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[Design] Create user flows for different GUC scenarios
Open, Needs TriagePublic



Create user flows for new GUC tool

User story

As a cross-wiki patroller with permission to view IP addresses, I want to continue to see contributions made by single IPs, IP ranges, temporary accounts, and registered accounts across all wikis, so that I can patrol effectively.


  • Investigating a single IP
  • Investigating an IP range
  • Investigating multiple IPs

New user flow

Based on discussions with Legal team, this is the latest user flow:

New_user_flow_v1.png (1×3 px, 196 KB)

There are outstanding questions about how permission checks will work, as they are set locally and this is a global tool.


  • User needs
  • Current user flow (Toolforge and Xtools)
  • New user flow (special page)
  • Clarify assumptions / questions

Event Timeline

Based on conversations with Legal, this is the latest user flow which includes permission checks:

New user flow (all users).png (1×2 px, 115 KB)

That flowchart is missing branches here:

image.png (278×530 px, 21 KB)

After Special:GUC it goes to a "double if" - what of the conditions not covered there?

Also the "if checkuser" - if checkuser where, as this is a Global tool.

Hi @Xaosflux Thank you for spotting that. I've uploaded an expanded flow which should help explain what happens if each permission check isn't met. I am going to ask the team about the CheckUser question and will update here once I have more clarity on that!

New_user_flow_v1.png (1×3 px, 196 KB)

Thanks for this flow chart @KColeman-WMF !

This part will remain possible via the existing tools:

Screenshot from 2024-01-31 13-53-00.png (407×615 px, 40 KB)

Ideally we don't want users to be hopping from tool to tool, so I think we should still incorporate it in the new tool. But as we're building it, we could perhaps do this part last.

Thanks for this flow chart @KColeman-WMF !

This part will remain possible via the existing tools:

Screenshot from 2024-01-31 13-53-00.png (407×615 px, 40 KB)

Ideally we don't want users to be hopping from tool to tool, so I think we should still incorporate it in the new tool. But as we're building it, we could perhaps do this part last.

Yes, I agree it makes sense to build this part last.