cut-tool tool-video-cut-tool-back-end PHID-REPO-3vjtdaq2dwe77mi5klyz
71247 assamesetool tool-assamesetool PHID-REPO-4zxzh52zcwfpe5sjhdnp
72290 iepcbm-bot-2 tool-iepcbm-bot-2 PHID-REPO-obmjveo73s6ld467d4ct
73299 majavah-bot tool-majavah-bot PHID-REPO-dl6ngkzpe6juu7qp52jc
74316 reviewers tool-reviewers PHID-REPO-yysytcizj3kkfpmvj6uw
75332 wiki-tennis tool-wiki-tennis PHID-REPO-uay5gqdow3pdx6okxecm
76335 train-blockers tool-train-blockers PHID-REPO-wme6dm2nlfn5lpupkhtn
77336 github-pr-closer tool-github-pr-closer PHID-REPO-br6vgnbfueil3axtag6p
78347 phabsearchemail tool-phabsearchemail PHID-REPO-pymt5lcxz4sjomhldycv
79423 excel2wiki-upload tool-excel2wiki-upload PHID-REPO-xnmsepsgpxx7kbgwmtei
80466 satori tool-satori PHID-REPO-6maa3vsupga3jqymjcl2

While computing the results for T315706#8219116 I noticed a number of broken records/deleted repos. Here is a full report of DiffusionRepo objects that do not have a PHID matching repository here on Phabricator:

>>> for r in DiffusionRepo.objects.filter(is_mirror=False):
...     try:
...         _ = phab.get_repository_by_phid(r.phid)
...     except KeyError:
...         print(
...   , "|",
...             r.created_date.isoformat(), "|",
...             r.tool, "|",
...   , "|",
...             r.phid, "|",
...             r.created_by.ldapname, "|",
...         )
25 | 2016-09-05T21:40:13+00:00 | extreg-wos | labs-tools-extreg-wos | PHID-SPCE-6l6g5p53yi3mypnlpxjw | Legoktm |
42 | 2016-12-08T20:20:07+00:00 | bd808-test2 | tool-bd808-test2-!T151422! | 1234 | BryanDavis |
105 | 2017-10-19T04:33:55+00:00 | recoin-sample | tool-recoin-sample | PHID-REPO-zdemhk76docpphaxdvsg | Vvekbv |
115 | 2018-01-06T16:37:46+00:00 | tenst | tool-tenst | PHID-REPO-g5mfn2lr3xanodglxsu2 | Freakencies |
121 | 2018-02-08T22:00:18+00:00 | cdnjs-beta | tool-cdnjs-beta | PHID-REPO-crrnmwfzyjr4bkx6jvsf | Bstorm |
125 | 2018-02-21T13:32:41+00:00 | alvaro | tool-alvaro | PHID-REPO-g3ublaxv6gwll6pv63tb | AlvaroMolina |
159 | 2018-05-16T03:41:04+00:00 | wikiintent | tool-wikiintent | PHID-REPO-ljdzd4hx3mwqvlrx5zrk | Kearabilwe |
193 | 2018-10-23T15:32:08+00:00 | basyounybot | tool-basyounybot-test | PHID-REPO-75as6it5xvoz5mzlr3hb | AhmedTest2019 |
285 | 2019-09-22T09:30:44+00:00 | swviewer | tool-swviewer | PHID-REPO-sjzreg7vfk65ae5766i3 | Iluvatar |
355 | 2020-06-26T06:53:14+00:00 | ket-bot | tool-ket-bot-v3 | PHID-REPO-bxqomtpkyghwexh7ivps | Evrifaessa |
397 | 2021-03-04T12:32:46+00:00 | mikasa-bot | tool-mikasa-bot | PHID-REPO-c4rotjvqkvt3a2bjuxz2 | LClightcat |
413 | 2021-05-24T06:49:06+00:00 | ameisenbot | tool-ameisenbot | PHID-REPO-zabb3hk6phnpwp3ymp2z | Ameisenigel |
420 | 2021-07-13T21:48:36+00:00 | technischewuensche | tool-technischewuensche | PHID-REPO-h5dnngogjji7bggpzfs7 | MichaelSchoenitzer |
445 | 2022-01-02T16:50:31+00:00 | kiranbot2 | tool-kiranbot2fnr | PHID-REPO-z5slwgpsfrmnvfupcjip | Usernamekiran |
446 | 2022-01-10T08:01:18+00:00 | kiranbot3 | tool-kiranbot3sample | PHID-REPO-sh4byz7k7ux7ysnjahep | Usernamekiran |
448 | 2022-01-12T17:17:43+00:00 | majavah-test | tool-majavah-test | PHID-REPO-vdxaaszn4umqztokbdpx | Majavah |

These records have been deleted from Striker's database to simplify the final migration.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2022-09-07T22:12:56Z] <bd808> Attempting to migrate all remaining Striker managed git repos from Diffusion to GitLab (T315706)

403 repos migrated so far. There are 51 repos remaining with various issues that need to be figured out.

25 of the repos that failed to migrate failed because the existing Diffusion repos have been marked as "inactive":

>>> from striker import phabricator
>>> phab = phabricator.Client.default_client()
>>> for r in DiffusionRepo.objects.filter(is_mirror=False):
...     repo = phab.get_repository_by_phid(r.phid)
...     if repo["fields"]["status"] == "inactive":
...         print(, "|", r.tool, "|",
19 | dynbot-srv2 | tool-dynbot-srv2
36 | perflogbot | tool-perflogbot
70 | panderine | tool-panderine
71 | stang | tool-stang
94 | joaquinito01 | tool-joaquinito01
98 | t1943bot | tool-t1943bot
106 | dawiki | tool-dawiki
119 | macfanbot | tool-macfanbot
130 | tombot3 | tool-tombot3
139 | zoranzoki21bot | tool-zoranzoki21bot
149 | filesearch | tool-filesearch
170 | harvesting-data-rafinery | tool-harvesting-data-rafinery
177 | listunpatrolledpages | tool-listunpatrolledpages
190 | yemen | tool-yemen-uu
204 | zoranzoki21wiki | tool-zoranzoki21wiki
244 | dibyadutta | tool-dibyaduttabook
261 | vip-space-media | tool-vip-space-media
293 | germancon-mobile | tool-germancon-mobile-xml
300 | dimastbkbot | tool-dimastbkbot
301 | dutchbot | tool-dutchbot
321 | squirrelnest-upf | tool-squirrelnest-upf
354 | ket-bot | tool-ket-bot
367 | sourceror | tool-sourceror
459 | terabot | tool-terabot
473 | pinyin-api | tool-pinyin-api

These records have been deleted from Striker's database to simplify the final migration.

Change 830708 had a related patch set uploaded (by BryanDavis; author: Bryan Davis):

[labs/striker@master] fix: Use get_repository_by_phid() in GitlabRepo.create_from_diffusion()

7 repos are connected to tools which no longer exist:

>>> for r in DiffusionRepo.objects.filter(is_mirror=False):
...     try:
...         _ = Tool.objects.get(cn="tools.{}".format(r.tool))
...     except Tool.DoesNotExist:
...         print(, "|", r.tool, "|",
104 | www-portal-builder | tool-www-portal-builder
175 | messenger-chatbot | tool-messenger-chatbot
188 | typo-categorizer | tool-typo-categorizer
194 | basyounybot | tool-basyounybot-test1
229 | rhinosf1-afdclose | tool-rhinosf1-afdclose
230 | draft-uncategorize-script | tool-draft-uncategorize-script
308 | brandonstools | tool-brandonstools

These records have been deleted from Striker's database to simplify the final migration.

Change 830708 merged by jenkins-bot:

[labs/striker@master] fix: Use get_repository_by_phid() in GitlabRepo.create_from_diffusion()

Change 830708 merged by jenkins-bot:

[labs/striker@master] fix: Use get_repository_by_phid() in GitlabRepo.create_from_diffusion()

This allowed another 9 repos to migrate.

bd808 removed a project: Patch-For-Review.
>>> DiffusionRepo.objects.filter(is_mirror=False).count()
>>> DiffusionRepo.objects.filter(is_mirror=True).count()
>>> DiffusionRepo.objects.filter(is_mirror=True).delete()
(415, {'tools.DiffusionRepo': 415})
>>> DiffusionRepo.objects.all().count()
>>> GitlabRepo.objects.all().count()

347 repos have been successfully migrated to gitlab. All of the legacy DiffusionRepo objects have now been deleted from Striker's database.

For posterity, here is a dump of the etherpad I used when deploying and executing this migration:

Deployment plan for Striker changes making GitLab the git repo hosting solution

  • {{Done}} disable puppet on cloudweb100{3,4}
  • {{Done}} Ask Andrew to merge hiera change
  • {{Done}} manually run database migrations
    • $ python3 showmigrations tools
    • $ python3 migrate tools
  • {{Done}} enable puppet and force run on cloudweb1003
  • {{Done}} enable puppet and force run on cloudweb1004
  • {{Done}} verify basic Striker functionality via browser interaction
  • {{Done}} manually run license fixture load
    • $ python3 loaddata software_license.json
  • {{Done}} migrate one git repo
    • $ python3 shell
    • {{Done}} ...repeat until confident that things are working...
  • {{Done}} mark existing mirrors as such
  • {{Done}} migrate all remaining git repos
    • $ python3 shell

Migrate one repo

from import DiffusionRepo
from import GitlabRepo

old_repo = DiffusionRepo.objects.get(tool="phab-ban", name="tool-phab-ban")
new_repo = GitlabRepo.create_from_diffusion(old_repo)

Mark repos that are already mirrors of a remote as such

from import DiffusionRepo
from striker import phabricator

phab = phabricator.Client.default_client()
for r in DiffusionRepo.objects.exclude(gitlab__isnull=False, is_mirror=True):
        if phab.repository_is_mirror(r.phid):
            r.is_mirror = True
            print("[MIRROR]", r.tool,
            print("[NORMAL]", r.tool,
    except KeyError:
        print("[ERROR] Repo {} of {} not found".format(r.phid, r.tool))

Migrate all repos

from import DiffusionRepo
from import GitlabRepo
from import Tool
from striker import gitlab
from striker import phabricator

needs_gitlab = DiffusionRepo.objects.filter(gitlab__isnull=True)
needs_gitlab = needs_gitlab.exclude(is_mirror=True)
for r in needs_gitlab:
        _ = GitlabRepo.create_from_diffusion(r)
    except gitlab.APIError as e:
        print("gitlab.APIError", e)
    except KeyError as ke:
        print("KeyError", ke)
    except Tool.DoesNotExist:
        print("Tool {} not found".format(r.tool))
        print("REPO:", r.tool,, "\n")

ready_to_mirror = DiffusionRepo.objects.exclude(gitlab__isnull=True)
ready_to_mirror = ready_to_mirror.exclude(is_mirror=True)
for r in ready_to_mirror:
        _ = r.convert_to_mirror()
    except phabricator.APIError as e:
        print("phabricator.APIError", e)
        print("REPO:", r.tool,, "\n")


Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2022-09-12T22:23:11Z] <mutante> phabricator - disabling repositories: tool-xh-bot, tool-editor-contribution-dashboard, tool-ranker, tool-editor-contribution, tool-mikasa-bot-1, tool-maintun, tool-add-text, tool-wikibookassamese-book.php (none of them had commits) T296022 - T315706

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2022-09-12T22:53:29Z] <mutante> phabricator - disabling MediaWiki extension repositories in Diffusion that have 0 commits - T296022 - T315706