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Study feedback from Andyrom75 for IT wikivoyage on how articles are classified by Wikistats
Closed, DeclinedPublic


"Tematica:Standard elettrici" article (row 18) is classified as "-" that means "page contains no internal link", but it's full of internal link. On the other hand, analyzing the CSV file, I've noticed that no article in NS:0 is marked with "-", and all articles in NS:100 (Portale) & NS:104 (Tematica) are marked with "-". Take into account that all these three NS are "countable" for the total amount of article (as set in server side). So all of them should follow the same split of NS:0.
"Utente:(WV-it) Airin/Immagini scaricate" is a page that has been deleted on 2007, why is stil listed there? It has any effect?
"Lot" (row 23889) is a redirect (to a non existing page) but it's marked as "S" instead of "R". Same thing with "Asia sud-orientale" (row 23720) that is a redirect to an existing page. Last registered redirect is Bariloche on 2014 (row 19731), after that I've noticed that all the redirects are registered as "S".
"Lot (disambigua)" (row 23890) is a disambiguation page, that in the WMF statistics is counted as a normal article but it's marked as "S" instead of "+". Could you confirm that all the "S" are counted as normal article? In the negative case, the classification must be changed.

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ezachte claimed this task.
ezachte raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
ezachte updated the task description. (Show Details)
ezachte subscribed.

Removing assignee @ezachte as that Phabricator account has been deactivated. (If there are questions, it seems that @erik_zachte could be contacted.)

Ottomata subscribed.

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