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Warnings shown when building docs for pywikibot

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Apr 20 2018, 7:16 AM
94 KB
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Warnings shown when building docs for pywikibot

Started by user anonymous
Building remotely on integration-slave-docker-1013 (m1executor DebianJessieDocker) in workspace /srv/jenkins-workspace/workspace/pywikibot-core-tox-publish
[pywikibot-core-tox-publish] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/
+ mkdir -m 2777 -p cache
[pywikibot-core-tox-publish] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/
+ exec docker run --rm --env-file /dev/fd/63 --volume /srv/jenkins-workspace/workspace/pywikibot-core-tox-publish/cache:/cache load
++ /usr/bin/env
Defined: CASTOR_NAMESPACE="pywikibot-core/master/pywikibot-core-tox-publish"
rsync: mkdir "/nonexistent" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at main.c(675) [Receiver=3.1.2]
[pywikibot-core-tox-publish] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/
+ set -eux
+ mkdir -m 2777 -p log
+ docker run --rm --user=nobody -v /srv/jenkins-workspace/workspace/pywikibot-core-tox-publish:/workspace --entrypoint=/usr/bin/find /workspace/log -mindepth 1 -delete
[pywikibot-core-tox-publish] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/
+ set -eux
+ mkdir -m 2777 -p src
+ docker run --rm --user=nobody -v /srv/jenkins-workspace/workspace/pywikibot-core-tox-publish:/workspace --entrypoint=/usr/bin/find /workspace/src -mindepth 1 -delete
[pywikibot-core-tox-publish] $ /bin/bash -eu /tmp/
+ chmod 2777 src
++ pwd
++ /usr/bin/env
++ pwd
++ pwd
+ exec docker run --rm --env-file /dev/fd/63 --volume /srv/jenkins-workspace/workspace/pywikibot-core-tox-publish/log:/log --volume /srv/jenkins-workspace/workspace/pywikibot-core-tox-publish/cache:/cache --volume /srv/jenkins-workspace/workspace/pywikibot-core-tox-publish/src:/src -e doc
+ umask 002
+ LOG_DIR=/log
+ export LOG_DIR
+ cd /src
+ git init
+ git fetch --depth 2 --quiet git:// refs/zuul/master/Z2ae9f99fcc144bdf99fc20f3df514744
Initialized empty Git repository in /src/.git/
+ git checkout --quiet FETCH_HEAD
+ git submodule --quiet update --init --recursive
+ trap capture_tox_logs EXIT
+ tox_pid=130
+ tox -v -e doc
+ relay_signals SIGINT SIGTERM
+ for signal in '"$@"'
+ trap 'kill -$signal $tox_pid; wait $tox_pid' SIGINT
+ for signal in '"$@"'
+ trap 'kill -$signal $tox_pid; wait $tox_pid' SIGTERM
+ wait 130
using tox.ini: /src/tox.ini
using tox-2.6.0 from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tox/__init__.pyc
doc create: /src/.tox/doc
/src/.tox$ /usr/bin/python -m virtualenv --python /usr/bin/python3.4 doc >/src/.tox/doc/log/doc-0.log
doc installdeps: -rrequirements.txt, -rrequests-requirements.txt, -rdocs/requirements-py3.txt, findx >= 0.9.9, rstcheck
/src$ /src/.tox/doc/bin/pip install -rrequirements.txt -rrequests-requirements.txt -rdocs/requirements-py3.txt findx >= 0.9.9 rstcheck >/src/.tox/doc/log/doc-1.log
doc develop-inst: /src
/src$ /src/.tox/doc/bin/pip install -e /src >/src/.tox/doc/log/doc-2.log
/src$ /src/.tox/doc/bin/pip freeze >/src/.tox/doc/log/doc-3.log
doc installed: ----------------------------------------,Error when trying to get requirement for VCS system Command "git config --get-regexp remote\..*\.url" failed with error code 1 in /src, falling back to uneditable format,Could not determine repository location of /src,alabaster==0.7.10,asn1crypto==0.24.0,Babel==2.5.3,beautifulsoup4==4.6.0,certifi==2018.4.16,cffi==1.11.5,chardet==3.0.4,crontab==0.22.1,cryptography==2.2.2,docutils==0.14,findx==0.9.11,flickrapi==2.4.0,google==2.0.1,idna==2.6,imagesize==1.0.0,inflect==0.2.5,irc==16.2.1,jaraco.classes==1.4.3,jaraco.collections==1.5.3,jaraco.functools==1.17,jaraco.itertools==2.2,jaraco.logging==1.5.2,,jaraco.text==1.10,Jinja2==2.10,MarkupSafe==1.0,memento-client==0.6.1,more-itertools==4.1.0,mwoauth==0.3.2,mwparserfromhell==0.5.1,mysqlclient==1.3.12,oauthlib==2.0.7,packaging==17.1,Pillow==5.1.0,pycountry==18.2.23,pycparser==2.18,pydot==1.0.29,Pygments==2.2.0,PyJWT==1.6.1,pyparsing==2.2.0,python-stdnum==1.9,pytz==2018.4,## !! Could not determine repository location,pywikibot==3.0.20180420,requests==2.18.4,requests-oauthlib==0.8.0,requests-toolbelt==0.8.0,rstcheck==3.3,six==1.11.0,snowballstemmer==1.2.1,Sphinx==1.7.2,sphinx-epytext==0.0.4,sphinxcontrib-websupport==1.0.1,sseclient==0.0.19,tempora==1.11,typing==3.6.4,unidiff==0.5.5,urllib3==1.22
doc runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='2091236150'
doc runtests: commands[0] | make html -C ./docs
WARNING:test command found but not installed in testenv
cmd: /usr/bin/make
env: /src/.tox/doc
Maybe you forgot to specify a dependency? See also the whitelist_externals envconfig setting.
/src$ /usr/bin/make html -C ./docs
make: Entering directory '/src/docs'
Running Sphinx v1.7.2
making output directory...
loading pickled environment... not yet created
building [mo]: all of 0 po files
building [html]: all source files
updating environment: 112 added, 0 changed, 0 removed
reading sources... [ 0%] api_ref/index
reading sources... [ 1%] api_ref/pywikibot
reading sources... [ 2%] api_ref/pywikibot.comms
reading sources... [ 3%] api_ref/pywikibot.compat
reading sources... [ 4%] api_ref/
reading sources... [ 5%] api_ref/pywikibot.families
reading sources... [ 6%] api_ref/
reading sources... [ 7%] api_ref/pywikibot.userinterfaces
reading sources... [ 8%] api_ref/tests/add_text_tests
tests: max_retries reduced from 15 to 1
reading sources... [ 8%] api_ref/tests/api_tests
reading sources... [ 9%] api_ref/tests/archivebot_tests
reading sources... [ 10%] api_ref/tests/aspects
reading sources... [ 11%] api_ref/tests/basepage_tests
reading sources... [ 12%] api_ref/tests/bot_tests
reading sources... [ 13%] api_ref/tests/cache_tests
reading sources... [ 14%] api_ref/tests/category_bot_tests
reading sources... [ 15%] api_ref/tests/category_tests
reading sources... [ 16%] api_ref/tests/checkimages_tests
reading sources... [ 16%] api_ref/tests/conftest
reading sources... [ 17%] api_ref/tests/cosmetic_changes_tests
reading sources... [ 18%] api_ref/tests/data_ingestion_tests
reading sources... [ 19%] api_ref/tests/date_tests
reading sources... [ 20%] api_ref/tests/deletionbot_tests
reading sources... [ 21%] api_ref/tests/deprecation_tests
reading sources... [ 22%] api_ref/tests/diff_tests
reading sources... [ 23%] api_ref/tests/disambredir_tests
reading sources... [ 24%] api_ref/tests/djvu_tests
reading sources... [ 25%] api_ref/tests/dry_api_tests
reading sources... [ 25%] api_ref/tests/dry_site_tests
reading sources... [ 26%] api_ref/tests/edit_failure_tests
reading sources... [ 27%] api_ref/tests/edit_tests
reading sources... [ 28%] api_ref/tests/eventstreams_tests
reading sources... [ 29%] api_ref/tests/exceptions_tests
reading sources... [ 30%] api_ref/tests/family_tests
reading sources... [ 31%] api_ref/tests/file_tests
reading sources... [ 32%] api_ref/tests/fixes_tests
reading sources... [ 33%] api_ref/tests/flow_edit_tests
reading sources... [ 33%] api_ref/tests/flow_tests
reading sources... [ 34%] api_ref/tests/flow_thanks_tests
reading sources... [ 35%] api_ref/tests/http_tests
reading sources... [ 36%] api_ref/tests/i18n
reading sources... [ 37%] api_ref/tests/i18n.pywikibot
reading sources... [ 38%] api_ref/tests/i18n_tests
reading sources... [ 39%] api_ref/tests/imagecopy_tests
reading sources... [ 40%] api_ref/tests/index
reading sources... [ 41%] api_ref/tests/interwiki_graph_tests
reading sources... [ 41%] api_ref/tests/interwiki_link_tests
reading sources... [ 42%] api_ref/tests/interwikidata_tests
reading sources... [ 43%] api_ref/tests/isbn_tests
reading sources... [ 44%] api_ref/tests/l10n_tests
reading sources... [ 45%] api_ref/tests/link_tests
reading sources... [ 46%] api_ref/tests/logentry_tests
reading sources... [ 47%] api_ref/tests/login_tests
reading sources... [ 48%] api_ref/tests/mediawikiversion_tests
reading sources... [ 49%] api_ref/tests/namespace_tests
reading sources... [ 50%] api_ref/tests/oauth_tests
reading sources... [ 50%] api_ref/tests/page_tests
reading sources... [ 51%] api_ref/tests/pagegenerators_tests
reading sources... [ 52%] api_ref/tests/paraminfo_tests
reading sources... [ 53%] api_ref/tests/patrolbot_tests
reading sources... [ 54%] api_ref/tests/plural_tests
reading sources... [ 55%] api_ref/tests/proofreadpage_tests
reading sources... [ 56%] api_ref/tests/protectbot_tests
reading sources... [ 57%] api_ref/tests/pwb
reading sources... [ 58%] api_ref/tests/pwb.print_env
'BASE_LOG_PATH': '42/427842/5'
'BUILD_ID': '360'
'BUILD_TAG': 'jenkins-pywikibot-core-tox-publish-360'
'DISPLAY': ':94'
'DOC_BASENAME': 'core'
'DOC_PROJECT': 'pywikibot-core'
'DOC_SUBPATH': 'master'
'HOME': '/nonexistent'
'HOSTNAME': 'e6fb579e4df8'
'HUDSON_COOKIE': '6fde3211-6193-4146-a0fd-d5d72dbe5251'
'HUDSON_HOME': '/var/lib/jenkins'
'HUDSON_SERVER_COOKIE': '7e6d8c1ea8d4ef48'
'JENKINS_HOME': '/var/lib/jenkins'
'JENKINS_SERVER_COOKIE': '7e6d8c1ea8d4ef48'
'JOB_BASE_NAME': 'pywikibot-core-tox-publish'
'JOB_NAME': 'pywikibot-core-tox-publish'
'JOB_URL': ''
'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8'
'LANGUAGE': 'en_US:en'
'LC_ALL': 'en_US.UTF-8'
'LOG_DIR': '/log'
'LOG_PATH': '42/427842/5/postmerge/pywikibot-core-tox-publish/fe0714e'
'MFLAGS': '-w'
'NODE_LABELS': 'DebianJessieDocker integration-slave-docker-1013 m1executor'
'NODE_NAME': 'integration-slave-docker-1013'
'OLDPWD': '/src'
'PATH': '/src/.tox/doc/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin'
'PWD': '/src/docs'
'PYTHONHASHSEED': '2091236150'
'PY_COLORS': '1'
'SAUCE_ONDEMAND_USERNAME': 'wikimedia-jenkins'
'SHLVL': '3'
'SSH_CLIENT': ' 49922 22'
'SSH_CONNECTION': ' 49922 22'
'USER': 'jenkins-deploy'
'VIRTUAL_ENV': '/src/.tox/doc'
'WORKSPACE': '/srv/jenkins-workspace/workspace/pywikibot-core-tox-publish'
'XDG_CACHE_HOME': '/cache'
'ZUUL_BRANCH': 'master'
'ZUUL_CHANGE': '427842'
'ZUUL_CHANGES': 'pywikibot/core:master:refs/changes/42/427842/5'
'ZUUL_CHANGE_IDS': '427842,5'
'ZUUL_COMMIT': '17713a94f261d2afb0b9a53908c918f720ff1882'
'ZUUL_PIPELINE': 'postmerge'
'ZUUL_PROJECT': 'pywikibot/core'
'ZUUL_REF': 'refs/zuul/master/Z2ae9f99fcc144bdf99fc20f3df514744'
'ZUUL_URL': 'git://'
'ZUUL_UUID': 'fe0714e0530e4005b20797084f614cd1'
'_': '/usr/local/bin/tox'
reading sources... [ 58%] api_ref/tests/pwb.print_locals
'__builtins__': {'range': <class 'range'>, 'ChildProcessError': <class 'ChildProcessError'>, 'format': <built-in function format>, 'set': <class 'set'>, 'False': False, 'ProcessLookupError': <class 'ProcessLookupError'>, 'PermissionError': <class 'PermissionError'>, 'print': <built-in function print>, 'ArithmeticError': <class 'ArithmeticError'>, 'map': <class 'map'>, 'oct': <built-in function oct>, 'iter': <built-in function iter>, 'AttributeError': <class 'AttributeError'>, '__import__': <built-in function __import__>, 'vars': <built-in function vars>, 'dir': <built-in function dir>, 'AssertionError': <class 'AssertionError'>, 'zip': <class 'zip'>, 'id': <built-in function id>, 'ReferenceError': <class 'ReferenceError'>, 'LookupError': <class 'LookupError'>, 'abs': <built-in function abs>, 'issubclass': <built-in function issubclass>, 'DeprecationWarning': <class 'DeprecationWarning'>, 'ConnectionError': <class 'ConnectionError'>, 'BrokenPipeError': <class 'BrokenPipeError'>, 'min': <built-in function min>, 'UnboundLocalError': <class 'UnboundLocalError'>, 'globals': <built-in function globals>, 'SystemError': <class 'SystemError'>, 'quit': Use quit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit, 'divmod': <built-in function divmod>, 'TimeoutError': <class 'TimeoutError'>, 'open': <built-in function open>, 'hex': <built-in function hex>, 'input': <built-in function input>, 'KeyError': <class 'KeyError'>, 'SystemExit': <class 'SystemExit'>, 'pow': <built-in function pow>, 'OSError': <class 'OSError'>, 'super': <class 'super'>, 'hasattr': <built-in function hasattr>, 'NameError': <class 'NameError'>, 'copyright': Copyright (c) 2001-2014 Python Software Foundation.
All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 2000
All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Corporation for National Research Initiatives.
All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam.
All Rights Reserved., 'credits': Thanks to CWI, CNRI,, Zope Corporation and a cast of thousands
for supporting Python development. See for more information., 'IOError': <class 'OSError'>, 'setattr': <built-in function setattr>, 'NotImplemented': NotImplemented, 'ConnectionResetError': <class 'ConnectionResetError'>, 'TypeError': <class 'TypeError'>, 'tuple': <class 'tuple'>, 'SyntaxError': <class 'SyntaxError'>, 'MemoryError': <class 'MemoryError'>, '__package__': '', 'exit': Use exit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit, 'Ellipsis': Ellipsis, 'isinstance': <built-in function isinstance>, 'complex': <class 'complex'>, 'UnicodeError': <class 'UnicodeError'>, 'property': <class 'property'>, 'ImportWarning': <class 'ImportWarning'>, 'bytearray': <class 'bytearray'>, 'IndexError': <class 'IndexError'>, 'ValueError': <class 'ValueError'>, 'hash': <built-in function hash>, 'GeneratorExit': <class 'GeneratorExit'>, '__loader__': <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, 'type': <class 'type'>, '__debug__': True, 'FileExistsError': <class 'FileExistsError'>, 'ZeroDivisionError': <class 'ZeroDivisionError'>, 'repr': <built-in function repr>, '__doc__': "Built-in functions, exceptions, and other objects.\n\nNoteworthy: None is the `nil' object; Ellipsis represents `...' in slices.", 'compile': <built-in function compile>, 'frozenset': <class 'frozenset'>, 'int': <class 'int'>, 'UserWarning': <class 'UserWarning'>, 'IsADirectoryError': <class 'IsADirectoryError'>, 'locals': <built-in function locals>, 'PendingDeprecationWarning': <class 'PendingDeprecationWarning'>, 'FloatingPointError': <class 'FloatingPointError'>, 'sum': <built-in function sum>, 'bool': <class 'bool'>, 'NotADirectoryError': <class 'NotADirectoryError'>, 'RuntimeError': <class 'RuntimeError'>, 'EOFError': <class 'EOFError'>, 'StopIteration': <class 'StopIteration'>, 'NotImplementedError': <class 'NotImplementedError'>, 'None': None, 'all': <built-in function all>, 'ConnectionRefusedError': <class 'ConnectionRefusedError'>, 'InterruptedError': <class 'InterruptedError'>, 'round': <built-in function round>, 'getattr': <built-in function getattr>, 'len': <built-in function len>, 'True': True, 'object': <class 'object'>, 'license': See, 'ResourceWarning': <class 'ResourceWarning'>, 'next': <built-in function next>, 'UnicodeDecodeError': <class 'UnicodeDecodeError'>, 'reversed': <class 'reversed'>, 'TabError': <class 'TabError'>, 'dict': <class 'dict'>, 'any': <built-in function any>, 'chr': <built-in function chr>, 'classmethod': <class 'classmethod'>, 'list': <class 'list'>, 'UnicodeWarning': <class 'UnicodeWarning'>, 'ord': <built-in function ord>, 'IndentationError': <class 'IndentationError'>, 'eval': <built-in function eval>, 'ImportError': <class 'ImportError'>, 'bin': <built-in function bin>, 'bytes': <class 'bytes'>, 'OverflowError': <class 'OverflowError'>, 'ascii': <built-in function ascii>, 'Warning': <class 'Warning'>, 'SyntaxWarning': <class 'SyntaxWarning'>, 'ConnectionAbortedError': <class 'ConnectionAbortedError'>, 'BytesWarning': <class 'BytesWarning'>, 'sorted': <built-in function sorted>, 'exec': <built-in function exec>, 'FutureWarning': <class 'FutureWarning'>, 'Exception': <class 'Exception'>, 'max': <built-in function max>, 'BaseException': <class 'BaseException'>, 'float': <class 'float'>, 'EnvironmentError': <class 'OSError'>, 'BufferError': <class 'BufferError'>, 'callable': <built-in function callable>, 'help': Type help() for interactive help, or help(object) for help about object., 'UnicodeTranslateError': <class 'UnicodeTranslateError'>, 'slice': <class 'slice'>, 'filter': <class 'filter'>, 'RuntimeWarning': <class 'RuntimeWarning'>, '__build_class__': <built-in function __build_class__>, 'KeyboardInterrupt': <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>, 'FileNotFoundError': <class 'FileNotFoundError'>, 'delattr': <built-in function delattr>, 'BlockingIOError': <class 'BlockingIOError'>, 'enumerate': <class 'enumerate'>, '__spec__': ModuleSpec(name='builtins', loader=<class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>), '__name__': 'builtins', 'staticmethod': <class 'staticmethod'>, 'str': <class 'str'>, 'UnicodeEncodeError': <class 'UnicodeEncodeError'>, 'memoryview': <class 'memoryview'>}
'__doc__': 'Script that forms part of pwb_tests.'
__file__: './../tests/pwb/'
'__name__': 'tests.pwb.print_locals'
'__package__': 'tests.pwb'
'absolute_import': _Feature((2, 5, 0, 'alpha', 1), (3, 0, 0, 'alpha', 0), 16384)
'os': <module 'os' from '/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/'>
'unicode_literals': _Feature((2, 6, 0, 'alpha', 2), (3, 0, 0, 'alpha', 0), 131072)
reading sources... [ 59%] api_ref/tests/pwb.print_unicode
reading sources... [ 60%] api_ref/tests/pwb_tests
reading sources... [ 61%] api_ref/tests/python_tests
reading sources... [ 62%] api_ref/tests/redirect_bot_tests
reading sources... [ 63%] api_ref/tests/reflinks_tests
reading sources... [ 64%] api_ref/tests/replacebot_tests
reading sources... [ 65%] api_ref/tests/script_tests
match_images depends on PIL.ImageTk, which isnt available:
No module named '_tkinter', please install the python3-tk package
script_wui depends on lua, which isnt available:
No module named 'lua'
reading sources... [ 66%] api_ref/tests/site_detect_tests
reading sources... [ 66%] api_ref/tests/site_tests
reading sources... [ 67%] api_ref/tests/sparql_tests
reading sources... [ 68%] api_ref/tests/template_bot_tests
reading sources... [ 69%] api_ref/tests/tests_tests
reading sources... [ 70%] api_ref/tests/textlib_tests
reading sources... [ 71%] api_ref/tests/thanks_tests
reading sources... [ 72%] api_ref/tests/thread_tests
reading sources... [ 73%] api_ref/tests/timestamp_tests
reading sources... [ 74%] api_ref/tests/timestripper_tests
reading sources... [ 75%] api_ref/tests/tk_tests
reading sources... [ 75%] api_ref/tests/tools_chars_tests
reading sources... [ 76%] api_ref/tests/tools_formatter_tests
reading sources... [ 77%] api_ref/tests/tools_ip_tests
reading sources... [ 78%] api_ref/tests/tools_tests
reading sources... [ 79%] api_ref/tests/ui_options_tests
reading sources... [ 80%] api_ref/tests/ui_tests
reading sources... [ 81%] api_ref/tests/upload_tests
reading sources... [ 82%] api_ref/tests/uploadbot_tests
reading sources... [ 83%] api_ref/tests/user_tests
reading sources... [ 83%] api_ref/tests/utils
reading sources... [ 84%] api_ref/tests/weblib_tests
reading sources... [ 85%] api_ref/tests/weblinkchecker_tests
reading sources... [ 86%] api_ref/tests/wikibase_edit_tests
reading sources... [ 87%] api_ref/tests/wikibase_tests
reading sources... [ 88%] api_ref/tests/wikistats_tests
reading sources... [ 89%] api_ref/tests/xmlreader_tests
reading sources... [ 90%] credits
reading sources... [ 91%] getting_help
reading sources... [ 91%] index
reading sources... [ 92%] installation
Duplicate implicit target name: "installation".
Hyperlink target "id1" is not referenced.
reading sources... [ 93%] library_usage
reading sources... [ 94%] licenses
Hyperlink target "licenses-mit" is not referenced.
reading sources... [ 95%] scripts/index
reading sources... [ 96%] scripts/scripts
Blank line missing before literal block (after the "::")? Interpreted as a definition list item.
Blank line missing before literal block (after the "::")? Interpreted as a definition list item.
Blank line missing before literal block (after the "::")? Interpreted as a definition list item.
Blank line missing before literal block (after the "::")? Interpreted as a definition list item.
Unexpected possible title overline or transition.
Treating it as ordinary text because it's so short.
Blank line missing before literal block (after the "::")? Interpreted as a definition list item.
Blank line missing before literal block (after the "::")? Interpreted as a definition list item.
Blank line missing before literal block (after the "::")? Interpreted as a definition list item.
Blank line missing before literal block (after the "::")? Interpreted as a definition list item.
Blank line missing before literal block (after the "::")? Interpreted as a definition list item.
Unexpected possible title overline or transition.
Treating it as ordinary text because it's so short.
Unexpected possible title overline or transition.
Treating it as ordinary text because it's so short.
Blank line missing before literal block (after the "::")? Interpreted as a definition list item.
Blank line missing before literal block (after the "::")? Interpreted as a definition list item.
reading sources... [ 97%] scripts/scripts.archive
reading sources... [ 98%] scripts/scripts.i18n
reading sources... [ 99%] scripts/scripts.maintenance
Blank line missing before literal block (after the "::")? Interpreted as a definition list item.
Blank line missing before literal block (after the "::")? Interpreted as a definition list item.
Blank line missing before literal block (after the "::")? Interpreted as a definition list item.
Blank line missing before literal block (after the "::")? Interpreted as a definition list item.
Blank line missing before literal block (after the "::")? Interpreted as a definition list item.
reading sources... [100%] scripts/scripts.userscripts
WARNING: /src/pywikibot/ UserWarning: Site objects have been created before arguments were handled
WARNING: API error invalidtitle: Bad title "Category::-M".
/src/pywikibot/data/ of WARNING: Inline substitution_reference start-string without end-string.
WARNING: autodoc: failed to import module 'pywikibot.userinterfaces.gui'; the following exception was raised:
No module named '_tkinter', please install the python3-tk package
/src/tests/ of tests.archivebot_tests.TestDiscussionPageObject.testTwoThreadsWithCommentedOutThread:5: WARNING: Inline substitution_reference start-string without end-string.
/src/tests/ of tests.archivebot_tests.TestDiscussionPageObject.testTwoThreadsWithCommentedOutThread:5: WARNING: Inline substitution_reference start-string without end-string.
WARNING: autodoc: failed to import method 'TestEventStreamsUrlTests.test_url_from_site_de.wp' from module 'tests.eventstreams_tests'; the following exception was raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 204, in safe_getattr
return getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
AttributeError: type object 'TestEventStreamsUrlTests' has no attribute 'test_url_from_site_de'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 164, in import_object
obj = attrgetter(obj, attrname)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 274, in get_attr
return autodoc_attrgetter(, obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 1506, in autodoc_attrgetter
return safe_getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 220, in safe_getattr
raise AttributeError(name)
AttributeError: test_url_from_site_de
WARNING: autodoc: failed to import method 'TestEventStreamsUrlTests.test_url_from_site_en.wq' from module 'tests.eventstreams_tests'; the following exception was raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 204, in safe_getattr
return getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
AttributeError: type object 'TestEventStreamsUrlTests' has no attribute 'test_url_from_site_en'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 164, in import_object
obj = attrgetter(obj, attrname)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 274, in get_attr
return autodoc_attrgetter(, obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 1506, in autodoc_attrgetter
return safe_getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 220, in safe_getattr
raise AttributeError(name)
AttributeError: test_url_from_site_en
WARNING: autodoc: failed to import method 'TestEventStreamsUrlTests.test_url_parameter_de.wp' from module 'tests.eventstreams_tests'; the following exception was raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 204, in safe_getattr
return getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
AttributeError: type object 'TestEventStreamsUrlTests' has no attribute 'test_url_parameter_de'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 164, in import_object
obj = attrgetter(obj, attrname)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 274, in get_attr
return autodoc_attrgetter(, obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 1506, in autodoc_attrgetter
return safe_getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 220, in safe_getattr
raise AttributeError(name)
AttributeError: test_url_parameter_de
WARNING: autodoc: failed to import method 'TestEventStreamsUrlTests.test_url_parameter_en.wq' from module 'tests.eventstreams_tests'; the following exception was raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 204, in safe_getattr
return getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
AttributeError: type object 'TestEventStreamsUrlTests' has no attribute 'test_url_parameter_en'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 164, in import_object
obj = attrgetter(obj, attrname)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 274, in get_attr
return autodoc_attrgetter(, obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 1506, in autodoc_attrgetter
return safe_getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 220, in safe_getattr
raise AttributeError(name)
AttributeError: test_url_parameter_en
WARNING: invalid signature for automethod ('tests.page_tests::TestFilePage.test_globalusage_commons:commons')
WARNING: don't know which module to import for autodocumenting 'tests.page_tests::TestFilePage.test_globalusage_commons:commons' (try placing a "module" or "currentmodule" directive in the document, or giving an explicit module name)
WARNING: invalid signature for automethod ('tests.plural_tests::TestPluralRules.test_pt-br')
WARNING: don't know which module to import for autodocumenting 'tests.plural_tests::TestPluralRules.test_pt-br' (try placing a "module" or "currentmodule" directive in the document, or giving an explicit module name)
WARNING: invalid signature for automethod ('tests.plural_tests::TestPluralRules.test_zh-hans')
WARNING: don't know which module to import for autodocumenting 'tests.plural_tests::TestPluralRules.test_zh-hans' (try placing a "module" or "currentmodule" directive in the document, or giving an explicit module name)
WARNING: invalid signature for automethod ('tests.plural_tests::TestPluralRules.test_zh-hant')
WARNING: don't know which module to import for autodocumenting 'tests.plural_tests::TestPluralRules.test_zh-hant' (try placing a "module" or "currentmodule" directive in the document, or giving an explicit module name)
WARNING: invalid signature for automethod ('tests.plural_tests::TestPluralRules.test_zh-tw')
WARNING: don't know which module to import for autodocumenting 'tests.plural_tests::TestPluralRules.test_zh-tw' (try placing a "module" or "currentmodule" directive in the document, or giving an explicit module name)
WARNING: autodoc: failed to import method 'TestCategoryFromWikibase.test_page_from_repository_de.wp' from module 'tests.site_tests'; the following exception was raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 204, in safe_getattr
return getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
AttributeError: type object 'TestCategoryFromWikibase' has no attribute 'test_page_from_repository_de'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 164, in import_object
obj = attrgetter(obj, attrname)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 274, in get_attr
return autodoc_attrgetter(, obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 1506, in autodoc_attrgetter
return safe_getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 220, in safe_getattr
raise AttributeError(name)
AttributeError: test_page_from_repository_de
WARNING: autodoc: failed to import method 'TestCategoryFromWikibase.test_page_from_repository_en.wp' from module 'tests.site_tests'; the following exception was raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 204, in safe_getattr
return getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
AttributeError: type object 'TestCategoryFromWikibase' has no attribute 'test_page_from_repository_en'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 164, in import_object
obj = attrgetter(obj, attrname)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 274, in get_attr
return autodoc_attrgetter(, obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 1506, in autodoc_attrgetter
return safe_getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 220, in safe_getattr
raise AttributeError(name)
AttributeError: test_page_from_repository_en
WARNING: autodoc: failed to import method '' from module 'tests.site_tests'; the following exception was raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 204, in safe_getattr
return getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
AttributeError: type object 'TestCategoryFromWikibase' has no attribute 'test_page_from_repository_it'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 164, in import_object
obj = attrgetter(obj, attrname)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 274, in get_attr
return autodoc_attrgetter(, obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 1506, in autodoc_attrgetter
return safe_getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 220, in safe_getattr
raise AttributeError(name)
AttributeError: test_page_from_repository_it
WARNING: autodoc: failed to import method 'TestPageFromWikibase.test_page_from_repository_de.wp' from module 'tests.site_tests'; the following exception was raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 204, in safe_getattr
return getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
AttributeError: type object 'TestPageFromWikibase' has no attribute 'test_page_from_repository_de'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 164, in import_object
obj = attrgetter(obj, attrname)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 274, in get_attr
return autodoc_attrgetter(, obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 1506, in autodoc_attrgetter
return safe_getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 220, in safe_getattr
raise AttributeError(name)
AttributeError: test_page_from_repository_de
WARNING: autodoc: failed to import method 'TestPageFromWikibase.test_page_from_repository_en.wp' from module 'tests.site_tests'; the following exception was raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 204, in safe_getattr
return getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
AttributeError: type object 'TestPageFromWikibase' has no attribute 'test_page_from_repository_en'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 164, in import_object
obj = attrgetter(obj, attrname)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 274, in get_attr
return autodoc_attrgetter(, obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 1506, in autodoc_attrgetter
return safe_getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 220, in safe_getattr
raise AttributeError(name)
AttributeError: test_page_from_repository_en
WARNING: autodoc: failed to import method 'TestPageFromWikibase.test_page_from_repository_it.wb' from module 'tests.site_tests'; the following exception was raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 204, in safe_getattr
return getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
AttributeError: type object 'TestPageFromWikibase' has no attribute 'test_page_from_repository_it'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 164, in import_object
obj = attrgetter(obj, attrname)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 274, in get_attr
return autodoc_attrgetter(, obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 1506, in autodoc_attrgetter
return safe_getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 220, in safe_getattr
raise AttributeError(name)
AttributeError: test_page_from_repository_it
WARNING: autodoc: failed to import method 'TestPropertyNames.test_get_property_names_de.wp' from module 'tests.site_tests'; the following exception was raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 204, in safe_getattr
return getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
AttributeError: type object 'TestPropertyNames' has no attribute 'test_get_property_names_de'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 164, in import_object
obj = attrgetter(obj, attrname)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 274, in get_attr
return autodoc_attrgetter(, obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 1506, in autodoc_attrgetter
return safe_getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 220, in safe_getattr
raise AttributeError(name)
AttributeError: test_get_property_names_de
WARNING: autodoc: failed to import method '' from module 'tests.site_tests'; the following exception was raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 204, in safe_getattr
return getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
AttributeError: type object 'TestPropertyNames' has no attribute 'test_get_property_names_en'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 164, in import_object
obj = attrgetter(obj, attrname)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 274, in get_attr
return autodoc_attrgetter(, obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 1506, in autodoc_attrgetter
return safe_getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/util/", line 220, in safe_getattr
raise AttributeError(name)
AttributeError: test_get_property_names_en
/src/pywikibot/tools/ of scripts.category:17: WARNING: Literal block expected; none found.
WARNING: autodoc: failed to import module 'scripts.makecat'; the following exception was raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/.tox/doc/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/", line 140, in import_module
File "/src/scripts/", line 251, in <module>
subcatlist = list(workingcat.subcategories())
File "/src/pywikibot/", line 2769, in subcategories
self, member_type='subcat', total=total, content=content):
File "/src/pywikibot/data/", line 2787, in __iter__ = self.request.submit()
File "/src/pywikibot/data/", line 2201, in submit
raise APIError(**result['error']) invalidtitle: Bad title "Category::-M". [help:See for API usage. Subscribe to the mediawiki-api-announce mailing list at &lt;; for notice of API deprecations and breaking changes.]
/src/scripts/ of scripts.patrol:25: WARNING: Literal block expected; none found.
WARNING: autodoc: failed to import module 'scripts.script_wui'; the following exception was raised:
No module named 'lua'
/src/scripts/ of scripts.weblinkchecker.History:18: WARNING: Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/src/scripts/ of scripts.weblinkchecker.History:19: WARNING: Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/src/scripts/ of scripts.welcome:86: WARNING: Literal block expected; none found.
/src/scripts/ of scripts.welcome:120: WARNING: Literal block expected; none found.
/src/scripts/archive/ of scripts.archive.featured:40: WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
looking for now-outdated files... none found
pickling environment... done
checking consistency... done
preparing documents... done
writing output... [ 0%] api_ref/index
writing output... [ 1%] api_ref/pywikibot
writing output... [ 2%] api_ref/pywikibot.comms
writing output... [ 3%] api_ref/pywikibot.compat
writing output... [ 4%] api_ref/
writing output... [ 5%] api_ref/pywikibot.families
writing output... [ 6%] api_ref/
writing output... [ 7%] api_ref/pywikibot.userinterfaces
writing output... [ 8%] api_ref/tests/add_text_tests
writing output... [ 8%] api_ref/tests/api_tests
writing output... [ 9%] api_ref/tests/archivebot_tests
writing output... [ 10%] api_ref/tests/aspects
writing output... [ 11%] api_ref/tests/basepage_tests
writing output... [ 12%] api_ref/tests/bot_tests
writing output... [ 13%] api_ref/tests/cache_tests
writing output... [ 14%] api_ref/tests/category_bot_tests
writing output... [ 15%] api_ref/tests/category_tests
writing output... [ 16%] api_ref/tests/checkimages_tests
writing output... [ 16%] api_ref/tests/conftest
writing output... [ 17%] api_ref/tests/cosmetic_changes_tests
writing output... [ 18%] api_ref/tests/data_ingestion_tests
writing output... [ 19%] api_ref/tests/date_tests
writing output... [ 20%] api_ref/tests/deletionbot_tests
writing output... [ 21%] api_ref/tests/deprecation_tests
writing output... [ 22%] api_ref/tests/diff_tests
writing output... [ 23%] api_ref/tests/disambredir_tests
writing output... [ 24%] api_ref/tests/djvu_tests
writing output... [ 25%] api_ref/tests/dry_api_tests
writing output... [ 25%] api_ref/tests/dry_site_tests
writing output... [ 26%] api_ref/tests/edit_failure_tests
writing output... [ 27%] api_ref/tests/edit_tests
writing output... [ 28%] api_ref/tests/eventstreams_tests
writing output... [ 29%] api_ref/tests/exceptions_tests
writing output... [ 30%] api_ref/tests/family_tests
writing output... [ 31%] api_ref/tests/file_tests
writing output... [ 32%] api_ref/tests/fixes_tests
writing output... [ 33%] api_ref/tests/flow_edit_tests
writing output... [ 33%] api_ref/tests/flow_tests
writing output... [ 34%] api_ref/tests/flow_thanks_tests
writing output... [ 35%] api_ref/tests/http_tests
writing output... [ 36%] api_ref/tests/i18n
writing output... [ 37%] api_ref/tests/i18n.pywikibot
writing output... [ 38%] api_ref/tests/i18n_tests
writing output... [ 39%] api_ref/tests/imagecopy_tests
writing output... [ 40%] api_ref/tests/index
writing output... [ 41%] api_ref/tests/interwiki_graph_tests
writing output... [ 41%] api_ref/tests/interwiki_link_tests
writing output... [ 42%] api_ref/tests/interwikidata_tests
writing output... [ 43%] api_ref/tests/isbn_tests
writing output... [ 44%] api_ref/tests/l10n_tests
writing output... [ 45%] api_ref/tests/link_tests
writing output... [ 46%] api_ref/tests/logentry_tests
writing output... [ 47%] api_ref/tests/login_tests
writing output... [ 48%] api_ref/tests/mediawikiversion_tests
writing output... [ 49%] api_ref/tests/namespace_tests
writing output... [ 50%] api_ref/tests/oauth_tests
writing output... [ 50%] api_ref/tests/page_tests
writing output... [ 51%] api_ref/tests/pagegenerators_tests
writing output... [ 52%] api_ref/tests/paraminfo_tests
writing output... [ 53%] api_ref/tests/patrolbot_tests
writing output... [ 54%] api_ref/tests/plural_tests
writing output... [ 55%] api_ref/tests/proofreadpage_tests
writing output... [ 56%] api_ref/tests/protectbot_tests
writing output... [ 57%] api_ref/tests/pwb
writing output... [ 58%] api_ref/tests/pwb.print_env
writing output... [ 58%] api_ref/tests/pwb.print_locals
writing output... [ 59%] api_ref/tests/pwb.print_unicode
writing output... [ 60%] api_ref/tests/pwb_tests
writing output... [ 61%] api_ref/tests/python_tests
writing output... [ 62%] api_ref/tests/redirect_bot_tests
writing output... [ 63%] api_ref/tests/reflinks_tests
writing output... [ 64%] api_ref/tests/replacebot_tests
writing output... [ 65%] api_ref/tests/script_tests
writing output... [ 66%] api_ref/tests/site_detect_tests
writing output... [ 66%] api_ref/tests/site_tests
writing output... [ 67%] api_ref/tests/sparql_tests
writing output... [ 68%] api_ref/tests/template_bot_tests
writing output... [ 69%] api_ref/tests/tests_tests
writing output... [ 70%] api_ref/tests/textlib_tests
writing output... [ 71%] api_ref/tests/thanks_tests
writing output... [ 72%] api_ref/tests/thread_tests
writing output... [ 73%] api_ref/tests/timestamp_tests
writing output... [ 74%] api_ref/tests/timestripper_tests
writing output... [ 75%] api_ref/tests/tk_tests
writing output... [ 75%] api_ref/tests/tools_chars_tests
writing output... [ 76%] api_ref/tests/tools_formatter_tests
writing output... [ 77%] api_ref/tests/tools_ip_tests
writing output... [ 78%] api_ref/tests/tools_tests
writing output... [ 79%] api_ref/tests/ui_options_tests
writing output... [ 80%] api_ref/tests/ui_tests
writing output... [ 81%] api_ref/tests/upload_tests
writing output... [ 82%] api_ref/tests/uploadbot_tests
writing output... [ 83%] api_ref/tests/user_tests
writing output... [ 83%] api_ref/tests/utils
writing output... [ 84%] api_ref/tests/weblib_tests
writing output... [ 85%] api_ref/tests/weblinkchecker_tests
writing output... [ 86%] api_ref/tests/wikibase_edit_tests
writing output... [ 87%] api_ref/tests/wikibase_tests
writing output... [ 88%] api_ref/tests/wikistats_tests
writing output... [ 89%] api_ref/tests/xmlreader_tests
writing output... [ 90%] credits
writing output... [ 91%] getting_help
writing output... [ 91%] index
writing output... [ 92%] installation
writing output... [ 93%] library_usage
writing output... [ 94%] licenses
writing output... [ 95%] scripts/index
writing output... [ 96%] scripts/scripts
writing output... [ 97%] scripts/scripts.archive
writing output... [ 98%] scripts/scripts.i18n
writing output... [ 99%] scripts/scripts.maintenance
writing output... [100%] scripts/scripts.userscripts
/src/pywikibot/tools/ of pywikibot.Site:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Family': pywikibot.families.vikidia_family.Family, pywikibot.families.i18n_family.Family, pywikibot.families.meta_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wowwiki_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikibooks_family.Family, pywikibot.families.osm_family.Family, pywikibot.families.lyricwiki_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikia_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikiquote_family.Family,, pywikibot.families.commons_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikisource_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikimania_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikidata_family.Family, pywikibot.families.species_family.Family, pywikibot.families.strategy_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikinews_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikiversity_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikitech_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikipedia_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikimediachapter_family.Family, pywikibot.families.test_family.Family, pywikibot.families.mediawiki_family.Family, pywikibot.families.outreach_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikivoyage_family.Family, pywikibot.families.omegawiki_family.Family, pywikibot.families.incubator_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wiktionary_family.Family
/src/pywikibot/tools/ of pywikibot.Site:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'SiteDefinitionError': pywikibot.SiteDefinitionError, pywikibot.exceptions.SiteDefinitionError
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.Page.templatesWithParams:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.Category.copyTo:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Category':, pywikibot.Category, pywikibot.compat.catlib.Category
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.Link.fromPage:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.Link.fromPage:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Link': pywikibot.Link,
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.Link.langlinkUnsafe:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Link': pywikibot.Link,
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.User.getUserPage:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.User.getUserTalkPage:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.ItemPage.addClaim:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.ItemPage.fromPage:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'ItemPage': pywikibot.ItemPage,
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.ItemPage.fromPage:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'NoPage': pywikibot.exceptions.NoPage, pywikibot.NoPage
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.ItemPage.fromPage:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'WikiBaseError': pywikibot.WikiBaseError, pywikibot.exceptions.WikiBaseError
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.ItemPage.from_entity_uri:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'ItemPage': pywikibot.ItemPage,
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.ItemPage.from_entity_uri:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'NoPage': pywikibot.exceptions.NoPage, pywikibot.NoPage
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.ItemPage.mergeInto:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'ItemPage': pywikibot.ItemPage,
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.ItemPage.set_redirect_target:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'ItemPage': pywikibot.ItemPage,
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.PropertyPage.newClaim:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.Claim.addQualifier:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.Claim.fromJSON:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.Claim.qualifierFromJSON:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.Claim.removeQualifier:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.WikidataBot.user_edit_entity:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'ItemPage': pywikibot.ItemPage,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Link': pywikibot.Link,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Link': pywikibot.Link,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Error': pywikibot.Error, pywikibot.exceptions.Error
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'ItemPage': pywikibot.ItemPage,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'UnknownFamily': pywikibot.UnknownFamily, pywikibot.exceptions.UnknownFamily
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.flow.FlowPage.__init__:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Link': pywikibot.Link,
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.flow.FlowPage.__init__:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.interwiki_graph.GraphDrawer.__init__:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Subject': scripts.interwiki.Subject, pywikibot.interwiki_graph.Subject
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.interwiki_graph.Subject.__init__:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.interwiki_graph.getFilename:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.login.LoginManager.__init__:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'NoUsername': pywikibot.NoUsername, pywikibot.exceptions.NoUsername
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.login.LoginManager.check_user_exists:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'NoUsername': pywikibot.NoUsername, pywikibot.exceptions.NoUsername
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.login.LoginManager.login:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'NoUsername': pywikibot.NoUsername, pywikibot.exceptions.NoUsername
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.login.OauthLoginManager.__init__:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'NoUsername': pywikibot.NoUsername, pywikibot.exceptions.NoUsername
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Link': pywikibot.Link,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Category':, pywikibot.Category, pywikibot.compat.catlib.Category
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Category':, pywikibot.Category, pywikibot.compat.catlib.Category
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'ItemPage': pywikibot.ItemPage,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'NoPage': pywikibot.exceptions.NoPage, pywikibot.NoPage
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'IsRedirectPage': pywikibot.IsRedirectPage, pywikibot.exceptions.IsRedirectPage
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'SectionError': pywikibot.exceptions.SectionError, pywikibot.SectionError
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Category':, pywikibot.Category, pywikibot.compat.catlib.Category
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'NoPage': pywikibot.exceptions.NoPage, pywikibot.NoPage
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'NoMoveTarget': pywikibot.exceptions.NoMoveTarget, pywikibot.NoMoveTarget
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'FilePage': pywikibot.FilePage,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Category':, pywikibot.Category, pywikibot.compat.catlib.Category
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'DataSite':, scripts.maintenance.cache.DataSite
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'ItemPage': pywikibot.ItemPage,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'NoPage': pywikibot.exceptions.NoPage, pywikibot.NoPage
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'WikiBaseError': pywikibot.WikiBaseError, pywikibot.exceptions.WikiBaseError
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'ItemPage': pywikibot.ItemPage,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'NoPage': pywikibot.exceptions.NoPage, pywikibot.NoPage
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'ItemPage': pywikibot.ItemPage,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'ItemPage': pywikibot.ItemPage,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Link': pywikibot.Link,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Link': pywikibot.Link,
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.proofreadpage.IndexPage.__init__:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'UnknownExtension': pywikibot.exceptions.UnknownExtension, pywikibot.UnknownExtension
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.proofreadpage.ProofreadPage.__init__:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'UnknownExtension': pywikibot.exceptions.UnknownExtension, pywikibot.UnknownExtension
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'UserBlocked': pywikibot.UserBlocked, pywikibot.exceptions.UserBlocked
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'DataSite':, scripts.maintenance.cache.DataSite
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Error': pywikibot.Error, pywikibot.exceptions.Error
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'NoPage': pywikibot.exceptions.NoPage, pywikibot.NoPage
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'CaptchaError': pywikibot.exceptions.CaptchaError, pywikibot.CaptchaError
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'APISite': scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'APISite': scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'IsNotRedirectPage': pywikibot.IsNotRedirectPage, pywikibot.exceptions.IsNotRedirectPage
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'CircularRedirect': pywikibot.CircularRedirect, pywikibot.exceptions.CircularRedirect
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'InterwikiRedirectPage': pywikibot.InterwikiRedirectPage, pywikibot.exceptions.InterwikiRedirectPage
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'SiteDefinitionError': pywikibot.SiteDefinitionError, pywikibot.exceptions.SiteDefinitionError
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'FilePage': pywikibot.FilePage,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'NoUsername': pywikibot.NoUsername, pywikibot.exceptions.NoUsername
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'UnknownExtension': pywikibot.exceptions.UnknownExtension, pywikibot.UnknownExtension
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Error': pywikibot.Error, pywikibot.exceptions.Error
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Family': pywikibot.families.vikidia_family.Family, pywikibot.families.i18n_family.Family, pywikibot.families.meta_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wowwiki_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikibooks_family.Family, pywikibot.families.osm_family.Family, pywikibot.families.lyricwiki_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikia_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikiquote_family.Family,, pywikibot.families.commons_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikisource_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikimania_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikidata_family.Family, pywikibot.families.species_family.Family, pywikibot.families.strategy_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikinews_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikiversity_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikitech_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikipedia_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikimediachapter_family.Family, pywikibot.families.test_family.Family, pywikibot.families.mediawiki_family.Family, pywikibot.families.outreach_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wikivoyage_family.Family, pywikibot.families.omegawiki_family.Family, pywikibot.families.incubator_family.Family, pywikibot.families.wiktionary_family.Family
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'SiteDefinitionError': pywikibot.SiteDefinitionError, pywikibot.exceptions.SiteDefinitionError
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'SiteDefinitionError': pywikibot.SiteDefinitionError, pywikibot.exceptions.SiteDefinitionError
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'DataSite':, scripts.maintenance.cache.DataSite
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.site_detect.MWSite.__init__:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'ServerError': pywikibot.ServerError, pywikibot.exceptions.ServerError
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.compat.catlib.Category.copyTo:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Category':, pywikibot.Category, pywikibot.compat.catlib.Category
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.compat.userlib.User.getUserPage:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of pywikibot.compat.userlib.User.getUserTalkPage:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/data/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'APISite': scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite,
/src/pywikibot/data/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/data/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'InvalidTitle': pywikibot.exceptions.InvalidTitle, pywikibot.InvalidTitle
/src/pywikibot/data/ of WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'UnsupportedPage': pywikibot.exceptions.UnsupportedPage, pywikibot.UnsupportedPage
/src/tests/ of tests.aspects.TestCase.get_mainpage:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'APISite': scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite,
/src/tests/ of tests.aspects.TestCase.get_mainpage:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/tests/ of tests.aspects.TestCaseBase.assertPageInNamespaces:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/tests/ of tests.aspects.TestCaseBase.assertPageTitlesCountEqual:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'APISite': scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite,
/src/tests/ of tests.aspects.TestCaseBase.assertPageTitlesEqual:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'APISite': scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite,
/src/tests/ of tests.aspects.TestCaseBase.assertPagelistTitles:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'APISite': scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite,
/src/scripts/ of scripts.archivebot.template_title_regex:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/scripts/ of scripts.checkimages.checkImagesBot.important_image:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'FilePage': pywikibot.FilePage,
/src/scripts/ of scripts.data_ingestion.DataIngestionBot.__init__:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'APISite': scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite,
/src/scripts/ of scripts.data_ingestion.Photo.__init__:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'APISite': scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite,
/src/scripts/ of scripts.flickrripper.findDuplicateImages:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'APISite': scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite,
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.User.getUserPage:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.User.getUserTalkPage:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite.checkBlocks:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'UserBlocked': pywikibot.UserBlocked, pywikibot.exceptions.UserBlocked
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite.data_repository:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'DataSite':, scripts.maintenance.cache.DataSite
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite.deletepage:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite.editpage:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Error': pywikibot.Error, pywikibot.exceptions.Error
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite.editpage:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'NoPage': pywikibot.exceptions.NoPage, pywikibot.NoPage
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite.editpage:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'CaptchaError': pywikibot.exceptions.CaptchaError, pywikibot.CaptchaError
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite.fromDBName:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'APISite': scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite,
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite.fromDBName:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'APISite': scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite,
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite.getredirtarget:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'IsNotRedirectPage': pywikibot.IsNotRedirectPage, pywikibot.exceptions.IsNotRedirectPage
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite.getredirtarget:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'CircularRedirect': pywikibot.CircularRedirect, pywikibot.exceptions.CircularRedirect
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite.getredirtarget:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'InterwikiRedirectPage': pywikibot.InterwikiRedirectPage, pywikibot.exceptions.InterwikiRedirectPage
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite.globalusage:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'SiteDefinitionError': pywikibot.SiteDefinitionError, pywikibot.exceptions.SiteDefinitionError
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite.imageusage:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'FilePage': pywikibot.FilePage,
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite.logevents:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite.login:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'NoUsername': pywikibot.NoUsername, pywikibot.exceptions.NoUsername
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite.page_from_repository:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'UnknownExtension': pywikibot.exceptions.UnknownExtension, pywikibot.UnknownExtension
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite.undelete_page:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Page': pywikibot.Page,
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.APISite.usercontribs:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Error': pywikibot.Error, pywikibot.exceptions.Error
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.DataSite.addClaim:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.DataSite.changeClaimTarget:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.DataSite.data_repository:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'DataSite':, scripts.maintenance.cache.DataSite
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.DataSite.editQualifier:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.DataSite.editQualifier:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.DataSite.editSource:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.DataSite.editSource:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.DataSite.removeSources:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.DataSite.removeSources:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.DataSite.remove_qualifiers:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
/src/pywikibot/ of scripts.maintenance.cache.DataSite.save_claim:: WARNING: more than one target found for cross-reference 'Claim':, pywikibot.Claim
generating indices... genindex py-modindex
highlighting module code... [ 0%] inspect
highlighting module code... [ 0%] namedtuple_FullHistEntry
highlighting module code... [ 1%] namedtuple_HistEntry
highlighting module code... [ 1%] namedtuple_OnErrorExc
highlighting module code... [ 1%] pywikibot
highlighting module code... [ 2%]
highlighting module code... [ 2%] pywikibot.bot_choice
highlighting module code... [ 3%] pywikibot.botirc
highlighting module code... [ 3%] pywikibot.comms.eventstreams
highlighting module code... [ 3%] pywikibot.comms.http
highlighting module code... [ 4%] pywikibot.comms.threadedhttp
highlighting module code... [ 4%] pywikibot.compat.catlib
highlighting module code... [ 5%] pywikibot.compat.query
highlighting module code... [ 5%] pywikibot.config2
highlighting module code... [ 5%] pywikibot.cosmetic_changes
highlighting module code... [ 6%] pywikibot.daemonize
highlighting module code... [ 6%]
highlighting module code... [ 7%]
highlighting module code... [ 7%]
highlighting module code... [ 7%]
highlighting module code... [ 8%]
highlighting module code... [ 8%] pywikibot.diff
highlighting module code... [ 9%] pywikibot.echo
highlighting module code... [ 9%] pywikibot.editor
highlighting module code... [ 9%] pywikibot.exceptions
highlighting module code... [ 10%] pywikibot.families.commons_family
highlighting module code... [ 10%] pywikibot.families.i18n_family
highlighting module code... [ 11%] pywikibot.families.incubator_family
highlighting module code... [ 11%] pywikibot.families.lyricwiki_family
highlighting module code... [ 11%] pywikibot.families.mediawiki_family
highlighting module code... [ 12%] pywikibot.families.meta_family
highlighting module code... [ 12%] pywikibot.families.omegawiki_family
highlighting module code... [ 13%] pywikibot.families.osm_family
highlighting module code... [ 13%] pywikibot.families.outreach_family
highlighting module code... [ 13%] pywikibot.families.species_family
highlighting module code... [ 14%] pywikibot.families.strategy_family
highlighting module code... [ 14%] pywikibot.families.test_family
highlighting module code... [ 15%] pywikibot.families.vikidia_family
highlighting module code... [ 15%] pywikibot.families.wikia_family
highlighting module code... [ 15%] pywikibot.families.wikibooks_family
highlighting module code... [ 16%] pywikibot.families.wikidata_family
highlighting module code... [ 16%] pywikibot.families.wikimania_family
highlighting module code... [ 16%] pywikibot.families.wikimediachapter_family
highlighting module code... [ 17%] pywikibot.families.wikinews_family
highlighting module code... [ 17%] pywikibot.families.wikipedia_family
highlighting module code... [ 18%] pywikibot.families.wikiquote_family
highlighting module code... [ 18%] pywikibot.families.wikisource_family
highlighting module code... [ 18%] pywikibot.families.wikitech_family
highlighting module code... [ 19%] pywikibot.families.wikiversity_family
highlighting module code... [ 19%] pywikibot.families.wikivoyage_family
highlighting module code... [ 20%] pywikibot.families.wiktionary_family
highlighting module code... [ 20%] pywikibot.families.wowwiki_family
highlighting module code... [ 20%]
highlighting module code... [ 21%] pywikibot.flow
highlighting module code... [ 21%] pywikibot.i18n
highlighting module code... [ 22%] pywikibot.interwiki_graph
highlighting module code... [ 22%] pywikibot.logentries
highlighting module code... [ 22%] pywikibot.logging
highlighting module code... [ 23%] pywikibot.login
highlighting module code... [ 23%]
highlighting module code... [ 24%] pywikibot.pagegenerators
highlighting module code... [ 24%] pywikibot.proofreadpage
highlighting module code... [ 24%]
highlighting module code... [ 25%] pywikibot.site_detect
highlighting module code... [ 25%] pywikibot.specialbots
highlighting module code... [ 26%] pywikibot.textlib
highlighting module code... [ 26%] pywikibot.throttle
highlighting module code... [ 26%] pywikibot.titletranslate
highlighting module code... [ 27%]
highlighting module code... [ 27%]
highlighting module code... [ 28%]
highlighting module code... [ 28%]
highlighting module code... [ 28%]
highlighting module code... [ 29%]
highlighting module code... [ 29%] pywikibot.userinterfaces.cgi_interface
highlighting module code... [ 30%] pywikibot.userinterfaces.terminal_interface_base
highlighting module code... [ 30%] pywikibot.userinterfaces.terminal_interface_unix
highlighting module code... [ 30%] pywikibot.userinterfaces.terminal_interface_win32
highlighting module code... [ 31%] pywikibot.userinterfaces.transliteration
highlighting module code... [ 31%] pywikibot.userinterfaces.win32_unicode
highlighting module code... [ 32%] pywikibot.version
highlighting module code... [ 32%] pywikibot.xmlreader
highlighting module code... [ 32%] scripts.add_text
highlighting module code... [ 33%] scripts.archive.featured
highlighting module code... [ 33%] scripts.archivebot
highlighting module code... [ 33%] scripts.basic
highlighting module code... [ 34%] scripts.blockpageschecker
highlighting module code... [ 34%] scripts.capitalize_redirects
highlighting module code... [ 35%] scripts.casechecker
highlighting module code... [ 35%] scripts.catall
highlighting module code... [ 35%] scripts.category
highlighting module code... [ 36%] scripts.category_redirect
highlighting module code... [ 36%]
highlighting module code... [ 37%] scripts.checkimages
highlighting module code... [ 37%] scripts.claimit
highlighting module code... [ 37%] scripts.clean_sandbox
highlighting module code... [ 38%] scripts.commons_link
highlighting module code... [ 38%] scripts.commonscat
highlighting module code... [ 39%] scripts.coordinate_import
highlighting module code... [ 39%] scripts.cosmetic_changes
highlighting module code... [ 39%] scripts.create_categories
highlighting module code... [ 40%] scripts.data_ingestion
highlighting module code... [ 40%] scripts.delete
highlighting module code... [ 41%] scripts.disambredir
highlighting module code... [ 41%] scripts.djvutext
highlighting module code... [ 41%] scripts.editarticle
highlighting module code... [ 42%] scripts.fixing_redirects
highlighting module code... [ 42%] scripts.flickrripper
highlighting module code... [ 43%] scripts.followlive
highlighting module code... [ 43%] scripts.freebasemappingupload
highlighting module code... [ 43%] scripts.harvest_template
highlighting module code... [ 44%] scripts.illustrate_wikidata
highlighting module code... [ 44%] scripts.image
highlighting module code... [ 45%] scripts.imagecopy
highlighting module code... [ 45%] scripts.imagecopy_self
highlighting module code... [ 45%] scripts.imageharvest
highlighting module code... [ 46%] scripts.imagerecat
highlighting module code... [ 46%] scripts.imagetransfer
highlighting module code... [ 47%] scripts.imageuncat
highlighting module code... [ 47%] scripts.interwiki
highlighting module code... [ 47%] scripts.interwikidata
highlighting module code... [ 48%] scripts.isbn
highlighting module code... [ 48%] scripts.listpages
highlighting module code... [ 49%] scripts.login
highlighting module code... [ 49%] scripts.lonelypages
highlighting module code... [ 49%] scripts.maintenance.cache
highlighting module code... [ 50%] scripts.maintenance.colors
highlighting module code... [ 50%] scripts.maintenance.compat2core
highlighting module code... [ 50%] scripts.maintenance.diff_checker
highlighting module code... [ 51%] scripts.maintenance.download_dump
highlighting module code... [ 51%] scripts.maintenance.make_i18n_dict
highlighting module code... [ 52%] scripts.maintenance.wikimedia_sites
highlighting module code... [ 52%] scripts.match_images
highlighting module code... [ 52%] scripts.misspelling
highlighting module code... [ 53%] scripts.movepages
highlighting module code... [ 53%] scripts.ndashredir
highlighting module code... [ 54%] scripts.newitem
highlighting module code... [ 54%] scripts.noreferences
highlighting module code... [ 54%] scripts.nowcommons
highlighting module code... [ 55%] scripts.pagefromfile
highlighting module code... [ 55%] scripts.patrol
highlighting module code... [ 56%] scripts.piper
highlighting module code... [ 56%] scripts.protect
highlighting module code... [ 56%] scripts.redirect
highlighting module code... [ 57%] scripts.reflinks
highlighting module code... [ 57%] scripts.replace
highlighting module code... [ 58%] scripts.replicate_wiki
highlighting module code... [ 58%] scripts.revertbot
highlighting module code... [ 58%] scripts.selflink
highlighting module code... [ 59%]
highlighting module code... [ 59%] scripts.solve_disambiguation
highlighting module code... [ 60%] scripts.spamremove
highlighting module code... [ 60%] scripts.standardize_interwiki
highlighting module code... [ 60%] scripts.states_redirect
highlighting module code... [ 61%] scripts.surnames_redirects
highlighting module code... [ 61%] scripts.table2wiki
highlighting module code... [ 62%] scripts.template
highlighting module code... [ 62%] scripts.templatecount
highlighting module code... [ 62%] scripts.touch
highlighting module code... [ 63%] scripts.transferbot
highlighting module code... [ 63%] scripts.unlink
highlighting module code... [ 64%] scripts.unusedfiles
highlighting module code... [ 64%] scripts.upload
highlighting module code... [ 64%] scripts.version
highlighting module code... [ 65%] scripts.watchlist
highlighting module code... [ 65%] scripts.weblinkchecker
highlighting module code... [ 66%] scripts.welcome
highlighting module code... [ 66%] scripts.wikisourcetext
highlighting module code... [ 66%] tests.add_text_tests
highlighting module code... [ 67%] tests.api_tests
highlighting module code... [ 67%] tests.archivebot_tests
highlighting module code... [ 67%] tests.aspects
highlighting module code... [ 68%] tests.basepage_tests
highlighting module code... [ 68%] tests.bot_tests
highlighting module code... [ 69%] tests.cache_tests
highlighting module code... [ 69%] tests.category_bot_tests
highlighting module code... [ 69%] tests.category_tests
highlighting module code... [ 70%] tests.checkimages_tests
highlighting module code... [ 70%] tests.conftest
highlighting module code... [ 71%] tests.cosmetic_changes_tests
highlighting module code... [ 71%] tests.data_ingestion_tests
highlighting module code... [ 71%] tests.date_tests
highlighting module code... [ 72%] tests.deletionbot_tests
highlighting module code... [ 72%] tests.deprecation_tests
highlighting module code... [ 73%] tests.diff_tests
highlighting module code... [ 73%] tests.disambredir_tests
highlighting module code... [ 73%] tests.djvu_tests
highlighting module code... [ 74%] tests.dry_api_tests
highlighting module code... [ 74%] tests.dry_site_tests
highlighting module code... [ 75%] tests.edit_failure_tests
highlighting module code... [ 75%] tests.edit_tests
highlighting module code... [ 75%] tests.eventstreams_tests
highlighting module code... [ 76%] tests.exceptions_tests
highlighting module code... [ 76%] tests.family_tests
highlighting module code... [ 77%] tests.file_tests
highlighting module code... [ 77%] tests.fixes_tests
highlighting module code... [ 77%] tests.flow_edit_tests
highlighting module code... [ 78%] tests.flow_tests
highlighting module code... [ 78%] tests.flow_thanks_tests
highlighting module code... [ 79%] tests.http_tests
highlighting module code... [ 79%] tests.i18n_tests
highlighting module code... [ 79%] tests.imagecopy_tests
highlighting module code... [ 80%] tests.interwiki_graph_tests
highlighting module code... [ 80%] tests.interwiki_link_tests
highlighting module code... [ 81%] tests.interwikidata_tests
highlighting module code... [ 81%] tests.isbn_tests
highlighting module code... [ 81%] tests.l10n_tests
highlighting module code... [ 82%] tests.link_tests
highlighting module code... [ 82%] tests.logentry_tests
highlighting module code... [ 83%] tests.login_tests
highlighting module code... [ 83%] tests.mediawikiversion_tests
highlighting module code... [ 83%] tests.namespace_tests
highlighting module code... [ 84%] tests.oauth_tests
highlighting module code... [ 84%] tests.page_tests
highlighting module code... [ 84%] tests.pagegenerators_tests
highlighting module code... [ 85%] tests.paraminfo_tests
highlighting module code... [ 85%] tests.patrolbot_tests
highlighting module code... [ 86%] tests.plural_tests
highlighting module code... [ 86%] tests.proofreadpage_tests
highlighting module code... [ 86%] tests.protectbot_tests
highlighting module code... [ 87%] tests.pwb_tests
highlighting module code... [ 87%] tests.python_tests
highlighting module code... [ 88%] tests.redirect_bot_tests
highlighting module code... [ 88%] tests.reflinks_tests
highlighting module code... [ 88%] tests.replacebot_tests
highlighting module code... [ 89%] tests.script_tests
highlighting module code... [ 89%] tests.site_detect_tests
highlighting module code... [ 90%] tests.site_tests
highlighting module code... [ 90%] tests.sparql_tests
highlighting module code... [ 90%] tests.template_bot_tests
highlighting module code... [ 91%] tests.tests_tests
highlighting module code... [ 91%] tests.textlib_tests
highlighting module code... [ 92%] tests.thanks_tests
highlighting module code... [ 92%] tests.thread_tests
highlighting module code... [ 92%] tests.timestamp_tests
highlighting module code... [ 93%] tests.timestripper_tests
highlighting module code... [ 93%] tests.tk_tests
highlighting module code... [ 94%] tests.tools_chars_tests
highlighting module code... [ 94%] tests.tools_formatter_tests
highlighting module code... [ 94%] tests.tools_ip_tests
highlighting module code... [ 95%] tests.tools_tests
highlighting module code... [ 95%] tests.ui_options_tests
highlighting module code... [ 96%] tests.ui_tests
highlighting module code... [ 96%] tests.upload_tests
highlighting module code... [ 96%] tests.uploadbot_tests
highlighting module code... [ 97%] tests.user_tests
highlighting module code... [ 97%] tests.utils
highlighting module code... [ 98%] tests.weblib_tests
highlighting module code... [ 98%] tests.weblinkchecker_tests
highlighting module code... [ 98%] tests.wikibase_edit_tests
highlighting module code... [ 99%] tests.wikibase_tests
highlighting module code... [ 99%] tests.wikistats_tests
highlighting module code... [100%] tests.xmlreader_tests
writing additional pages... search
copying static files... done
copying extra files... done
dumping search index in English (code: en) ... done
dumping object inventory... done
build succeeded, 192 warnings.
The HTML pages are in _build/html.
make: Leaving directory '/src/docs'
doc runtests: commands[1] | findx -type f -name *.rst -not -path ./.tox/* : rstcheck --report warning --ignore-directives automodule,autoclass,autofunction
/src$ /src/.tox/doc/bin/findx -type f -name *.rst -not -path ./.tox/* : rstcheck --report warning --ignore-directives automodule,autoclass,autofunction
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
doc: commands succeeded
congratulations :)
+ capture_tox_logs
+ cp --recursive /src/.tox/doc/log/doc-0.log /src/.tox/doc/log/doc-1.log /src/.tox/doc/log/doc-2.log /src/.tox/doc/log/doc-3.log /log
+ cp --recursive /src/.tox/log /log
[pywikibot-core-tox-publish] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/
+ set -u
+ echo 'Making sure that destination does not contain unset variables (like DOC_SUBPATH, see zuul/ pywikibot'
Making sure that destination does not contain unset variables (like DOC_SUBPATH, see zuul/ pywikibot
+ rsync --recursive src/docs/_build/html/ rsync://
+ echo
+ echo 'Publishing to'
Publishing to
Waiting for the completion of publish-on-contint1001
publish-on-contint1001 #38455 completed. Result was SUCCESS
Build step 'Trigger/call builds on other projects' changed build result to SUCCESS
[PostBuildScript] - Execution post build scripts.
Waiting for the completion of castor-save-workspace-cache
castor-save-workspace-cache #58109 completed. Result was SUCCESS
[PostBuildScript] - Execution post build scripts.
[pywikibot-core-tox-publish] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/
+ echo 'Clearing /srv/jenkins-workspace/workspace/pywikibot-core-tox-publish/cache'
Clearing /srv/jenkins-workspace/workspace/pywikibot-core-tox-publish/cache
++ pwd
++ /usr/bin/env
+ exec docker run --rm --env-file /dev/fd/63 --volume /srv/jenkins-workspace/workspace/pywikibot-core-tox-publish/cache:/cache clear
Archiving artifacts
Finished: SUCCESS

File Metadata

Mime Type
text/plain; charset=utf-8
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
Warnings shown when building docs for pywikibot (94 KB)

Event Timeline