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Jul 3 2019, 1:16 PM
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urbanecm@deployment-deploy01:/srv/mediawiki-staging$ sudo -u jenkins-deploy scap sync-file wmf-config/CommonSettings-labs.php 'Not synced yet?'
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13:08:50 Checking for new runtime errors locally
13:08:50 Copying from deployment-deploy01.deployment-prep.eqiad.wmflabs to deployment-deploy01.deployment-prep.eqiad.wmflabs
13:08:50 Started rsync common
13:08:51 Finished rsync common (duration: 00m 00s)
13:08:51 Started cache_git_info
13:09:29 Finished cache_git_info (duration: 00m 38s)
13:09:29 Started sync-masters
sync-masters: 100% (ok: 1; fail: 0; left: 0)
13:09:39 Finished sync-masters (duration: 00m 09s)
13:09:39 Started sync-pull-masters
sync-pull-masters: 100% (ok: 1; fail: 0; left: 0)
13:09:40 Finished sync-pull-masters (duration: 00m 01s)
13:09:40 Started sync-check-canaries
check-canaries: 100% (ok: 1; fail: 0; left: 0)
13:09:44 Finished Canaries Synced (duration: 00m 03s)
13:09:44 Executing check 'Check endpoints for deployment-mediawiki-07.deployment-prep.eqiad.wmflabs'
13:09:45 Finished Canary Endpoint Check Complete (duration: 00m 01s)
13:09:45 Waiting for canary traffic...
13:10:04 Executing check 'Logstash Error rate for deployment-mediawiki-07.deployment-prep.eqiad.wmflabs'
13:10:04 Finished sync-check-canaries (duration: 00m 23s)
13:10:04 Started sync-proxies
13:10:04 Job ['/usr/bin/scap', 'pull', '--no-update-l10n', '--include', 'wmf-config', '--include', 'wmf-config/CommonSettings-labs.php', 'deployment-deploy01.deployment-prep.eqiad.wmflabs', 'deployment-deploy02.
deployment-prep.eqiad.wmflabs', 'deployment-deploy01.deployment-prep.eqiad.wmflabs'] called with an empty host list.
13:10:04 Finished sync-proxies (duration: 00m 00s)
13:10:04 Started sync-apaches
sync-apaches: 100% (ok: 4; fail: 0; left: 0)
13:10:05 Finished sync-apaches (duration: 00m 01s)
13:10:10 deployment-deploy01.deployment-prep.eqiad.wmflabs failed to update opcache: HTTPConnectionPool(host='deployment-deploy01.deployment-prep.eqiad.wmflabs', port=9181): Max retries exceeded with url: /opcache-free?file=wmf-config%2FCommonSettings-labs.php (Caused by NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fc36d141c50>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused',))
13:10:10 deployment-deploy02.deployment-prep.eqiad.wmflabs failed to update opcache: A timeout happened before a response was received
13:10:10 deployment-mwmaint01.deployment-prep.eqiad.wmflabs failed to update opcache: A timeout happened before a response was received
13:10:10 deployment-snapshot01.deployment-prep.eqiad.wmflabs failed to update opcache: HTTPConnectionPool(host='deployment-snapshot01.deployment-prep.eqiad.wmflabs', port=9181): Max retries exceeded with url: /opcache-free?file=wmf-config%2FCommonSettings-labs.php (Caused by NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fc36d157650>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused',))
13:10:10 Synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings-labs.php: Not synced yet? (duration: 01m 20s)

File Metadata

Mime Type
text/plain; charset=utf-8
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
raw.txt (3 KB)

Event Timeline