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Scap help output

Authored by thcipriani on May 10 2016, 1:55 PM.
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F3991399: Scap help output
May 10 2016, 1:55 PM
thcipriani@deployment-tin:~$ scap --help
usage: scap [-h] <command> ...
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
If you're attempting a full scap, try: `scap sync 'message'`
deploy [SCAP 3] Sync new service code across cluster
deploy-log [SCAP 3] Tail/filter/output events from the deploy
hhvm-graceful Perform a rolling restart of HHVM across the cluster
hhvm-restart Restart the HHVM fcgi process on the local server
l10n-purge Purge the localization cache for an inactive MediaWiki
l10n-update Update localization files
pull Sync local MediaWiki deployment directory with deploy
server state (formerly sync-common)
say Scap propogranda of the lowest order
security-check Check if security patches are applied
sync Deploy MediaWiki to the cluser (formerly scap)
sync-dir Sync a directory to the cluster
sync-file Sync a specific file to the cluster
sync-l10n Sync l10n files for a given branch and rebuild cache
sync-wikiversions Rebuild and sync wikiversions.php to the cluster
wikiversions-inuse Get a list of the active MediaWiki versions
thcipriani@deployment-tin:~$ scap say 'Do the needful'
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