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Proposal: Assist Capacity Exchange Development
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Proposal for


Name: Oyindamola Olatunji
IRC nickname: Oyindamola Olatunji
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Typical Working Hours: 12:00 pm to 19:00 pm GMT +1


The Capacity Exchange (CapX) is a project developing a sociotechnical platform for peer-to-peer connection and knowledge sharing towards sustainable, community-based capacity-building within the Wikimedia Movement. It intends to deliver an interactive, online platform, backed by a database, which will allow wikimedians to: publish information about themselves, their affiliates, and informal groups; conduct searches and access information published by others; connect with peers for knowledge exchange. The platform is intended to be responsive, intuitive, and accessible to all wikimedia users.

Originally built upon the OERWorldMap, the new development phase (2023-2025) is currently migrating the pilot software from Java to Python, using the Django framework. Therefore, the code is being reworked and re-written to embody a new pilot.
Within this effort, the intern will assist the project software developer on tasks related to planned Django Apps and other functionalities, such as the login, profile and search systems.




November 21 - December 3Community Bonding Period
December 4 - December 8Design the intended workflow for the login app and discuss with the mentors. Research how to integrate the Wikimedia login. Create the model for the login app. Write draft blog post #1: Introduce yourself
December 11 - December 15Write the views and templates for the login app. Complete and publish draft blog post #1: Introduce yourself.
December 18 - December 22Write unit tests for the login app. Document the functionalities of the login app.Write draft blog post #2: Everybody struggles
December 25 - January 1Break
January 2 - January 5Analyze the intended workflow for the profile app and discuss with the mentors. Design the database schema and create models for the profile app. Write draft blog post #3: Think about your audience
January 8 - January 12Write the views and templates for the profile app. Complete and publish draft blog post #3: Think about your audience
January 15 - January 19Write automated tests for the profile app. Document the features in the profile app. Write draft blog post #4: Mid-point project progress
January 22 - January 26Analyze the intended workflow for the search app and discuss with the mentors. Design the database schema and create models for the search app. Complete and publish draft blog post #4: Mid-point project progress
January 29 - February 2Write the views and templates for the search app. Write draft blog post #5: Career opportunities
February 5 - February 9Write automated tests for the search app. Document the features in the search app. Complete and publish draft blog post #5:Career opportunities
February 12 -February 16Extend the bug app created during the contributions Phase. Implement new features. Work on my resume
February 19 - February 23Write automated tests for the bug app. Document the features in the bug app. Get reviews on my resume
February 26 - March 1Final improvements. Write and publish blog post #6: Final project progress