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Activate interwiki page import for mr wikisource sysops
Closed, ResolvedPublic


At mr - wikisource we are in need of interwiki page import facility, since we are in need of importing considerable number of pages time to time since many new people post source documentation pages mistakenly at mr-wikipedia or mr-wikibooks (To transfer pages categorised wide category w:mr:वर्ग:Transferable to Marathi Wikisource); we need to transfer those to mr-wikisource along with page history ;

Secondly we need to transfer templates (specialy related to copyrights and help etc ) we need facility to import templates from following projects

Third we might need import facility to trannsfer some pages for translation purposes along with page history from English, Sanskrit and Hindi wikisource ( Hindi pages are currently located at

*Marathi language wikipedia
*Marathi language wikibooks
*English language wikisource
*Hindi language wikisource
*Sanskrit language wikisource

*Local related discussion on village pump (link)

Event Timeline

Mahitgar raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Mahitgar updated the task description. (Show Details)
Mahitgar added subscribers: Mahitgar, Dereckson.

You seem to be the only sysop on this wiki, and no one is really active...

You seem to be the only sysop on this wiki, and no one is really active...

Due to lack of awareness usually people have been inserting original source documents on wikipedia and wikibooks (so unforunately wikisource activity has been getting registered in wikipedia or wikibooks) , For such pages we are implementing a specific process on mr wikipedia where in these source pages are categorised on mr wikipedia by category:Transferable to Marathi Wikisource once content is transfered page on mr.wikipedia & mr.wikibooks will be retained for couple of years with a soft redirect and wikisource awareness text to divert the users to wikisource.

We put in some source documents for copyright free translations on some Marathi language social networking sites and such (copyright free) collaborative translation is uploaded on mr.wikisource. such as this article on mr-wikisource and obiviously these links are shared on mr social networking sites besides mr-wikisource articles are very well linked from mr-wikipedia concerned author pages. So mr-wikisource must be generating enough viewer traffic already.

mr.wikisource is low activity but is niether null activity. To take care of patroll mr wikisource recent changeslink is given on mrwikipedia recent changes. There must be enough users who certainly be reading those mr.wikisource documents time to time though we have not enables a stat tool for mr-wikisource.

yes I am the single sysop and that is more than enough for present level of mr wikisource activity.

@Krenair Can we please have the interlanguage and interwiki components set up so that imports can take place. Thanks. If there is anything that can be done to assist, please let me know.

Change 227999 had a related patch set uploaded (by Alex Monk):
Add interwiki import sources for mrwikisource

Change 227999 merged by jenkins-bot:
Add interwiki import sources for mrwikisource

If you could provide a link to the Hindi Wikisource, that'd be great. But otherwise I think this is done.

Dereckson claimed this task.

Indeed, there is no Hindi wikisource. But please reopen this task if you intended another project in hindi or language code.

Oh, the description already contains explanation for the Hindi content. It's on the multilingual Wikisource.

Change 228475 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dereckson):
Import sources for mr.wikisource

Change 228475 merged by jenkins-bot:
Import sources for mr.wikisource