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Run synthetic testing on a real mobile device
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We soon(ish) have a setup where we can collect data from WebPageTest keep track of performance. When we got that up and running, we should use one of the free (Nexus 5) instances on to run a couple of tests per day. The free one has a limit of 200 tests per day (so we need to decide important pages and number of runs carefully).

What's need to be done to complete the task:

  • The needs to be finished
  • Configure it to run with API key and URL (I've got the API key)
  • The current wptstatsv needs to be updated to add platform/mobile in the key sent to statsv

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Event Timeline

Peter raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Peter updated the task description. (Show Details)
Peter added a project: Performance-Team.
Peter subscribed.

ooops, checked the JSON from WebPageTest when running MotoG (the only available phone when using and it is missing the browser_name element in the JSON (that we use to fetch the browser name) so we need to do a fix for that.

We got a key now from Pat with full access to all devices on for 1000 runs per day. Remember though that first and repeat view count as 2 runs.

Peter claimed this task.

This is up and running now for Iphone 6 and Moto G