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File mover in
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Ukrainian Wikipedia community has decided to ask you to create a local group file move. For local groups should create such rights:

  • movefile
  • suppressredirect

The local name for the group can be set in local MediaWiki or settings. The local name: Перейменовувачі файлів.

The right to include and exclude from the group with sysops.

Decision community

Event Timeline

Pidlisnuk raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Pidlisnuk updated the task description. (Show Details)
Pidlisnuk subscribed.
Pidlisnuk removed a subscriber: Matanya.
Pidlisnuk added a subscriber: Matanya.
Luke081515 triaged this task as Medium priority.Nov 25 2015, 6:33 PM
Luke081515 moved this task from Backlog to Working on on the Wikimedia-Site-requests board.

Change 255422 had a related patch set uploaded (by Luke081515):
Enable filemover group at ukwiki

@Pidlisnuk why on Earth would filemover need move-subpages while there are no subpages in the File namespace? On the other hand you do not give them suppressredirect so the whole file move 5th criterion is to be dumped since if a filemover cannot suppress redirect the Commons file will not appear. And suppressredirect was at least mentioned in the discussion linked (by me) what is not true concerning move-subpages.

sorry, forgot to say. add more right suppressredirect

the right to rename subpages discussed community (it was in the draft rules).

Ok, I have taken the request to rename the subpages

Change 255422 merged by jenkins-bot:
Enable filemover group at ukwiki

Luke081515 removed a project: Patch-For-Review.

Deployed via SWAT, works now.