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* This script is the MSSQL Server database abstraction layer
* See maintenance/mssql/README for development notes and other specific information
* @ingroup Database
* @file
* @ingroup Database
class DatabaseMssql extends Database {
var $mAffectedRows;
var $mLastResult;
var $mLastError;
var $mLastErrorNo;
var $mDatabaseFile;
var $mLimitOffset;
* Constructor
function __construct($server = false, $user = false, $password = false, $dbName = false,
$failFunction = false, $flags = 0, $tablePrefix = 'get from global') {
global $wgOut, $wgDBprefix, $wgCommandLineMode;
if (!isset($wgOut)) $wgOut = NULL; # Can't get a reference if it hasn't been set yet
$this->mOut =& $wgOut;
$this->mFailFunction = $failFunction;
$this->mFlags = $flags;
if ( $this->mFlags & DBO_DEFAULT ) {
if ( $wgCommandLineMode ) {
$this->mFlags &= ~DBO_TRX;
} else {
$this->mFlags |= DBO_TRX;
/** Get the default table prefix*/
$this->mTablePrefix = $tablePrefix == 'get from global' ? $wgDBprefix : $tablePrefix;
if ($server) $this->open($server, $user, $password, $dbName);
* todo: check if these should be true like parent class
function implicitGroupby() { return false; }
function implicitOrderby() { return false; }
function cascadingDeletes() { return true; }
static function newFromParams($server, $user, $password, $dbName, $failFunction = false, $flags = 0) {
return new DatabaseMssql($server, $user, $password, $dbName, $failFunction, $flags);
/** Open an MSSQL database and return a resource handle to it
* NOTE: only $dbName is used, the other parameters are irrelevant for MSSQL databases
function open($server,$user,$password,$dbName) {
# Test for missing
# First try to load it
if (!@extension_loaded('mssql')) {
# Fail now
# Otherwise we get a suppressed fatal error, which is very hard to track down
if (!function_exists( 'mssql_connect')) {
throw new DBConnectionError( $this, "MSSQL functions missing, have you compiled PHP with the --with-mssql option?\n" );
$this->mServer = $server;
$this->mUser = $user;
$this->mPassword = $password;
$this->mDBname = $dbName;
# Try to connect up to three times
# The kernel's default SYN retransmission period is far too slow for us,
# so we use a short timeout plus a manual retry.
$this->mConn = false;
$max = 3;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $max && !$this->mConn; $i++ ) {
if ( $i > 1 ) {
usleep( 1000 );
if ($this->mFlags & DBO_PERSISTENT) {
@/**/$this->mConn = mssql_pconnect($server, $user, $password);
} else {
# Create a new connection...
@/**/$this->mConn = mssql_connect($server, $user, $password, true);
if ($dbName != '') {
if ($this->mConn !== false) {
$success = @/**/mssql_select_db($dbName, $this->mConn);
if (!$success) {
$error = "Error selecting database $dbName on server {$this->mServer} " .
"from client host " . wfHostname() . "\n";
wfLogDBError(" Error selecting database $dbName on server {$this->mServer} \n");
wfDebug( $error );
} else {
wfDebug("DB connection error\n");
wfDebug("Server: $server, User: $user, Password: ".substr($password, 0, 3)."...\n");
$success = false;
} else {
# Delay USE query
$success = (bool)$this->mConn;
if (!$success) $this->reportConnectionError();
$this->mOpened = $success;
return $success;
* Close an MSSQL database
function close() {
$this->mOpened = false;
if ($this->mConn) {
if ($this->trxLevel()) $this->commit();
return mssql_close($this->mConn);
} else return true;
* Begin a transaction, committing any previously open transaction
function begin( $fname = 'Database::begin' ) {
$this->mTrxLevel = 1; # Avoid recursion in Database::query
$this->query( 'BEGIN TRANSACTION', $fname );
* End a transaction
function commit( $fname = 'Database::commit' ) {
if ($this->mTrxLevel)
$this->query( 'COMMIT TRANSACTION', $fname );
$this->mTrxLevel = 0;
* Rollback a transaction.
* No-op on non-transactional databases.
function rollback( $fname = 'Database::rollback' ) {
$this->query( 'ROLLBACK TRANSACTION', $fname, true );
$this->mTrxLevel = 0;
* - MSSQL doesn't seem to do buffered results
* - the transaction syntax is modified here to avoid having to replicate
* Database::query which uses BEGIN, COMMIT, ROLLBACK
function doQuery($sql) {
$ret = mssql_query($sql, $this->mConn);
if ($ret === false) {
$err = mssql_get_last_message();
if ($err) $this->mLastError = $err;
$row = mssql_fetch_row(mssql_query('select @@ERROR', $this->mConn));
if ($row[0]) $this->mLastErrorNo = $row[0];
} else $this->mLastErrorNo = false;
return $ret;
* Free a result object
function freeResult( $res ) {
if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
$res = $res->result;
if ( !@/**/mssql_free_result( $res ) ) {
throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Unable to free MSSQL result" );
* Fetch the next row from the given result object, in object form.
* Fields can be retrieved with $row->fieldname, with fields acting like
* member variables.
* @param $res SQL result object as returned from Database::query(), etc.
* @return MySQL row object
* @throws DBUnexpectedError Thrown if the database returns an error
function fetchObject( $res ) {
if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
$res = $res->result;
if ($this->mLimitOffset) {
@/**/mssql_data_seek($res, $this->mLimitOffset);
$this->mLimitOffset = 0;
@/**/$row = mssql_fetch_object( $res );
if ( $this->lastErrno() ) {
throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, 'Error in fetchObject(): ' . htmlspecialchars( $this->lastError() ) );
return $row;
* Fetch the next row from the given result object, in associative array
* form. Fields are retrieved with $row['fieldname'].
* @param $res SQL result object as returned from Database::query(), etc.
* @return MySQL row object
* @throws DBUnexpectedError Thrown if the database returns an error
function fetchRow( $res ) {
if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
$res = $res->result;
if ($this->mLimitOffset) {
@/**/mssql_data_seek($res, $this->mLimitOffset);
$this->mLimitOffset = 0;
@/**/$row = mssql_fetch_array( $res );
if ( $this->lastErrno() ) {
throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, 'Error in fetchRow(): ' . htmlspecialchars( $this->lastError() ) );
return $row;
* Get the number of rows in a result object
function numRows( $res ) {
if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
$res = $res->result;
@/**/$n = mssql_num_rows( $res );
if ( $this->lastErrno() ) {
throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, 'Error in numRows(): ' . htmlspecialchars( $this->lastError() ) );
return $n;
* Get the number of fields in a result object
* See documentation for mysql_num_fields()
* @param $res SQL result object as returned from Database::query(), etc.
function numFields( $res ) {
if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
$res = $res->result;
return mssql_num_fields( $res );
* Get a field name in a result object
* See documentation for mysql_field_name():
* @param $res SQL result object as returned from Database::query(), etc.
* @param $n Int
function fieldName( $res, $n ) {
if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
$res = $res->result;
return mssql_field_name( $res, $n );
* Get the inserted value of an auto-increment row
* The value inserted should be fetched from nextSequenceValue()
* Example:
* $id = $dbw->nextSequenceValue('page_page_id_seq');
* $dbw->insert('page',array('page_id' => $id));
* $id = $dbw->insertId();
function insertId() {
$row = mssql_fetch_row(mssql_query('select SCOPE_IDENTITY()', $this->mConn));
return $row[0];
* Change the position of the cursor in a result object
* See mysql_data_seek()
* @param $res SQL result object as returned from Database::query(), etc.
* @param $row Database row
function dataSeek( $res, $row ) {
if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
$res = $res->result;
return mssql_data_seek( $res, $row );
* Get the last error number
function lastErrno() {
return $this->mLastErrorNo;
* Get a description of the last error
function lastError() {
return $this->mLastError;
* Get the number of rows affected by the last write query
function affectedRows() {
return mssql_rows_affected( $this->mConn );
* Returns an optional USE INDEX clause to go after the table, and a
* string to go at the end of the query
* @private
* @param $options Array: an associative array of options to be turned into
* an SQL query, valid keys are listed in the function.
* @return array
function makeSelectOptions( $options ) {
$preLimitTail = $postLimitTail = '';
$startOpts = $useIndex = '';
$noKeyOptions = array();
foreach ( $options as $key => $option ) {
if ( is_numeric( $key ) ) {
$noKeyOptions[$option] = true;
if ( isset( $options['GROUP BY'] ) ) $preLimitTail .= " GROUP BY {$options['GROUP BY']}";
if ( isset( $options['HAVING'] ) ) $preLimitTail .= " HAVING {$options['HAVING']}";
if ( isset( $options['ORDER BY'] ) ) $preLimitTail .= " ORDER BY {$options['ORDER BY']}";
if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['FOR UPDATE'] ) ) $useIndex .= ' WITH (UPDLOCK) ';
if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['LOCK IN SHARE MODE'] ) ) $useIndex .= ' WITH (HOLDLOCK) ';
if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['DISTINCT'] ) || isset( $noKeyOptions['DISTINCTROW'] ) ) $startOpts .= 'DISTINCT';
# Various MySQL extensions
#if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['STRAIGHT_JOIN'] ) ) $startOpts .= ' /*! STRAIGHT_JOIN */';
#if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['HIGH_PRIORITY'] ) ) $startOpts .= ' HIGH_PRIORITY';
#if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['SQL_BIG_RESULT'] ) ) $startOpts .= ' SQL_BIG_RESULT';
#if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['SQL_BUFFER_RESULT'] ) ) $startOpts .= ' SQL_BUFFER_RESULT';
#if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['SQL_SMALL_RESULT'] ) ) $startOpts .= ' SQL_SMALL_RESULT';
#if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS'] ) ) $startOpts .= ' SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS';
#if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['SQL_CACHE'] ) ) $startOpts .= ' SQL_CACHE';
#if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['SQL_NO_CACHE'] ) ) $startOpts .= ' SQL_NO_CACHE';
return array( $startOpts, $useIndex, $preLimitTail, $postLimitTail );
* Estimate rows in dataset
* Returns estimated count, based on EXPLAIN output
* Takes same arguments as Database::select()
function estimateRowCount( $table, $vars='*', $conds='', $fname = 'Database::estimateRowCount', $options = array() ) {
$rows = 0;
$res = $this->select ($table, 'COUNT(*)', $conds, $fname, $options );
if ($res) {
$row = $this->fetchRow($res);
$rows = $row[0];
return $rows;
* Determines whether a field exists in a table
* Usually aborts on failure
* If errors are explicitly ignored, returns NULL on failure
function fieldExists( $table, $field, $fname = 'Database::fieldExists' ) {
$table = $this->tableName( $table );
$sql = "SELECT TOP 1 * FROM $table";
$res = $this->query( $sql, 'Database::fieldExists' );
$found = false;
while ( $row = $this->fetchArray( $res ) ) {
if ( isset($row[$field]) ) {
$found = true;
$this->freeResult( $res );
return $found;
* Get information about an index into an object
* Returns false if the index does not exist
function indexInfo( $table, $index, $fname = 'Database::indexInfo' ) {
throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, 'Database::indexInfo called which is not supported yet' );
return NULL;
* Query whether a given table exists
function tableExists( $table ) {
$table = $this->tableName( $table );
$exist = ($res->numRows() > 0);
return $exist;
* mysql_fetch_field() wrapper
* Returns false if the field doesn't exist
* @param $table
* @param $field
function fieldInfo( $table, $field ) {
$table = $this->tableName( $table );
$res = $this->query( "SELECT TOP 1 * FROM $table" );
$n = mssql_num_fields( $res->result );
for( $i = 0; $i < $n; $i++ ) {
$meta = mssql_fetch_field( $res->result, $i );
if( $field == $meta->name ) {
return new MSSQLField($meta);
return false;
* mysql_field_type() wrapper
function fieldType( $res, $index ) {
if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
$res = $res->result;
return mssql_field_type( $res, $index );
* INSERT wrapper, inserts an array into a table
* $a may be a single associative array, or an array of these with numeric keys, for
* multi-row insert.
* Usually aborts on failure
* If errors are explicitly ignored, returns success
* Same as parent class implementation except that it removes primary key from column lists
* because MSSQL doesn't support writing nulls to IDENTITY (AUTO_INCREMENT) columns
function insert( $table, $a, $fname = 'Database::insert', $options = array() ) {
# No rows to insert, easy just return now
if ( !count( $a ) ) {
return true;
$table = $this->tableName( $table );
if ( !is_array( $options ) ) {
$options = array( $options );
if ( !isset($a[0]) || !is_array( $a[0] ) )
$a = array($a);
# Remove null _id fields - null doesn't imply 'default' for MSSQL.
foreach ($a as $i => $row) {
foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
if (substr($key, -3) == '_id' && is_null($val))
$keys = array_keys($a[0]);
$ignore = array_search('IGNORE',$options);
if ($ignore !== false) {
$ignore = true;
$prefix = $suffix = '';
$explicit_id = array_search('EXPLICIT_ID', $options);
if ($explicit_id !== false) {
$prefix = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT $table ON;";
$suffix = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT $table OFF;";
$sql = 'INSERT '.implode(' ', $options)." INTO $table (".implode(',', $keys).') VALUES ';
$firstrow = true;
foreach ($a as $i => $row) {
# If ignore, then do each row separately
if ($ignore) {
$ifnot = 'IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM '.$table.' WHERE ';
$firstkey = true;
foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
if ($firstkey) $firstkey = false; else $ifnot .= ' AND ';
$ifnot .= $k.' = '.$this->addQuotes($v);
$ifnot .= ')';
$this->query("$prefix $ifnot $sql (".$this->makeList($row)."); $suffix", $fname);
} else {
if ($firstrow) $firstrow = false; else $sql .= ',';
$sql .= '('.$this->makeList($row).')';
if ($ignore)
return true;
$result = (bool)$this->query( "$prefix $sql $suffix", $fname );
return $result;
* Change the current database
function selectDB( $db ) {
$this->mDBname = $db;
return mssql_select_db( $db, $this->mConn );
* MSSQL has a problem with the backtick quoting, so all this does is ensure the prefix is added exactly once
function tableName($name) {
if ($this->mTablePrefix)
return strpos($name, $this->mTablePrefix) === 0 ? $name : "{$this->mTablePrefix}$name";
return $name;
* MSSQL doubles quotes instead of escaping them
* @param $s String to be slashed.
* @return string slashed string.
function strencode($s) {
$s = str_replace('\'', '\'\'', $s);
$s = str_replace(chr(0), "'+CHAR(0)+'", $s);
return $s;
* USE INDEX clause
function useIndexClause( $index ) {
return "";
* REPLACE query wrapper
* MSSQL simulates this with a DELETE followed by INSERT
* $row is the row to insert, an associative array
* $uniqueIndexes is an array of indexes. Each element may be either a
* field name or an array of field names
* It may be more efficient to leave off unique indexes which are unlikely to collide.
* However if you do this, you run the risk of encountering errors which wouldn't have
* occurred in MySQL
* @todo migrate comment to phodocumentor format
function replace( $table, $uniqueIndexes, $rows, $fname = 'Database::replace' ) {
$table = $this->tableName( $table );
if (count($rows)==0) {
# Single row case
if ( !is_array( reset( $rows ) ) ) {
$rows = array( $rows );
foreach( $rows as $row ) {
# Delete rows which collide
if ( $uniqueIndexes ) {
$sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE ";
$first = true;
foreach ( $uniqueIndexes as $index ) {
if ( $first ) {
$first = false;
$sql .= "(";
} else {
$sql .= ') OR (';
if ( is_array( $index ) ) {
$first2 = true;
foreach ( $index as $col ) {
if ( $first2 ) {
$first2 = false;
} else {
$sql .= ' AND ';
$sql .= $col.'=' . $this->addQuotes( $row[$col] );
} else {
$sql .= $index.'=' . $this->addQuotes( $row[$index] );
$sql .= ')';
$this->query( $sql, $fname );
# Now insert the row
$sql = "INSERT INTO $table (" . $this->makeList( array_keys( $row ), LIST_NAMES ) .') VALUES (' .
$this->makeList( $row, LIST_COMMA ) . ')';
$this->query( $sql, $fname );
* Returns the size of a text field, or -1 for "unlimited"
function textFieldSize( $table, $field ) {
$table = $this->tableName( $table );
$sql = "SELECT TOP 1 * FROM $table;";
$res = $this->query( $sql, 'Database::textFieldSize' );
$row = $this->fetchObject( $res );
$this->freeResult( $res );
$m = array();
if ( preg_match( '/\((.*)\)/', $row->Type, $m ) ) {
$size = $m[1];
} else {
$size = -1;
return $size;
* Construct a LIMIT query with optional offset
* This is used for query pages
* $sql string SQL query we will append the limit to
* $limit integer the SQL limit
* $offset integer the SQL offset (default false)
function limitResult($sql, $limit, $offset=false) {
if( !is_numeric($limit) ) {
throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Invalid non-numeric limit passed to limitResult()\n" );
if ($offset) {
$this->mLimitOffset = $offset;
$limit += $offset;
$sql = ereg_replace("^SELECT", "SELECT TOP $limit", $sql);
return $sql;
* Returns an SQL expression for a simple conditional.
* @param $cond String: SQL expression which will result in a boolean value
* @param $trueVal String: SQL expression to return if true
* @param $falseVal String: SQL expression to return if false
* @return string SQL fragment
function conditional( $cond, $trueVal, $falseVal ) {
return " (CASE WHEN $cond THEN $trueVal ELSE $falseVal END) ";
* Should determine if the last failure was due to a deadlock
* @return bool
function wasDeadlock() {
return $this->lastErrno() == 1205;
* Return DB-style timestamp used for MSSQL schema
function timestamp( $ts=0 ) {
return wfTimestamp(TS_DB,$ts);
* @return string wikitext of a link to the server software's web site
function getSoftwareLink() {
return "[ Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Home]";
* @return string Version information from the database
function getServerVersion() {
$row = mssql_fetch_row(mssql_query('select @@VERSION', $this->mConn));
return ereg("^(.+[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+) ",$row[0],$m) ? $m[1] : $row[0];
function limitResultForUpdate($sql, $num) {
return $sql;
* not done
public function setTimeout($timeout) { return; }
function ping() {
wfDebug("Function ping() not written for MSSQL yet");
return true;
* How lagged is this slave?
public function getLag() {
return 0;
* Called by the installer script
* - this is the same way as DatabasePostgresql.php, MySQL reads in tables.sql and interwiki.sql using dbsource (which calls db->sourceFile)
public function setup_database() {
global $IP,$wgDBTableOptions;
$wgDBTableOptions = '';
$mysql_iw = "$IP/maintenance/interwiki.sql";
$mssql_tmpl = "$IP/maintenance/mssql/tables.sql";
# Parse the MSSQL template replacing inline variables such as /*$wgDBprefix*/
$err = $this->sourceFile($mssql_tmpl);
if ($err !== true) dieout("<li>Failed to prepare database</li>");
# Use DatabasePostgres's code to populate interwiki from MySQL template
$f = fopen($mysql_iw,'r');
if ($f == false) dieout("<li>Could not find the interwiki.sql file</li>");
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->mTablePrefix}interwiki(iw_prefix,iw_url,iw_local) VALUES ";
while (!feof($f)) {
$line = fgets($f,1024);
$matches = array();
if (!preg_match('/^\s*(\(.+?),(\d)\)/', $line, $matches)) continue;
$this->query("$sql $matches[1],$matches[2])");
* No-op lock functions
public function lock( $lockName, $method ) {
return true;
public function unlock( $lockName, $method ) {
return true;
public function getSearchEngine() {
return "SearchEngineDummy";
* @ingroup Database
class MSSQLField extends MySQLField {
function __construct() {
static function fromText($db, $table, $field) {
$n = new MSSQLField;
$n->name = $field;
$n->tablename = $table;
return $n;
} // end DatabaseMssql class

File Metadata

Mime Type
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
DatabaseMssql.php (21 KB)

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