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Mark all read/hide all read
Closed, DeclinedPublic

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Aug 3 2015, 6:11 PM
Referenced Files
"Like" token, awarded by czar."Like" token, awarded by Niharika."Like" token, awarded by MichaelSchoenitzer.


Would be useful to have an option to mark all watchlist entries read (I think there was a "mark all read" for notifications but not for the watchlist) and an option to hide/clear all read entries. (Preferably this wouldn't be hidden in the filters/preferences, as it will be used much more often than those.)

Also if it's too early to be asking for feature requests like this, just let me know and I'll hold off entering them.

Event Timeline

czar raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
czar updated the task description. (Show Details)
czar added a project: crosswatch.
czar subscribed.

Hey, by mark all read do you mean that page titles shouldn't be in a bold font afterwards?

Feel free to create tasks for feature requests, they are always welcome :-)

Yep and will do
Bold indicates to me that I've seen the change and can dismiss the notification (but when I'm done checking changes, even better would be to clear it from the list)

Crosswatch seems unmaintained and inactive (see T269703). You may want to use instead.