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Baseline: Size of content moderation backlog - RecentChanges
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Per a conversation today we want both the number of unreviewed contributions and the daily rate at which edits are patrolled.

@Samwalton9-WMF the results are under the summary section of the notebook. I am not pasting the tables here as they are quite long, here is a summary of the metrics

For patrolled revisions (split by mainspace and non-mainspace; 15-day period two weeks prior to today)

  • Average number of daily patrols
  • Average number of daily patrollers
  • Average duration for a revision to be patrolled

For unpatrolled revisions (split by mainspace/non-mainspace & page-creations/non-page-creations)

  • count of autopatrolled revisions (for reference only)
  • count of patrolled revisions
  • count of un-patrolled revisions
  • percentage of un-patrolled revisions (of the ones to be patrolled)

@Samwalton9-WMF I am resolving the task as the work is complete within the given scope. Feel free to re-open if needed.