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Should be able to share a link, not just a photo or text
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I had a friend text me today with a picture showing our "share" screen, saying "This is cool, but what if I just want to share a link to the article from the app?" I fully support that question, links are useful for sharing things.

(sorry if this is the wrong project)

Event Timeline

MarkTraceur raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
MarkTraceur updated the task description. (Show Details)
MarkTraceur subscribed.
JMinor added a project: iOS-app-v5-beta.
JMinor set Security to None.

Additional requests for this came in via beta feedback channels. Suggest we add a "Share as URL" to the existing flow as a short-term improvement.

Now you can! In 5.0.0 on the app store, you can share links from the article share button.

JMinor claimed this task.