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Wiki video
Closed, DeclinedPublic


A part of wikipedia where users can search for videos on a particular topic of interest

Event Timeline

Aklapper changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Mar 19 2016, 3:59 PM

Joshua_Kperator: Can you please elaborate why you think this is not existing yet, or which existing search functionality on Wikimedia servers you have tried and what makes you think that improvements are needed?

Please see for general information - while it's possible to work on improving proposals, it would be welcome if they had more than one or two lines but already some explanation and initial research that explains what made you get the idea and what research you have done before.

01tonythomas subscribed.

Thank you for your proposal, but sadly it didn't make it to the selects this time. You are welcome to apply for Outreachy round'13, or GSoC round 14 with the same proposal ( if it still have consensus ) or a new one if eligible.

Please notify your siblings below 18 years of age about the Google Code In 2016 ( ) round and add yourself as a mentor for the same, if eligible. Closing the proposal as Declined, see you around in #wikimedia-dev.

We removed all project tags in the last bulk-edit for this one, and adding them back to keep track of this declined proposal.