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[5.0.0(575)] Spotlight search for offline mode uses cached search results
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Repro steps

  1. Clear all History/Saved
  2. Turn Airplane mode ON
  3. Using spotlight search for the article that is not listed in Saved/History, but you searched for it recently.
  4. The article is found and displayed in search results.
  5. Click on the article to view it

Expected results

According to T127612: As a user I want to be able to search the wikipedia iOS app from spotlight, articles that are not in Saved/History should not be displayed in spotlight search results.

Actual results

Clicking on the article link in the spotlight search results will display the page with "There is not Internet connection" warning - which is correct.

  1. the page can be saved - there is an active Save icon. The saved article will be displayed as a stub in History/Saved pages
  2. When Airplane mode is OFF, the Explore page will take into account those articles that were "viewed" during offline mode and display suggestions based on it.

Note: there was non-reproducible crash when after turning Airplane mode ON, I tired to view the article stored in History.

IMG_0134.PNG (1×640 px, 25 KB)

Event Timeline

JMinor triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 7 2016, 8:18 PM

Verified that we cannot remove activities. But they do have an expiration date of 1 month. I will shorten that to 1 week to at least make the privacy hole a little smaller

Tested on iOS 9 iPhone where spotlight search during Airplane mode is fixed. However on first-gen iOS mobile devices (such as iPad 3 and iPhone 4S) spotlight search does not seem to work during Airplane mode.

@JMinor Timeline has been shortened to 1 week. This will be untestable by TSG though

Okay, thats the best we can do for now.