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Ensure ansible-deploy can cope with multi-instance restarts
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Before we can migrate to multi-instance Cassandra, ansible-deploy needs to be capable of dealing with such a configuration.

See: T95253: Finish conversion to multiple Cassandra instances per hardware node

Event Timeline

Eevans raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Eevans updated the task description. (Show Details)
Eevans added a project: RESTBase-Cassandra.
Eevans subscribed.
Eevans claimed this task.
Eevans triaged this task as High priority.
Eevans updated the task description. (Show Details)
Eevans set Security to None.
Eevans added a subscriber: fgiunchedi.
GWicke subscribed.

Re-opening, as the current implementation is affecting RESTBase deploys. Those are iterating through all instances where really only a single deploy is needed.

We'll need to find a way to apply a list of tasks to a list of dynamically constructed instances / hosts. One way would be the new block support in Ansible 2.0 (about to be released). Another solution that would work in 1.8 is creating a separate multi-instance role that loops over the main cassandra role, as discussed in this stackoverflow post.

Eevans renamed this task from ensure ansible-deploy can cope with multi-instance restarts to Ensure ansible-deploy can cope with multi-instance restarts.Apr 29 2016, 8:14 PM
Eevans added a project: Cassandra.

See T132958: MVP: Cassandra (multi-instance) management tools, which includes a utility, c-foreach-restart, that reads local configuration to iterate over each instance, drains, stops, restarts, and blocks until the CQL port is open.

It looks like @Eevans is happy with the new tool and not using ansible any more, so closing this one.