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Wikilabels deploy script is broken
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It looks like wikilabels-test requires a password for sudo-ing. This is new. I'm not sure what is up. This has happened in the past and @yuvipanda or @madhuvishy had taken care of it.

$ fab stage
[wikilabels-test.eqiad.wmflabs] Executing task 'stage'
[wikilabels-test.eqiad.wmflabs] sudo: git fetch origin
[wikilabels-test.eqiad.wmflabs] out: 
[wikilabels-test.eqiad.wmflabs] out: We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
[wikilabels-test.eqiad.wmflabs] out: Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:
[wikilabels-test.eqiad.wmflabs] out: 
[wikilabels-test.eqiad.wmflabs] out:     #1) Respect the privacy of others.
[wikilabels-test.eqiad.wmflabs] out:     #2) Think before you type.
[wikilabels-test.eqiad.wmflabs] out:     #3) With great power comes great responsibility.
[wikilabels-test.eqiad.wmflabs] out: 
[wikilabels-test.eqiad.wmflabs] out: sudo password: 

Event Timeline

I sat down with @madhuvishy. We figured out that the "Sudo Policies" for our instances had been changed such that one could no longer sudo -u www-data or anyone who wasn't listed as a project member. We changed the policy back to "all" and it worked! This seems to have happened to all projects I manage so I fixed them all while I was at it.