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Connection to Wikimedia projects slow/timing out for some users
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Multiple users have reported (via Village Pump (technical) and OTRS 10001104) that a range of Wikimedia projects fail to load or load slowly in web browsers.

So far, I have identified users with the following:

  • Firefox 43.0.4 on Windows 10 (build 1511)
  • Latest Microsoft Edge (no specific build given)
  • Latest Google Chrome (no specific build given)
  • Firefox 43.0.4 (no OS given)
  • Latest Internet Explorer (no specific build given)

For two of the users who are receiving "ERR_CONNECTION_RESET" or timeouts I have got them to ping, and have found they are resolving the hostname and are able to ping the IP.

Event Timeline

TheresNoTime raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
TheresNoTime updated the task description. (Show Details)
TheresNoTime subscribed.

Is this only about or also other sites? On which continents are these users located?
Could affected users provide a traceroute?

Aklapper set Security to None.

(Not related to the MediaWiki software but to Wikimedia servers, hence adjusting the task project)

@Aklapper seems to be affecting a range of Wikimedia sites, though the majority mention enwp and commons. I'll ask users to do a traceroute

@Aklapper the OTRS reported issue is from a user in Singapore, just asking about the Village Pump reporters

In T124510 db808 has backed out of wmf11 per these several incidents.

Can anyone still reproduce this (as T124406 is fixed)?
@Samtar: Do you know?

Andrew claimed this task.
Andrew subscribed.

Presumed fixed. @Samtar, please re-open if it's still happening.