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Clearer instructions in the Phabricator login page
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After agreeing on declining T543: Wikimedia name and logo in Wikimedia SUL login button, we still have a risk of confusing many with the "LDAP" credentials and the MediaWiki button (i.e. "But I don't have a account!").

Can we modify the instructions in the login page to make them clearer?

Wikimedia and MediaWiki contributors use Phabricator to manage projects, log and fix bugs, and track progress. You can help!

If you have an account on any Wikimedia projects, such as or you already have an account on this site. Existing Gerrit/Labs accounts can be used to create account as well,
learn more about creating an account an claiming previous Bugzilla and RT activity.

Event Timeline

Qgil raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Qgil updated the task description. (Show Details)
Qgil added a project: Bugzilla-Migration.
Qgil changed Security from none to None.
Qgil added subscribers: Qgil, mmodell.

Just added " link to your account will be displayed in your Phabricator profile." as proposed in the description of T258.

Aklapper triaged this task as Medium priority.Oct 6 2014, 11:55 AM
Aklapper edited projects, added Phabricator; removed Bugzilla-Migration.
Aklapper subscribed.

In the office, 'LDAP' typically refers to a user's credentials against our local OpenLDAP server whose passwords are used for Wifi, VPN, the fileserver and Google Apps.
(also sync'd to a mirror in production to whitelist email endpoints)

In Labs, LDAP means an entirely different thing.

I'd suggest you do away with the keyword LDAP here and just call it a Phabricator login.
(no need to point out the system underneath)

(I'd like to get to the point where we refer to the office IT ldap as simply your Office IT account..)

Focus on the user experience/role -- not the underlying technology..

Make sense?

In T545#8718, @JKrauska wrote:

In the office, 'LDAP' typically refers to a user's credentials against our local OpenLDAP server whose passwords are used for Wifi, VPN, the fileserver and Google Apps.
(also sync'd to a mirror in production to whitelist email endpoints)

In Labs, LDAP means an entirely different thing.

Currently the page says " Labs/LDAP user" (including the link).

The text I'm proposing above says

You can also use your Gerrit/Labs credentials to connect via LDAP.

I'd suggest you do away with the keyword LDAP here and just call it a Phabricator login.
(no need to point out the system underneath)

I wouldn't know what credentials should I enter when asked for "a Phabricator login". Sounds like creating a new local account, which we are not doing. I would never relate this "Phabricator login" with the Gerrit/Labs account.

(I'd like to get to the point where we refer to the office IT ldap as simply your Office IT account..)

This is a WMF internal problem that you are in a very good position to solve. :)

Focus on the user experience/role -- not the underlying technology..

Make sense?

Makes sense. I wonder whether "LDAP" could be substituted by "" in

Proposed Header Text:
Wikimedia Foundation and volunteers use Phabricator to manage projects, log and fix bugs, and track progress. You can help!

Secondary Text:
If you have an account on any Wikimedia projects, such as or you already have an account on this site.

Your mockup and the text ignores the fact that we have two authentication systems. As it is now, we cannot implement it.

Also, the purpose of Phabricator is already explained in the homepage, do we need to repeat it here? We can assume that the user was in the homepage already, and decided to log in. Wouldn't it be better to focus the message in helping the user to log in?

Note also that in other discussions it was considered relevant that users are aware that their Wikimedia username will be featured in their Phabricator profile before they create an account.

These are the reasons behind the draft text featured in the task description above.

@Qgil, as I said in the mockup I'll be adding the LDAP login/registration method as well, I mentioned this in the notes on the mockup. From our conversation it sounds like most people will be using the OAuth method so it makes sense to highlight this and deprioritize the LDAP method which is less used and more confusing (as reported by users)

Ooops, sorry, I jumped directly to the mockup and didn't see your comment in the description. Sorry if my tone sounds harsh, maybe I was too much in execution mode this morning... I just wanted to enumerate the problems I see in the current text.

Feel free to add the alternative text in the task description and/or edit the current draft, wiki style. This way we can discuss quickly the text here, without needing updated mockups.

Qgil lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Dec 8 2014, 8:32 AM

Even if our current login page is far from ideal, the fact is that we have more than 1000 users now, and we are not hearing complaints. Lowering priority.

On a related note, a Google Code-in student contributed a short screencast this weekend. It is now featured at

I have no idea how much of a diff it would be to maintain this (@mmodell: any idea?), but moving the "Login or Register: MediaWiki" button above the "Login or Register with LDAP" one, adding a "(recommended)" prefix to it, and an "Or:" between these two ways? Any hints to the place in the code are welcome.

Qgil raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.Feb 24 2015, 2:56 PM
Qgil raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Feb 25 2015, 2:21 PM

Here is a proposal for 100% practical instructions in the login page:

  • 1<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:1.8em;text-align:center">Login or register to Wikimedia Phabricator</div>
    3<p style="font-size:1.1em;text-align:center;line-height:1.5;padding:20px">
    4 Click the MediaWiki button to connect your <a href="//">Wikimedia unified account</a>.<br>
    5 Alternatively, you can introduce your <a href="//">Labs/Gerrit</a> LDAP credentials.<br>
    6 In case of doubt, check the Phabricator Help: <a href="//">Creating your account</a>.


    • The problem of this page is that users are confused by the LDAP form, and they don't see / don't get the MediaWiki button. While those elements stay hardcoded where they are, we should use the customizable text to address that problem.
    • The problem of this page is not to attract new Phabricator users or to explain what is Phabricator. For this reason, I'm not proposing the more explanatory/seducing versions that Jared and myself had proposed.

    I tried to edit to see the page live, but this configuration cannot be changed via web.

    If you like this text, I will be happy to upload my first Wikimedia Phabricator patch. :)

    @Qgil Your mock up has some added text at the top, but still has the fundamentally confusing Header to the text box. "Login or Register With LDAP" "LDAP Username" "LDAP Password".

    I would propose removing all those extra 'LDAP's.

    Is it really impossible to move the Federated Login button?

    @JKrauska, this task is strictly about the title and text paragraph below. The other elements of the page are out of my control, not configurable. This texh thought could be changed in the next days if we agree on it. See T862 and the other blockers of that task.

    Change 194126 had a related patch set uploaded (by Aklapper):
    Put clearer Login/Register instructions on the Phabricator login page

    I put a patch into Gerrit. Added the word "below". Not sure if "connect" and "introduce" are better than just "log in / register" but well we could bikeshed a lot about language I guess (and can have follow-up patches) and everything is better than what we have now anyway.

    I know we're working around some technical limitation, but I'll reiterate we're giving 90% of the screen to something 10% of users are using and 10% to something that 90% of users are using. there is so much emphasis on the LDAP login and we really want people to be using the oAuth login method.

    Fully acknowledged and agreed, but this is T963: Make the phabricator OAuth login UI more prominent and it is a very different problem to solve.

    Change 194126 merged by Alexandros Kosiaris:
    Put clearer Login/Register instructions on the Phabricator login page