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Flow fails to delete topics from RecentChanges
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I have been testing flow in preparation for deployment in a project, and noticed that there are still Topic:XXXXXX entries in the RC feed even after said subject page and thread have been deleted. These should be no longer visible, the only thing the RC feed should show is the deletion. (they appear as blue links but when clicked take you to a thread has been deleted message)

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Betacommand raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
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Catrope triaged this task as Medium priority.Aug 5 2015, 11:39 PM
Catrope subscribed.

So it sounds like, if you delete a board, the Topic:XYZ pages get only kind of deleted, but still show up in RC as blue links? Is that right?

I hear the same thing happens when you delete topics as well.