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docs: Improvements to content of component guidelines
Open, Needs TriagePublic



This task collects possible improvements to the component guidelines in Codex.

High impact:

  • Review the content in each component's demo page and make sure the information is not duplicated in the Guidelines and Demos sections
  • The link to the Figma spec sheet in each "Specifications" section is a bit hidden (an example). We could emphasize it.
  • Button > Content > Progressive button: the current example is wrong ("Discover more articles") since Buttons are not used for navigating content but for actions instead. We should rename this using actions instead (e.g. "Accept").
  • Card: in the "Interaction states" section just the with link version is currently represented. We need to represent both default and with link cards.
  • Combobox:
    • The images in the "Specifications" is wrong since the menu displayed needs to be the same width as the input. Update image with this new one combobox-specifications.svg
    • The "No results" state is missing in the "Interaction states". So we need to update the image combobox-interaction-states.svg and its text description and alt text (updated them in the doc).
  • Link: we refer to the blue link as "Default link" in the component's guidelines while we refer to "Standard link" in the demos. We need to unify its name.
  • Lookup: the "No results" state is missing. So we need to update the image lookup-interaction-states.svg and its text description and alt text (updated them in the doc).
  • Menu: menu orientation upward is not represented in the component's guidelines. We need to include both downward and upward orientations.
  • Progress bar: elevated image asset is slightly misleading with the very hard to recognize scaled-down size
    image.png (908×1 px, 68 KB)
  • Radio: There is an erratum in the Specifications > Label text (missing space in "withthe")
  • Tab > Content: we need to update the Do and Don't images since the lines below the selected tabs are wrong. Also, this content recommendations could fit better within the Tabs component instead, since "Tab" is just for the tab items.
  • ToggleButton: include the "Content" section to explain about how to write content for these Toggle Buttons (as we do with Button component). "Use short, precise verbs, ideally with fewer than 38 characters for English. The average character length of language translations is 42 characters."
  • T355415: Components Guidelines: Explore solutions to make its images easier to maintain
  • T357429: TextInput Guidelines: fix the error in the Error focus state
  • T359647: Improvements to the Read-only and Disabled guidelines

Medium impact:

  • Color's documentation: decide if we want to use the option token's name (e.g. Gray200) or the decision one (e.g. background-color-disabled-subtle)~~ To be discussed in a future DST Design/Eng sync instead of creating a task
  • Evaluate if we want to remove the "Interaction states" section from the guidelines
  • Evaluate if we want to rename the "Specifications" section to "Anatomy"
  • Ensure that we only use DS components in our imagery. We currently feature buttons (and illustrations) that are not part of our DS
    image.png (868×1 px, 91 KB)

Low impact:

Acceptance criteria

  • Evaluate each one of the items in the list above and create subtasks if needed
  • Update the components guidelines in Codex

Event Timeline

bmartinezcalvo updated the task description. (Show Details)
bmartinezcalvo updated the task description. (Show Details)
bmartinezcalvo renamed this task from Components guidelines: content review to docs: Improvements to content of component guidelines.Oct 16 2023, 5:55 PM

Change 991306 had a related patch set uploaded (by VolkerE; author: VolkerE):

[design/codex@main] docs: improve progress bar elevated asset

Change 991311 had a related patch set uploaded (by VolkerE; author: VolkerE):

[design/codex@main] docs: fix typo and expand abbreviations in Radio & Voice and tone

Change 991306 merged by jenkins-bot:

[design/codex@main] docs: improve progress bar elevated asset

Change 991311 merged by jenkins-bot:

[design/codex@main] docs: fix typo and expand abbreviations in Radio & Voice and tone

Change 992533 had a related patch set uploaded (by Eric Gardner; author: Eric Gardner):

[mediawiki/core@master] Update Codex from v1.2.1 to v1.3.0

Change 992533 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/core@master] Update Codex from v1.2.1 to v1.3.0

has the documentation for T349016 been assigned to anyone? Can I work on that?

has the documentation for T349016 been assigned to anyone? Can I work on that?

Hi there, thank you for your interest in contributing to Codex! This task tracks potential improvements to our doc site representing a varying degree of complexity. Only some of the suggestions have been actually prioritized into subtasks, which are probably best worked on by a member of Design-System-Team. Can I ask what type of contributions you're looking to make? From there I can point you to tasks that might be a good fit.

I also generally wanted to share some helpful links for to getting started contributing to Codex or MediaWiki:

Thanks for replying. I am looking to make contributions to user documents that are open to non-team members. Tutorials or user guides would be a great start!