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Multilingual Support
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Implement internationalization(i18n) features to support multiple languages. Modify the language config files to store translations for different languages. Develop a mechanism for detecting and switching between languages based on user preferences.


  • Research on translateWIki
  • Document research finding
  • Implement translations to English and Spanish for Uruguay's view
  • Implement translations to English and Spanish for Ghana's view
  • Start a translation campaign for Twi language in Translate Wiki

Documentation on research:
For the Uruguay interface, we'll have the translation from English to Spanish and a button to toggle between these languages.
The first PR for this:
Second PR:

Blocker: I'm yet to fix the translation for the y-axis label

The translation campaign for the Twi language in Translate Wiki has been kicked off:

Event Timeline

For the research findings, here is the link to the documentation:

Still trying to figure my way around TranlsateWiki.

I've made another PR for Ghana's view in (English/Spanish) and also separated the JSON object into a translation.json file: