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ToC overlaps with footer in Vector 2022 again
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story PointsBUG REPORT

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This only happens in non Zebra (fixed in Zebra T337896), and will most likely be fixed with

ovasileva subscribed.

This will be fixed once Zebra is merged in two weeks

I've tested locally and it looks like this patch
for T351830 will fix this issue. We can prioritize and backport that next week.

is this task a dupe of T352601? or vice versa?

Reopening for further evaluation given the several bug reports we got over the weekend.

Jdlrobson set the point value for this task to 2.

Not sure if related, T352930 - wherein the vector-2022 TOC can overflow the entire bottom of the page (though it has a different initial problem)