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Apr 29 2015, 11:48 PM
3 KB
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mattflaschen@terbium:~$ mwscript extensions/Flow/maintenance/convertLqtPageOnLocalWiki.php --wiki=testwiki --debug --srcpage 'Talk:LQT' --logfile "/tmp/Talk_LQT.log"
[2015-04-29 23:47:14] Starting LQT conversion of page Talk:LQT
[2015-04-29 23:47:14] Archiving page from Talk:LQT to Talk:LQT/LQT Archive 1
[2015-04-29 23:47:14] Importing to Talk:LQT
[2015-04-29 23:47:15] Importing header
[2015-04-29 23:47:16] Imported 2 revisions for header
[2015-04-29 23:47:16] Importing new topic
[2015-04-29 23:47:16] Finished importing topic title with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:16] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:16] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:16] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:17] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:17] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:17] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:19] Importing new topic
[2015-04-29 23:47:19] Finished importing topic title with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:19] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:19] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:19] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:19] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:19] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:20] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:20] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:21] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:21] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:22] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:22] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:22] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:22] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:22] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:22] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:23] Finished importing post with 4 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:23] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:23] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:23] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:24] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:24] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:24] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:26] Importing new topic
[2015-04-29 23:47:26] Finished importing topic title with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:26] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:26] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:26] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:27] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:27] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:27] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:27] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:27] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:27] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:27] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:27] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:28] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:28] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:28] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:30] Importing new topic
[2015-04-29 23:47:30] Finished importing topic title with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:30] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:30] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:30] Importing post
[2015-04-29 23:47:30] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
[2015-04-29 23:47:31] Flow\Import\LiquidThreadsApi\ApiBackend::retrieveThreadData: Did not find thread with conditions: {"thpage":"Talk:LQT\/LQT Archive 1","thstartid":93}
[2015-04-29 23:47:31] Imported 5 items, failed 0
[2015-04-29 23:47:31] Completed import to Talk:LQT from Talk:LQT/LQT Archive 1

File Metadata

Mime Type
text/plain; charset=utf-8
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
file (3 KB)

Event Timeline