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Do you feel heard? A Community Liaisons Roundtable
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This is about . I think Phab is a better place than Wikimania's wiki to collect related recommendations, as most of those should translate into Phab tasks, so we'll try to use this as a "tracker".

The task needs to be updated mentioning already existing and relevant tasks/projects (I need to hunt down one from the San Francisco MW Devs' meeting, for example).

Event Timeline

Elitre raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Elitre updated the task description. (Show Details)
Elitre subscribed.

Great idea to use this to collect ideas! Thanks for making.

Some time ago I started:

Please see it and the talk page.

I think it is critical to define who you are trying to liaise with! And the current state of WMF - Volunteer relations should be improved. See for a short summary of the problem.

See you at the 'Roundtable' or before.

Regards, Richard.

Elitre claimed this task.

I'm closing this just because the event has already happened:
@Rdicerb, please designate someone to post a summary of the session here, as isn't much useful, and to add findings of the related survey we ran in Mexico City, unless there's a separate task for that.