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Admin: Do homework for SPDPP - Due Monday the 17th
Closed, ResolvedPublic


From awjr's email:

Please review the following docs:

To prepare for our first conversation, think about what's working well/what isn't/what is missing about the current VE process. Try thinking about it a level higher, in the abstract, and think about what the delta is between that and Howie's document, and think about what might be universally applicable across engineering.

Additional reading
Some additional documents to help fuel your thinking:

Related Objects

Event Timeline

greg claimed this task.
greg raised the priority of this task from to High.
greg updated the task description. (Show Details)
greg added a project: Release-Engineering-Team.
greg subscribed.

(Sorry for the noise everyone watching Release-Engineering-Team, I'll move this into my own project after it's created, see T108996)

Read and done :)

greg moved this task from In-progress to Done on the Release-Engineering-Team board.