Please Set 'Wiktionary' namespace alias as विक्सनरी in ne.wiktionary.
Community Discussion: in here
Event Timeline
Change 278032 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dereckson):
Set विक्सनरी as alias for NS_PROJECT on ne.wiktionary
Change 278032 merged by jenkins-bot:
Set विक्सनरी as alias for NS_PROJECT on ne.wiktionary
Change 278198 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dereckson):
Set विक्सनरी as alias for NS_PROJECT on ne.wiktionar
Change 278198 merged by jenkins-bot:
Set विक्सनरी as alias for NS_PROJECT on ne.wiktionary
after the deployment, the namespace is changed to Roman (Wiktionary) but it should be in Devanagari (विक्सनरी). Please take a look to resolve it.
The change only added an alias, as noted in the task description, so I guess the situation is more like this:
Namespace canonical name | Namespace alias | |
Configuration at task opening | Wiktionary | |
Configuration at task resolve | Wiktionary | विक्सनरी |
Configuration suggested by biplabanand | विक्सनरी | Wiktionary |
Should we proceed, ie change the canonical namespace to be in Devanagari, and the Latin version in alias?
Change 279254 had a related patch set (by Dereckson) published:
Namespace configuration for ne.wiktionary