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Remove incorrect field 'publicationTitle' for itemType 'webpage' in lib/scraper.js
Closed, DuplicatePublic


lib/Scraper.js and translators erroneously were providing base types for webpage itemTypes instead of item specific types, i.e. the field "websiteTitle" was erroneously called "publicationTitle".

Event Timeline

Mvolz claimed this task.
Mvolz raised the priority of this task from to High.
Mvolz updated the task description. (Show Details)
Mvolz added a project: Citoid.
Mvolz moved this task to IO Tasks on the Citoid board.
Mvolz subscribed.
Mvolz renamed this task from Fix incorrect field for itemType webpage in lib/scraper.js and translators to Remove incorrect field 'publicationTitle' for itemType 'webpage' in lib/scraper.js.Mar 22 2015, 2:21 PM
Mvolz set Security to None.