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[bug] Statement changes are not appearing in client wiki
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Statement changes are not appearing in my recent changes for a connected item (that has what I think are relevant usages: O, S, T, X) nor is statement usage on my client page being updated with new snak value.

These are individual changes (no coalescing). changes to site links and terms (e.g. descriptions) do appear in recent changes. I have entity usage setup and have this issue with master.

I wonder if anyone else can reproduce this issue or maybe somehow something is wrong with my wiki setup.

Event Timeline

aude raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
aude updated the task description. (Show Details)
aude subscribed.
aude added a subscriber: daniel.

I suspect the reason is that the diff is empty, because the statement diff got suppressed. AffectedPagesFinder will then find nothing. I'll look into it.

Confirmed: the fact that changes that only affect statements have an empty diff causes AffectedPagesFinder::getAffectedUsagesByPage to return an empty array.

To resolve this correctly, we need to again include information about the statement change in the EntityChange object. We should use a simplified diff for that, I'll file a ticket.

As a quick fix, I will rig AffectedPagesFinger to assume "other" usages to be affected if the diff is empty. This is a hack though.

daniel renamed this task from Statement changes are not appearing in client wiki to [bug] Statement changes are not appearing in client wiki.Sep 23 2015, 12:05 PM

Filed T113468 for a better solution.

Change 240340 had a related patch set uploaded (by Daniel Kinzler):
No longer ignore changes to statements when processing changes on the client

daniel triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.
daniel moved this task from Backlog to Review on the Wikidata-Sprint-2015-09-15 board.
daniel moved this task from incoming to in progress on the Wikidata board.

Change 240340 merged by jenkins-bot:
No longer ignore changes to statements when processing changes on the client

Change 240356 had a related patch set uploaded (by JanZerebecki):
No longer ignore changes to statements when processing changes on the client

Change 240356 merged by Hoo man:
No longer ignore changes to statements when processing changes on the client

Change 240364 had a related patch set uploaded (by JanZerebecki):
Update Wikidata - No longer ignore changes to statements when processing changes on the client

Change 240364 abandoned by JanZerebecki:
Update Wikidata - No longer ignore changes to statements when processing changes on the client

*sigh* Sorry. Wrong branch. Habbit of typing yes.

Change 240365 had a related patch set uploaded (by JanZerebecki):
Update Wikidata - No longer ignore changes to statements when processing changes on the client

Change 240365 merged by jenkins-bot:
Update Wikidata - No longer ignore changes to statements when processing changes on the client

Fix was backported and deployed during SWAT. However, I'm unable to confirm the fix - it seems to be still broken on the live site.
When testing locally, the fix works as expected.

Change 240427 had a related patch set uploaded (by JanZerebecki):
Update Wikidata - No longer ignore changes to statements when processing changes on the client

Change 240427 merged by Chad:
Update Wikidata - No longer ignore changes to statements when processing changes on the client

Ugh. Found it. Patch upcoming.

We skip pages that are in a namespace for wiki wikibase is not "enabled". Though "enabled" just means for sitelinks, arbitrary access should work everywhere. When we decided that this should be the case, we forgot to remove the respective filter code from AffectedPagesFinder. And when testing the first patch, I didn't think to test main namespace and user namespace separately.

Change 240655 had a related patch set uploaded (by Daniel Kinzler):
Do not filter affected pages by namespace.

Change 240655 merged by jenkins-bot:
Do not filter affected pages by namespace.

Change 240680 had a related patch set uploaded (by Daniel Kinzler):
Do not filter affected pages by namespace.

Change 240680 merged by Thcipriani:
Do not filter affected pages by namespace.

Change 240711 had a related patch set uploaded (by JanZerebecki):
Update Wikidata - Do not filter affected pages by namespace.

Change 240711 merged by jenkins-bot:
Update Wikidata - Do not filter affected pages by namespace.

Change 240727 had a related patch set uploaded (by JanZerebecki):
Update Wikidata - Do not filter affected pages by namespace.

Change 240727 merged by Thcipriani:
Update Wikidata - Do not filter affected pages by namespace.