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Connect WikiBugs IRC bot to Wikimedia GitLab
Open, In Progress, MediumPublicGoal


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Event Timeline

Oooh, yes, that's going to be fun. A few thoughts. seems to be pretty much what we need, except it can only filter by after={date} and not by date and time... so it's not particularly convenient for polling. We may have to go for the inverse route (either emails or webhooks).

Unfortunately it seems global webhooks are only available in the GitLab premium tiers:

image.png (151×619 px, 12 KB)

Some thoughts on architecture when using a webhook

  • We could use a tiny php script to receive the webhook and push it into Redis (which means we don't have to deal with uwsgi deployment etc). This should be so simple that it doesn't really need any tests.
  • The 'new grrrrit' then reads events from redis (or a mock redis for testing), processes them, and pushes them into the irc redis queue.
  • The existing IRC component then handles the messaging.

We should probably move handle_useful_info from redis2irc to (and make the 'raw' message type the only message type), but that doesn't really block anything here.

Change 710665 had a related patch set uploaded (by Merlijn van Deen; author: Merlijn van Deen):

[labs/tools/wikibugs2@master] Add GitLab to Redis webhook

A few further notes after fiddling with a fresh Gitlab instance.

There are three main ways to get push events from GL:

  • Webhooks
  • Integrations
  • System hooks

Webhooks can only be enabled on project, or (if you pay ;-)) group level. Or you can enable them per-project using a big for loop:

System hooks are always global. These do give notifications on merge requests, but not when comments are left, so are not useful for our use case. In addition, there's a privacy issue as the system hook also reports e.g. failed logins.

_Integrations_ can be enabled globally, webhooks cannot (?!). There are a few existing ones that use a webhook: Teams/Google Chat/Webex/Mattermost/Discord/Slack/Unify Circuit. However:

  1. that will block per-project use of those integrations.
  2. all the integrations send preformatted content....



{u'markdown': True,
           u'subject': u'Merlijn van Deen / My awesome project',
           u'text': u'Merlijn van Deen (MerlijnvanDeen) opened merge request [!2 *Update TestFile*]( in [Merlijn van Deen / My awesome project](


{u'avatar_url': None,
           u'content': u'',
           u'embeds': [{u'author': {u'icon_url': None,
                                    u'name': u'MerlijnvanDeen',
                                    u'url': None},
                        u'color': None,
                        u'description': u'Merlijn van Deen (MerlijnvanDeen) opened merge request [!2 *Update TestFile*]( in [Merlijn van Deen / My awesome project](\n',
                        u'fields': [],
                        u'footer': None,
                        u'image': None,
                        u'provider': None,
                        u'thumbnail': None,
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           u'tts': False,
           u'username': None}


u'payload={"username":"","fallback":"Merlijn van Deen (MerlijnvanDeen) opened merge request \\u003c|!2 *Update TestFile*\\u003e in \\u003c|Merlijn van Deen / My awesome project\\u003e","text":"Merlijn van Deen (MerlijnvanDeen) opened merge request \\u003c|!2 *Update TestFile*\\u003e in \\u003c|Merlijn van Deen / My awesome project\\u003e"}'


{u'data': u'payload={"username":"","fallback":"Merlijn van Deen (MerlijnvanDeen) opened merge request \\u003c|!2 *Update TestFile*\\u003e in \\u003c|Merlijn van Deen / My awesome project\\u003e","text":"Merlijn van Deen (MerlijnvanDeen) opened merge request \\u003c|!2 *Update TestFile*\\u003e in \\u003c|Merlijn van Deen / My awesome project\\u003e"}'

Teams/Google Chat/Webex don't seem to work.

There is also an 'irker' (basic tcp-to-irc gateway) integration, but it seems to ignore everything that doesn't go to master. So OK for a stream of merges, not so useful to provide info on reviews etc. Plus it's not very information-dense...

{"to":["irc://"],"privmsg":"[\u000304My awesome project\u000f] Administrator pushed \u00021\u000f new commit to \u000305master\u000f: \u000302\u001f\u000f"}
{"to":["irc://"],"privmsg":"\u000304My awesome project\u000f/\u000305master\u000f \u00031447d73eae\u000f GitLab (\u0003126 files\u000f): Initialized from '.NET Core' project template"}

With a little bit of hacking, I was able to make the Mattermost integration act like a regular webhook:

  "username": "",
  "object_kind": "merge_request",
  "event_type": "merge_request",
  "user": {
  "project": {
  "object_attributes": {
    "assignee_id": null,
    "author_id": 1,
    "created_at": "2021-08-07 17:07:26 UTC",
    "description": "",
    "head_pipeline_id": 2,
    "id": 2,
    "iid": 2,
    "last_edited_at": "2021-08-07 19:05:37 UTC",
    "last_edited_by_id": 1,
    "merge_commit_sha": null,
    "merge_error": null,
    "merge_params": {
      "force_remove_source_branch": "1"
    "merge_status": "can_be_merged",
    "merge_user_id": null,
    "merge_when_pipeline_succeeds": false,
    "milestone_id": null,
    "source_branch": "webhook",
    "source_project_id": 2,
    "state_id": 1,
    "target_branch": "master",
    "target_project_id": 2,
    "time_estimate": 0,
    "title": "Update Program.cs",
    "updated_at": "2021-08-07 19:05:37 UTC",
    "updated_by_id": 1,
    "url": "",
    "source": {
      "id": 2,
      "name": "My awesome project",
      "description": null,
      "web_url": "",
      "avatar_url": null,
      "git_ssh_url": "",
      "git_http_url": "",
      "namespace": "My Awesome Group",
      "visibility_level": 0,
      "path_with_namespace": "my-awesome-group/my-awesome-project",
      "default_branch": "master",
      "ci_config_path": null,
      "homepage": "",
      "url": "",
      "ssh_url": "",
      "http_url": ""
    "target": {
      "id": 2,
      "name": "My awesome project",
      "description": null,
      "web_url": "",
      "avatar_url": null,
      "git_ssh_url": "",
      "git_http_url": "",
      "namespace": "My Awesome Group",
      "visibility_level": 0,
      "path_with_namespace": "my-awesome-group/my-awesome-project",
      "default_branch": "master",
      "ci_config_path": null,
      "homepage": "",
      "url": "",
      "ssh_url": "",
      "http_url": ""
    "last_commit": {
      "id": "4da1b25be1f69639d8e7d085aff7aa8dda02f858",
      "message": "Update Program.cs",
      "title": "Update Program.cs",
      "timestamp": "2021-08-07T17:07:19+00:00",
      "url": "",
      "author": {
        "name": "Administrator",
        "email": ""
    "work_in_progress": false,
    "total_time_spent": 0,
    "time_change": 0,
    "human_total_time_spent": null,
    "human_time_change": null,
    "human_time_estimate": null,
    "assignee_ids": [],
    "state": "opened",
    "action": "update"
  "labels": [],
  "changes": {
    "last_edited_at": {
      "previous": "2021-08-07 18:03:43 UTC",
      "current": "2021-08-07 19:05:37 UTC"
    "title": {
      "previous": "Draft: Update Program.cs",
      "current": "Update Program.cs"
    "updated_at": {
      "previous": "2021-08-07 19:05:11 UTC",
      "current": "2021-08-07 19:05:37 UTC"
  "repository": {
    "name": "My awesome project",
    "url": "",
    "description": null,
    "homepage": ""
  "project_url": "",
  "project_name": "My Awesome Group / My awesome project"

Specifically, this required the following changes:

In any case, this proves that, yes, an integration does have access to the full event stream. However, given that the group-level webhooks are only available in ee, I don't know if GitLab will be interested in getting a global-level webhook integration back. (it seems to have been moved recently from integrations to a separate webhook component).

@Legoktm mentioned Debian's gitlab instance (Salsa) has some irc integration as well. Seems to be the built-in Irker plus something based on webhooks & This is something we could also deploy in principle (with wikibugs just handling phab, and kgb handling merge requests etc).

The issue of per-project vs global config does remain.

If we go the per-project route, I think we should go for Irker/KGB - just let repo owners figure out their needs/config. If we go for a global route I think we need to look into building a global Integration that is effectively just publishing a webhook.

... or we can poll /events once a minute and keep track of the last seen event ourselves. Not the most efficient option, but nice in terms of security and lack of global permissions.

Sorry, still catching up. I do think we want wikibugs to be globally watching all projects (maybe ignore user-owned projects by default?).

I think we need to look into building a global Integration that is effectively just publishing a webhook

by "building" do you mean patching the GitLab code?

... or we can poll /events once a minute and keep track of the last seen event ourselves. Not the most efficient option, but nice in terms of security and lack of global permissions.

Well, that is how the Phabricator reporter works :), though it polls every second.

Also I'm not sure if we're going to run into the problem again that production services cannot talk to WMCS/Toolforge (only goes in the other direction). But I assume a hole is being opened for CI purposes, so we could piggyback on that.

by "building" do you mean patching the GitLab code?

Effectively, yes. The different integrations are reasonably decoupled although it's not exactly a 'plugin architecture'.

Well, that is how the Phabricator reporter works :), though it polls every second.

Sort of. The main difference is that Phabricator keeps track of the events for us, so there's no duplication / no risk of missing events.

I poked around the /events endpoint a bit to see how pagination is handled... and learned a few annoying things:



Do you have a patch or an idea how much changes are needed for adding the integration? That does seem like the best way forward. cc'ing @brennen since I'm not really sure what our capacity for local patches is .

I'm also curious how the GitLab-->Phabricator bot is going to work, since presumably that also needs to watch all projects.

brennen edited projects, added GitLab; removed GitLab (Initialization).


Do you have a patch or an idea how much changes are needed for adding the integration? That does seem like the best way forward. cc'ing @brennen since I'm not really sure what our capacity for local patches is .

It's not exactly a patch, but...

Specifically, this required the following changes:

In any case, this proves that, yes, an integration does have access to the full event stream. However, given that the group-level webhooks are only available in ee, I don't know if GitLab will be interested in getting a global-level webhook integration back. (it seems to have been moved recently from integrations to a separate webhook component).

That's not a full implementation yet, though, as it doesn't add a new webhook (it just patches an existing one). I wasn't able to figure out where exactly the list-of-webhooks gets instantiated (and was testing things by hacking a 'production install' rather than a dev version -- I'll play around with the gitpod gitlab environment at some point to see if that makes life easier).

I think my main concern would be the handling of confidential issues/commits/repositories; to implement the hook correctly would require a good understanding of how the rights system in Gitlab works. (...and a good tracking of any changes therein).

I think my main concern would be the handling of confidential issues/commits/repositories; to implement the hook correctly would require a good understanding of how the rights system in Gitlab works. (...and a good tracking of any changes therein).

Are we even allowing private repos? Gerrit didn't, which is why we could avoid implementing rights checking even though stream-events gives out non-private events. And issues are going to be globally disabled AIUI.

The approach of having a bot iterate over all projects and configure the webhook individually doesn't sound that bad tbh.

Are we even allowing private repos?

Probably not very many of them, and not by default, but I think there are probably a handful of use cases for exceptions.

brennen edited projects, added GitLab (Integrations); removed GitLab.
thcipriani triaged this task as Medium priority.
thcipriani set the point value for this task to 3.
thcipriani added subscribers: mmodell, thcipriani.

Assigning @mmodell to help shepherd patch to completion.

I'm not sure how to move this forward, I think some guidance from RelEng would be helpful on whether 1) we can get access to a full event stream, which appears to need some patching of GitLab, or 2) whether we can have a global admin account that can configure webhooks for all projects (not necessarily run by Wikibugs maintainers, it could operate on the GitLab side).

And also whether GitLab will even be able to go through the firewall and send webhooks to Toolforge/Cloud VPS (neither Phab nor Gerrit could).

Discussed with @brennen today in #wikimedia-gitlab. Based off the existing GitLab/Phab integration (see, we can set a webhook globally to receive all the events we care about and said webhook can live in Toolforge. I'll take a first stab at the implementation.

Change 710665 abandoned by Merlijn van Deen:

[labs/tools/wikibugs2@master] Add GitLab to Redis webhook


This could now presumably be built on top of (either using Redis as intermediary between the two repos, or by moving Wikibugs under the gitlab-webhooks repo).

bd808 removed the point value for this task.
bd808 subscribed.

Unlicking this cookie for @Legoktm. I have some hope that this will be the fun treat I get to hack on once I clear more of the instability issues and ancient bugs off the board.

This could now presumably be built on top of (either using Redis as intermediary between the two repos, or by moving Wikibugs under the gitlab-webhooks repo).

I agree that getting the needed data feed from the tool seems like the most reasonable direction to take. With the stability issues Wikibugs has been having with Redis I do not favor using it as a data passing system. Gitlab-webhooks has a nicely modular system for adding new "sinks" to process the the GitLab data. I can imagine a few ways to use this to integrate the two systems. They are all variations on a central theme of using HTTP to relay the webhook events received by gitlab-webhooks to wikibugs.

  • Add a sink to gitlab-webhooks that re-publishes events via PUT/POST to This fits with the producer design for Wikibugs being introduced in T361518: Replace Redis queue with custom http solution. The major drawback to this implementation is the 1-to-1 nature of the republication. It will be challenging to continue develop and test the wikibugs response to the webhook events if they are only received inside the main deployment. It will also be challenging to add arbitrarily many additional receivers to gitlab-webhooks although I do have some potential ideas if this is for whatever reason the most preferred implementation.
  • Implement a new type of sink in gitlab-webhooks that allows arbitrary client subscriptions to the event stream. This could be a pull system that buffers events and replays them when an endpoint is called (like Phorge's feed.query endpoint), or a push system using Server Sent Events (SSE) or similar technology (like EventStreams and the work-in-progress on T361518). A possible drawback of this design is the currently synchronous nature of gitlab-webhooks' internal event handling. Implementing threading or asyncio there might be required to ensure that adding subscribers does not starve the other sinks of processing time.
  • Implement the same arbitrary client subscriptions to SSE streams concept in a new third tool (gitlab-events) and one sink on the gitlab-webhooks tool to act as the producer for that new pubsub style system. The main drawback I currently see for this solution is it being yet another thing to maintain in the long term.

It is a bit more upfront work, but I would currently lean towards the last idea in that list, a new intermediary service designed to allow any client to connect to an SSE data stream containing the gitlab-webhooks produced events. This feels less risky than rewriting gitlab-webhooks with asyncio. It also feels less cumbersome for wikibugs than restricting development to a reasonably small number of locations configured into a single gitlab-webhooks sink. This intermediate app could easily be designed such that it could ingest events directly from GitLab in the same way that gitlab-webhooks does today. This would allow future deployment options of it being feed data in parallel to gitlab-webhooks or gitlab-webhooks being re-implemented as a client of gitlab-events. Both this and the subscription sink idea also open up the data for consumption by other tools which I think is a net win for the Wikimedia technical community.

I have jumped ahead and cookie-licked the gitlab-events tool, but I want to talk over the pros and cons of these options with @dancy and @brennen before doing any significant work.

bd808 changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Feature Request".

@bd808 I read over your proposal and all of the ideas sound reasonable. The code behind gitlab-webhooks is pretty simple and can easily be modified to have a better design (for example, separate producer and consumer threads, storing unprocessed events in a file, etc). I'm happy to work with you on necessary changes, or to just review.

bd808 changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Tue, Apr 9, 11:12 PM
bd808 claimed this task.
bd808 moved this task from Need discussion to Ready to Go on the Wikibugs board.

I talked with @dancy on irc and have decided to try this variant:

  • Implement a new type of sink in gitlab-webhooks that allows arbitrary client subscriptions to the event stream. This could be a pull system that buffers events and replays them when an endpoint is called (like Phorge's feed.query endpoint), or a push system using Server Sent Events (SSE) or similar technology (like EventStreams and the work-in-progress on T361518). A possible drawback of this design is the currently synchronous nature of gitlab-webhooks' internal event handling. Implementing threading or asyncio there might be required to ensure that adding subscribers does not starve the other sinks of processing time.

Specifically I will submit an MR (or stack of MRs) that will:

  • Update gitlab-webhooks to use asyncio via hypercorn and the quart framework
  • Add an SSE API for clients like wikibugs to use to subscribe to the webhook data stream
  • Introduce additional changes needed to make the resulting tool run well from a build service managed container

The conversion to build service containers is needed to support ASGI with hypercorn. The legacy python container support in Toolforge is all uwsgi based. At the moment I think the only thing that will need changing to work well is converting the configuration of the app to use envvars for secrets rather than loading them from a yaml file on NFS. The latter is still technically possible with a custom container, but reducing NFS dependencies is more optimal.

bd808 changed the subtype of this task from "Feature Request" to "Goal".Mon, Apr 15, 2:20 AM

Getting comment, pipeline, and job events out of GitLab would be a nice addition to the data that is currently collected by gitlab-webhooks using the system hooks integration. Unfortunately these are not as easy for us to manage centrally as they must be configured at the project level in GitLab CE. Group level integration for these events is only possible with a paid subscription.

We do however get a system level event when any project is created, so it would be possible to use the hooks API endpoints to manage per-project hooks with a bot. It will not be possible to use a single validation token with these integrations. The hook configuration will be visible to the owners of each project and thus expose the validation token to them. I think we can dream up a system that varies this token per-project so that the owners of project A cannot spoof events for project B. Using a pepper hashed with the project namespace and path would likely be the simplest method of validation.

bd808 changed the status of subtask T362500: Report GitLab merge request events to IRC from Open to In Progress.