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Nov 22 2014, 3:55 AM
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[16:46:16] <hashar> bah git is not happy :D
[16:48:29] <xzise> git reset not found?
[16:52:16] <hashar> jenkins is stupid
[17:11:04] <hashar> tried again with GIT_TRACE=1
[17:13:09] <hashar> 'git-submodule' 'foreach' '--recursive' 'git reset' '--hard'
[17:13:14] <hashar> and yeah
[17:13:17] <hashar> "git reset" does not exist
[17:14:51] <hashar> that stupid plugin is broken beyond repair
[17:33:05] <hashar> xzise: the jenkins git plugin is broken beyond repair :-(
[17:33:29] <hashar> I have tried using the Jgit implementation (pure java, does not use the git command) and it fails as well
[17:34:43] <xzise> Hmmm is that a problem with trusty?
[17:34:49] <hashar> hop with Jenkins
[17:34:52] <xzise> Or what does that plugin do?
[17:35:08] <hashar> when resetting submodules it screw up because it uses:
[17:35:13] <hashar> git submodule foreach "git reset"
[17:35:17] <hashar> note the quotes
[17:35:27] <hashar> so it attempts to execute literally "git reset" which is not found
[17:35:30] <hashar> should be: git reset
[17:35:33] <hashar> i.e. two arguments
[17:35:44] <hashar> the Jgit implementation simply does not work
[17:37:17] <xzise> But why it's happening to nose34 and not to any other test…
[17:37:28] <hashar> yeah that is a good question :d
[17:37:52] <hashar> I guess uses submodules as well isn't it ?
[17:39:32] <hashar> ah
[17:39:41] <hashar> looking on
[17:39:48] <hashar> it does not process submodules at all
[17:40:03] <hashar> there are some copy floating around but they are from August 8th
[17:41:45] <xzise> And git submodule foreach "git reset" does work for me
[17:42:41] <hashar> the pywikibot-core-tox-nose job does not process / update them apparently :-(
[17:51:20] <valhallasw`cloud> git reset --ALL-the-things
[17:52:06] <hashar> I give up for today sorry :(
[17:52:12] <valhallasw`cloud> hashar: git-reset should exist as command, I think
[17:52:16] <hashar> yeah
[17:52:25] <hashar> but git<SPACE HERE>reset does not
[17:52:25] <valhallasw`cloud> except it doesn't on my computer :/
[17:52:26] <hashar> :D
[17:52:33] <hashar> though we could create a symbolic link
[17:52:40] <valhallasw`cloud> no, I meant like git-receive-pack which can also be invoked with git receive-pack
[17:53:19] <hashar> $ git submodule foreach "'echo foo'"
[17:53:19] <hashar> Entering 'AJAXPoll'
[17:53:25] <hashar> /usr/local/Cellar/git/2.1.0/libexec/git-core/git-submodule: line 553: echo foo: command not found
[17:53:47] <hashar> though running the job on Precise works fine
[17:53:56] <hashar> it has git version
[17:54:16] <hashar> while Trusty has git version 1.9.1
[17:56:20] <valhallasw`cloud> hashar: maybe use single instead of double quotes?
[17:56:26] <valhallasw`cloud> don't think it should matter, bit still
[17:56:32] <valhallasw`cloud> or even no quotes at all..
[17:56:51] <hashar> might be a change of behavior in how git handles args passed to submodule foreach
[17:57:42] <hashar> yeah
[17:57:48] <hashar> that is a new feature of git 1.9.0 :-]
[17:58:15] <hashar> it is the first paragraph of the release notes
[17:58:18] <hashar> \O/
[17:59:16] <hashar> the Jenkins git client we use is outdated and I refrained from updating it cause it tends to crash everything
[17:59:19] <hashar> will try tomorrow
[18:00:24] valhallasw`cloud hands hashar wine and cheese
[18:00:38] <hashar> yeah that is a very scary plugin :D
[18:00:44] <hashar> off for some call then back home
(hashar rushing to conf call then dad rush hours)

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