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Reduce the proliferation of language and translation links (Vector)
Open, Needs TriagePublic


I appreciate all the work on finding better ways to highlight translation + interlanguage tools, like T290972 + T310259 + T301787.

There are now a dozen different links and modals to let editors do the same few cool things: change language pref, change language project, add language link, and translate the page. The large "redirect to top" message is an instance of the problem, and duplications within ULS experience it as well. I haven't seen the proliferation itself addressed anywhere, so here's an issue for it.

Current behavior:
In Vector 2022, there are 4 menu items related to language links and translation. They each use different terms (languages, language links, interlanguage links, translations), different interfaces, and different styles. This is confusing and takes up menu space.

  1. The bordered, dark-background box in the main menu calls them "language links". The text is long and confusing.
  2. The iconified "Add/edit interlanguage links" in the tools sidebar is long (often wraps). Behavior changes dramatically: when there are no links yet, add → special modal that adds links in place. When there are some, editwd:QID#sitelinks-wikipedia [WD]
  3. "Translations" under the user-menu → Special:ContentTranslation [CT]
  4. The language selector calls them "languages": "文⧸A add/N languages". This has 5 variations/submenus.
    • 4.a) the "add languages" menu, if there are no interlang links, has text links to "translate this page" → [CT], "Edit interlanguage links" → [WD], or "open language settings" → a language-settings modal [LS].
    • 4.b) the "N languages" menu, when there are interlanguage links, has three internal submenus, all w/ different designs for opening them: "Missing in <lang1>, <lang 2>" at the top, an "Add languages" link at the bottom, and a gear ⚙️ at the bottom-right.
    • 4.b.1) Missing in <lang1> → a modal titled Translate this page → [CT] (but not the language-neutral landing page unless you click on the tiny ellipsis)
    • 4.b.2) Add languages link → a modal w/ two options: Edit interlanguage links → [WD] & Translate this page → [CT]
    • 4.b.3) ⚙️ → [LS] - Language settings (display + input). This modal has a variety of font sizes, buttons, lines, vertical + horizontal spacing. It can expand to the width of the page.

Expected / desired behavior:

  • Consolidation into one place in default skins.
  • Consistent language. Either "language links" or "interlanguage links". The former is shorter and more translatable... I'm nostalgic for the latter.
  • Consistent menu items. If there must be more than one, each should use the same icon/symbol (文⧸A seems ok)
  • Less menu variation. "add links" should always offer the same interface[s]. If there's both an in-page option w/o visiting WD and a WD option, both should always be available. The menu variations for the ULS should have similar structure, width, placement of submenus.
  • Fewer nested submodals. Variants of ULS could be tabs in a single interface.
  • Terseness / consideration of visual space. The ULS has wide line & column padding and much scrolling; some submodals don't set a maxwidth; two of these menu strings are the longest string in their menu in many languages.

Event Timeline

The menu variations for the ULS should have similar structure, width, placement of submenus.
Fewer nested submodals. Variants of ULS could be tabs in a single interface.

Check out these design ideas from T326981:

e2.png (538×1 px, 156 KB)
e1.png (786×1 px, 250 KB)

Some comments regarding consolidation of the current options:

  1. The bordered, dark-background box in the main menu calls them "language links". The text is long and confusing.

My understanding is that this is a temporary notice that will be removed at some point. In a transition period where the default skin can be different across wikis users may get confused by the language options to be on a different place on different wikis. This message helps those users to reorient. Once the language options are by default in a consistent position across wikis, this text can be removed. This is my understanding, people form the Web team may have more detailed plans on this.

  1. The iconified "Add/edit interlanguage links" in the tools sidebar is long (often wraps). Behavior changes dramatically: when there are no links yet, add → special modal that adds links in place. When there are some, editwd:QID#sitelinks-wikipedia [WD]

Now that the option to edit links is available in the language selector (T310259), where it is closer to the context it affects, this option may not be needed.

  1. "Translations" under the user-menu → Special:ContentTranslation [CT]

We may want to remove this as the contributions page becomes a starting point for new contributions (T322740).

  1. The language selector calls them "languages": "文⧸A add/N languages". This has 5 variations/submenus.

With the above changes, the language-related options would be consolidated inside the language selector. Variants are based on the variability of language availability.

In case it helps, some users (see the threads here and here) are reporting that, when there is not additional languages related to an article, it should be possible to add interlanguage links also from the Language menu since, in those cases, the menu title is "Add languages".

In T329531#8638096, @Zapipedia-WMF wrote:

In case it helps, some users (see the threads here and here) are reporting that, when there is not additional languages related to an article, it should be possible to add interlanguage links also from the Language menu since, in those cases, the menu title is "Add languages".

Yes. This is in the plans as part of T329570: Add option to edit interlanguage links as an option on the language selector empty state

@The_Discoverer very nice, still ULTRAWIDE, I'll comment there.

@Pginer-WMF : cool, that all makes sense. I like the idea of the ULS becoming a little language workbench with all of these details, and removing the others as no longer needed. (with fewer submodals pls :)

Re: the large boxed main menu message, it's long and distracting ant still confusing! Is it possible to make the message something short like

[Open language links]

and have it move your focus to the top and open the ULS?

The large "redirect to top" message is an instance of the problem

At the moment of putting the language notice inside the sidebar, others features were not deployed.


  • the notice is not visible for users with the sidebar hidden by default (T297237#8277599)
  • it was suggested to remove it after ~2 months after full rollout (T297237)
  • to improve consistency, I suggest to transform this alert in a indicator like others to add (T311160)

Ok. But now that the others are there and the sticky header provides access to the links from anywhere in the page, the large notice is simply too large, not clearly worded, and misleading; clicking on it needlessly shifts your window up. Plus on en:wp the text always ends in an orphaned line.

Proposal: change it to read
Language links are at the
top of the page ( 文⧸A )

Screen Shot 2023-02-25 at 22.28.45.png (808×500 px, 214 KB)

Screen Shot 2023-02-25 at 22.28.51.png (692×574 px, 191 KB)

For the boxed message in the main menu: I've proposed updating it on en:wp, and filed a separate task to update the default message: T330805

In T329531#8654801, @Sj wrote:

For the boxed message in the main menu: I've proposed updating it on en:wp, and filed a separate task to update the default message: T330805

Thanks for this idea @Sj! I also think there's an opportunity to shorten and clarify

Currently, Vector 2022 re-uses MediaWiki:Wikibase-editlinkstitle and MediaWiki:Wikibase-addlinkstitle from other shell(s), which are tooltip messages and can be quite long in languages other than English. In drop down menus these are then wrapped, which looks and feels bad.
I made them short(er) for my language, but a user complained.

Please consider creating two new messages, and make the English original short: how about Links to other languages (without add/edit)? Avoid "interlanguage", not all languages can form words like that.

Proposal: it's been long enough to remove this confusing element from the left hand sidebar.
I've left a proposal on the message talk page. Is there a way for interface editors to remove the Languages section, or does that require a ticket?

@Patafisik what do you think?

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@Ponor perhaps we can change everywhere to "language links"? That doesn't seem ambiguous these days, if it ever was.

In T329531#9394699, @Sj wrote:

Proposal: it's been long enough to remove this confusing element from the left hand sidebar.
I've left a proposal on the message talk page. Is there a way for interface editors to remove the Languages section, or does that require a ticket?

@Patafisik what do you think?

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@Sj - Thanks for the reminder! I agree that we should be ready for this at this point. Set up T353619: Remove language move notice from Vector 2022 skin to track this.