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Delete technischewuensche tool code repository in Diffusion
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The codebase for at cannot be viewed by public due to having been moved to a private Phabricator Space.

IMO this violates the spirit that "The Toolforge rules include publishing your code under an OSI approved open source license.", and probably blocked migration of the code repository to GitLab in T315706#8219209.

Are there particular reasons this code is not public?
If not, could you please set the View Policy shown as "Visible To" on to "S1 Public"? Thanks in advance!

(Note to myself: Found while looking into T191182: Migrate active repositories in Phabricator Differential to GitLab)

Event Timeline

Hej @Aklapper and thanks for the ping. Honestly the repo is not really actively used by WMDE-TechWish . A former colleague once backed-up the state of the tool there and I guess we set it private because we were unsure if there's private data that should not be shared publicly.

The information that there's this repo got lost somehow and the last updates and changes to the tool completely ignored the repo.

Because of all this I would rather want the Phab repo to be wiped and start using GitLab in the first place with a new re-viewed submission of the code that can be shared.

So if that's understandable and possible, would you be so kind to do the former? Then we'll take care of the latter.

@WMDE-Fisch: Before I attempt to delete (not sure if being in a Space will get into the way though I think it's unlikely), can you explicitly confirm that you have a (more recent) codebase located anywhere else (as I won't have a backup)? Thanks!

Aklapper renamed this task from Make technischewuensche tool code repository public to Delete technischewuensche tool code repository in Diffusion.Nov 1 2023, 7:00 PM
Aklapper claimed this task.
Aklapper triaged this task as Low priority.

and start using GitLab in the first place with a new re-viewed submission of the code that can be shared.

Let's make that a separate task please :)

I think there is only the live copy on Might be better to push it to GitLab first (to the WMF instance?) before we delete it here.

It would be easy to import it into WMF Gitlab just by pasting the URL... IF... we could make it public.

If there are concerns about making it public.. then we can't import it into GitLab, right?

If there are no concerns about making it public.. then we don't need to delete it on Phab.

How large is it? Is it really that much work to check for private data?

How large is it? Is it really that much work to check for private data?

I'd say that's irrelevant. Statement was that folks are unsure if there's private data. So that's about to get checked. No matter how much work that might be.

We're taking care if it. I created a subticket and when that's done we can delete the deprecated source. Thanks again for bringing this to our attention :-).

Aklapper changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Nov 26 2023, 3:13 PM
WMDE-Fisch changed the task status from Stalled to Open.EditedDec 12 2023, 8:47 AM

This can be done now. Please go forward with it. The relevant code is backed up and moved to different repos. Feel free to skip some steps and uninstall Differential if that has the same effect and we're the only leftovers.


Per ,

aklapper@phab1004:~$ sudo /srv/phab/phabricator/bin/remove destroy R3019
This object will be destroyed forever:
    - R3019 (PhabricatorRepository) R3019 tool-technischewuensche
    Are you absolutely certain you want to destroy this object? [y/N] y
Destroying objects...
Destroying PhabricatorRepository R3019...
Permanently destroyed 1 object.
      - Database records for repository "tool-technischewuensche" were
        destroyed, but this script does not remove working copies on disk. If
        you also want to destroy the repository working copy, manually remove