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Report GitLab merge request events to IRC
Open, In Progress, MediumPublicFeature


Report on merge request events received from

These events are similar to the events seen by wikibugs from Gerrit. A non-trivial difference is that comments made on merge requests are not reported by this system. They are instead sent comment events and are not available at the system hooks level handled by our integration.


TitleReferenceAuthorSource BranchDest Branch
Report GitLab merge request events to IRCtoolforge-repos/wikibugs2!32bd808work/bd808/gitlabmain
Customize query in GitLab

Event Timeline

Quick mockup using jq of data likely to be used in building messages:

$ grep '"object_kind": "merge_request"' events.log | grep "bd808" | jq '{"action": .object_attributes.action, "user": .user.username, "message": .object_attributes.title, "repo":, "branch": .object_attributes.target_branch, "url": .object_attributes.url, "owner": .object_attributes.author_id, "state": .object_attributes.state }'
  "action": "open",
  "user": "bd808",
  "message": "Relicense under GPL-3.0-or-later",
  "repo": "toolforge-repos/wikibugs2",
  "branch": "main",
  "url": "
  "owner": 14,
  "state": "opened"
  "action": "approved",
  "user": "bd808",
  "message": "Relicense under GPL-3.0-or-later",
  "repo": "toolforge-repos/wikibugs2",
  "branch": "main",
  "url": "",
  "owner": 14,
  "state": "opened"
  "action": "merge",
  "user": "bd808",
  "message": "Relicense under GPL-3.0-or-later",
  "repo": "toolforge-repos/wikibugs2",
  "branch": "main",
  "url": "",
  "owner": 14,
  "state": "merged"
bd808 changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Sun, May 5, 6:09 AM
bd808 claimed this task.
bd808 triaged this task as Medium priority.
bd808 moved this task from Backlog to Doing on the Wikibugs board.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-cloud) [2024-05-05T10:12:28Z] <wmbot~bd808@tools-bastion-12> Built new image from git hash 4a80583b (T362500).

It's alive!

[10:35]  < wikibugs> (reopen) bd808: This is a test of the gitlab irc reporter [toolforge-repos/wikibugs2] -