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Parenthesis stripped from link, causing link target to change
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The first sentence of reads as follows (in plaintext):

"Heter meah rabbanim (Hebrew: היתר מאה רבנים "permission by one hundred rabbis") is a term in Jewish law which means that one hundred Rabbis agree with a Beth din (rabbinical court) that a particular situation warrants an exemption to permit a man to remarry even though his wife refuses or is unable to accept a get (a legal divorce according to Jewish law)."

In the beta android app (2.0.103-beta-2015-06-11), this is shortened as follows:

"Heter meah rabbanim is a term in Jewish law which means that one hundred Rabbis agree with a Beth din that a particular situation warrants an exemption to permit a man to remarry even though his wife refuses or is unable to accept a get."

Disregarding the question whether dropping these explanations in brackets makes the text better to read (it might not, in this case), the problem is that the link target for the word "get" is also changed, causing it to point to a not very helpful disambiguation page: ->

TLDR: link targets should be excluded from text munging.

Event Timeline

Tbayer raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Tbayer updated the task description. (Show Details)
Tbayer subscribed.

This is still happening in 2.0.110-beta-2015-08-31 of the Android app.

Related: T91792: As a user, I'd like lead sentences to be concise so I can get an overview of the topic I'm reading about. (refers to the introduction of the text-munging feature in general, but also contains discussion of bugs like this one)