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Survey on 3rd party syndication / data reuse
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Partnership is preparing a survey to collect data to understand how the largest platforms syndicate/reuse Wikimedia contents and data. This is an expansion of the content syndication map I started in 2014 and is reusing materials from the 2012 open data consultation.

See also:

Event Timeline

DarTar claimed this task.
DarTar raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
DarTar updated the task description. (Show Details)
DarTar moved this task to In Progress on the Research board.
DarTar added a subscriber: SVentura.

@DarTar I looked at your survey, where can I find the results?

@DarTar @Aklapper Here's a first pass at a survey to be conducted by Partnerships with known Wikipedia content users. What other questions should be added to help us understand how they currently use our content and what type of value/functionality we should consider adding as we improve our projects? Trying to keep it under 12 questions. Thank you!!

Qgil subscribed.

We need to sync this task with T114017: Map current use of Wikimedia web APIs, which is being proposed as a Developer-Advocacy quarterly goal.

@DarTar just saw this, thank you for the input! Looks great!