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Create new namespace "Reconstruction" on en.wiktionary
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Following this vote, please create a new namespace named "Reconstruction" on the English Wiktionary.

Namespace properties

"ID": {
    "id": ID,
    "case": "case-sensitive",
    "name": "Reconstruction",
    "subpages": true,
    "canonical": "Reconstruction",
    "content": false,
    "nonincludable": false

Talk namespace properties

"ID+1": {
    "id": ID+1,
    "case": "case-sensitive",
    "name": "Reconstruction talk",
    "subpages": true,
    "canonical": "Reconstruction talk",
    "content": false,
    "nonincludable": false

Event Timeline

Rua raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Rua updated the task description. (Show Details)
Rua subscribed.

Please note the namespace parameters given in the collapsed "technical details" section of the vote page linked to above.

I think it should be marked as a content namespace though, since it contains dictionary entries. It's not an "explanation" page like Appendix or Wiktionary namespace pages are.

Based on the documentation, "This attribute indicates that pages within this namespace should be treated as the main content of the wiki. Pages within namespaces with the content value set are counted for statistical purposes, among other things." So this would be a matter for further discussion whether reconstructions should be counted as equal to mainspace entries. As it was passed, however, the vote states that the "content" attribute should be false.

Dereckson updated the task description. (Show Details)
Dereckson subscribed.

Okay we can proceed with a regular namespace.

Meanwhile, you can ask the community more input about the content namespace idea. If a consensus is found, we'll then define it later as a content namespace.

Dereckson triaged this task as Medium priority.Nov 20 2015, 8:23 PM
Dereckson moved this task from Backlog to Working on on the Wikimedia-Site-requests board.

Change 254476 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dereckson):
Namespace configuration for en.wiktionary

Change 254476 merged by jenkins-bot:
Namespace configuration for en.wiktionary

There was an error, the talk namespace name has a misplaced comma.

Thanks to have noticed that, I'm preparing a fix.

Thank you. How long will it take to be applied?

It has been applied this morning SWAT.