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Include support for number in MediaWiki API to address section id that changes from subsections
Open, LowPublic


Apologies, initial submission mixed up 'level' and 'number', my mistake!


The section index used for an edit action in the Mediawiki API has a flaw, a given section's index will change if a prior section, that was already established, gets a new subsection.

An improvement would be to make available the 'number' value for an edit as well. It will still change if a new section at the same level is added prior to this section, but will not be impacted by new subsections in prior section.

This would also allow an edit request to address a single specific section instead having to account for any possible subsections in an edit.


Section 1

sub 1

Section 2

Section 2 section index is 3. Adding a sub 2 in Section 1 causes Section 2's index to increase to 4. Being able to use number values instead would help, Section 2's number remains 2.0.

I think it would be best that an edit request for level includes no subsections, so edit level 1.0 only gets the content of Section 1, stopping at sub 1 header.

Event Timeline

Anomie changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Feb 21 2016, 5:45 PM
Anomie subscribed.

Blocked on this sort of thing being supported in MediaWiki's core section-handling code.

Anomie moved this task from Unsorted to Blocked on the MediaWiki-Action-API board.
kai.ekael renamed this task from Include support for level in Mediwiki API to address section id that changes from subsections to Include support for number in Mediwiki API to address section id that changes from subsections.Feb 22 2016, 1:25 PM
kai.ekael changed the task status from Stalled to Open.
kai.ekael updated the task description. (Show Details)
Aklapper renamed this task from Include support for number in Mediwiki API to address section id that changes from subsections to Include support for number in MediaWiki API to address section id that changes from subsections.Feb 22 2016, 2:52 PM
Aklapper changed the task status from Open to Stalled.
Aklapper changed the task status from Stalled to Open.Nov 1 2020, 10:27 PM

If this is blocked on MediaWiki's core section-handling code then someone who understands the code base should please create a subtask which describes whatever is needed in MediaWiki's core section-handling code first. After depending on that subtask, this task could go back to stalled status.