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sql dump schemata - page.page_counter and site_stats.ss_total_views should be removed
Closed, DeclinedPublic


0) Context

On 2015-01-09 all hit counters were removed from core. See

  1. Problem

As of 2015-06-03, sql dump files are still showing the following hit counter fields:
o page.page_counter; and
o site_stats.ss_total_views.

This means that the database schema in the sql dumps (as of 2015-06) does not agree with maintenance/tables.sql (as of 2015-06).

  1. Requested action

Please remove these two fields from future sql dumps.

Event Timeline

wpmirrordev assigned this task to ArielGlenn.
wpmirrordev raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
wpmirrordev updated the task description. (Show Details)
wpmirrordev subscribed.

Schema change for the production server is waiting: T86339 and T86338
After dropping of the column in production the column will also be removed from the dumps, because the dumps just dumps all existing columns in the order of the tables to a flat file.

The dumps represented the current state of the database, so it is possible to have other size or other order of columns due to outstanding database maintenance. This is not a problem in a relation database management system.