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hat-web-tools import for stewardbots
Closed, ResolvedPublic


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<li><a href="/stewardbots/hat-web-tool/projects.php">Projects</a>: Overview of&nbsp;number of admins/crats/CU/OS on Wikimedia projects.</li>

There's no hat-web-tool folder. Either it should be imported or added.

Revisions and Commits

Event Timeline

Ok. I somewhat figured out what's happening. The hat-web-tool contained this tools from @Rschen7754, but since the is at Error 503 and those ain't part of our repo I don't know how to proceed here. Ping @Matanya.

I believe everything was copied over to the stewardbots project before I stepped down, though unfortunately I don't remember the details and I suppose it could have gotten broken in the labs chaos.

It seems that in the meantime erwin's tools were revived (, but I can grant access to the repo if you want.

If you agree, I can copy the files to stewardbots again. I think we have them in a folder with the old toolserver stuff, but not being able to know what exactly is hosted in labs, makes a bit difficult the maintenance...

@MarcoAurelio I've given you access to hat-collector on toollabs so you can copy it over.

Thank you @Rschen7754. I have added the stuff it was onto the stewardbots project already (I managed to download the files and add them to stewardbots again) in Now I need the tool to be working again ;-) @Glaisher What did I broke now? :)

Change 275861 had a related patch set uploaded (by MarcoAurelio):
HTML fixes for hat-web-tool tools on stewardbots

Change 275861 abandoned by MarcoAurelio:
HTML fixes for hat-web-tool tools on stewardbots

MarcoAurelio claimed this task.
MarcoAurelio moved this task from General to StewardBot on the stewardbots board.
MarcoAurelio removed a project: Patch-For-Review.