<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> the Data Acquisition code chunk is not fully reproducible from this Report. The data are collected by running the script <code>ThankYou_2018_Production_SQL.R</code> on stat1005.eqiad.wmnet, collecting the data as <code>.tsv</code> and <code>.csv</code> files, copying manually, and processing locally. Run from stat1005 stat box by executing <code>Rscript /home/goransm/RScripts/WMDE_Campaigns/ThankYou2018/ThankYou_2018_Production_SQL.R</code>.</p>
# - NOTE: UTC timestamps - adjustment for CE(S)T introduced.
# - ServerSideAccountCreation_5487345
qCommand <- paste("mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/conf.d/analytics-research-client.cnf -h analytics-slave.eqiad.wmnet -A -e \"select * from log.GuidedTourExited_8690566 where ((webHost = 'de.wikipedia.org') and (timestamp >= ",