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"No results found" error handling for Flow search
Open, MediumPublic


When there are no results for a search:

  • A red warning is shown where the results counter (and loading indicator) are, indicating "No results".
  • The label is shown initially in red (#D11813) but it will fade into grey (#999).
  • On subsequent modifications of the query, if there are still no results, the label will become red (and fade) again. That will help users to notice if they are still typing despite not getting any results.

Search not found.png (248×659 px, 16 KB)

Event Timeline

DannyH assigned this task to Pginer-WMF.
DannyH raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
DannyH updated the task description. (Show Details)
DannyH subscribed.

We can modify the current navigation elements to communicate the lack of results:

  • The result counter can turn into "No results" (and even shake laterally if the user keeps typing, for extra visibility)
  • A red bar at the bottom (as the one used for the result overview) can turn red.

A Mockup below:

Search_not_found.png (320×671 px, 33 KB)

DannyH updated the task description. (Show Details)
DannyH set Security to None.

I reviewed the design to make it more consistent with T99881:

Search not found.png (248×659 px, 16 KB)

  • Warning is shown where the results counter (and loading indicator) are shown.
  • It is highlight only for a brief time, but also on subsequent modifications of the query (to make users aware if they are still typing)

I'll modify the ticket description above.