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Add Read me to repository tool-editathonstat
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Add Read me to repository tool-editathonstat . And add files to it

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MarcoAurelio removed Ranjithsiji as the assignee of this task.EditedMar 7 2017, 1:08 PM
MarcoAurelio subscribed.

R2064 is empty and has no code. Where is this repo hosted?

Okay it seems is the source. I'll arrange to have the Phab repo to mirror the GitHub one.

Actually I am trying to create a repo in phabricator for the tool but I have no access to do anything. That is why created this. Any Idea how to do this ?

@Ranjithsiji: Hi! This task has been assigned to you a while ago. Could you maybe share an update? Do you still plan to work on this task, or do you need any help?

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Actually the tool is not working now. I dont know how to access the kubernetics instance and fix the problem.

@Ranjithsiji: Was the last comment helpful? Do you plan to look into this?

@Aklapper I got the things right now. But my tool is now broken due to some change in the database of mediawiki. I am trying to fix my SQL query now. But no success. Do you know anyone who is expert in mediawiki database and how to query it.

@Ranjithsiji: That sounds like a different problem than the topic of this task, and without further and clearer information it's hard for anyone to help.

Regarding this task: Where is the source code? I can find but also . Both do have a README file for years.

Also, lists no "source" info. Please see

@Ranjithsiji: Could you please answer the last comment? Thanks in advance!

I think I don't have a right to create a repo in this place. So I hosted the original source of this programme on It have a readme. Also on the tool I clearly mentioned all the details. I don't access to this place It is very helpfull if a person have access to this place add the information. says This is the configuration page for Hay's Tools Directory. Want to add your tool? Please check the instructions. Will this solve the above problem ?

@Ranjithsiji: I don't know what "this place" is in the sentence "I don't have a right to create a repo in this place." Please see the links that I provided in T159818#5809568 for general questions and support - thanks!

Will this solve the above problem ?

Yes, I think so.

@Aklapper please see this link I don't have any access to edit this link. So I cannot add any information. I will try to add my toon in Hay Directory. Is this will solve the problem ?

@Ranjithsiji: Please see my previous comment which linked to already which has instructions (see "Add a tool"). If specific instructions on that page are unclear, please point out which specific instructions are unclear - thanks!

This task has been assigned to the same task owner for more than two years. Resetting task assignee due to inactivity, to decrease task cookie-licking and to get a slightly more realistic overview of plans. Please feel free to assign this task to yourself again if you still realistically work or plan to work on this task - it would be welcome!

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(For the records, two emails were sent to assignee addresses before resetting assignees. See T228575 for more info and for potential feedback. Thanks!)

Whoops, sorry for not excluding this ticket.

Removing task assignee due to inactivity as this open task has been assigned for more than two years. See the email sent to the task assignee on August 22nd, 2022.
Please assign this task to yourself again if you still realistically [plan to] work on this task - it would be welcome!
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