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Add new semi-automated tools
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3gg5amp1e raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
3gg5amp1e updated the task description. (Show Details)
3gg5amp1e added a project: XTools.
3gg5amp1e subscribed.
Matthewrbowker triaged this task as Low priority.

There are a bajillion tools out there. For this I created a nonautomated edit counter. It is very comprehensive, and guess what -- there's an API! See I think it'd be really cool to feed off of this. It goes fairly fast, but you won't want to wait for results of users with tons and tons of edits, so I recommend using JavaScript to load the data asynchronously. I'm happy to help with that.

Fixed in the above commit, will be deployed as part of the rebirth.